
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

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71 Chs

Chapter 57: Graduation

Weeks had gone by, and during that time, Sasuke began staying with Naruto and his family, in the spare bedroom down the hall from Naruto's room. Though Soren had saved Sasuke's mom, he didn't want to release her or the others just yet, until Danzo was exposed, but he needed a few more years until that happens, so Mikoto had to wait just a bit longer to reunite with her son. After returning to the academy, just a few days after the massacre, Soren put more attention into helping Sasuke further himself in using the newly awaken Sharingan, and currently he had 3 tomoes rotating inside each eye, but his Chakra would drain quickly, making Sasuke focus on increasing his Chakra reserves.

[Alright, class… Today we will be working on accuracy, as well as technique… You all will be given a set of kunai and shurikens, and each of you will get your chance to get perfect marks on the target dummies lined up out in the field… And for further assistance, I have gotten a second teacher to help in tips and tricks to make your accuracy better… Please greet your second Sensei, Iruka Umino… He is a highly skilled Chunin, and will help answer any of the questions you have for him]: soren

Soren brought in Iruka as he began introducing himself to the class, while Soren pondered about how hard it was to get Minato to place him as the secondary teacher for his class, and it cost him some down time, as Minato's buyout was for Soren to take on an S rank mission that would have thane a few weeks for completion, but when Soren returned just 3 days later, Minato knew that Soren was no pushover, and quickly assigned Iruka as the secondary instructor.

'Such a pain… I had to take out a missing nin from Konoha… I still remember how he begged for his life, and tried to reason that we were family because we are from the same village, but in the end, they all bleed the same, and everyone wants to live to save their own ass… I just hope that I can teach both Naruto and Sasuke this before I leave them with Kakashi': soren

Soren had already decided that he would be leaving this world after graduation, as he would have finished preparations for Nikita, and have her help in taking out the system user, while Black Zetsu will be left for Naruto and Sasuke. After Iruka finished his introduction and also got to know the names of the students, Soren brought everyone out to the training field behind the academy, while Iruka held a crate full of kunai and shurikens that happened to be dulled just enough to still pierce their targets is thrown properly, but not sharp enough to cut the students if misheld, while both Soren and Iruka both had normal kunai and shurikens kept in their pouches.

[Now watch carefully, as Iruka demonstrates how to properly throw a kunai and a shuriken… Remember, these weapons are dulled down so you don't harm yourselves, but that doesn't mean they are toys that won't hurt you if held incorrectly, or if thrown around like toys… This isn't the ninja game you all play after school, this is the real life academy that will turn you into actual ninjas]: soren

When Iruka heard Soren's small lecturing speech, he felt respect towards Soren, as this indeed was no game, and these kids should take this seriously.

[Alright!... You all heard Soren Sensei… Please watch carefully as I wrap my hand around the shurikens so I don't cut myself on their sharp edges… As for the kunai, you just need to hold it like this…]: iruka

Soren then watched from afar, as Iruka began showing the students how to properly hold both a kunai and a shuriken, before he made them place their attention on a target just 15 meters away, before he threw his own set of shuriken and a kunai towards the target, and a "thunk" sound was heard as the metal projectiles made contact with the solid oak post.

'I'm gonna take Sasuke and Naruto under my care, and teach them with a bit more enthusiasm… Iruka can handle the rest of the kids with the kitty gloves… Hmm… Should I take Sakura as well?... I would rather her be more up to par with Naruto and Sasuke, rather than have her hold the both of them back and get them killed, or get herself killed early on': soren

[Iruka… I would like to take Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura away from the others for this class… Please teach the others with utmost care]: soren

[Huh?... But why those 3?... I know Naruto is the son of the Hokage, and Sasuke is the last surviving member of the Uchiha, but Sakura is just a civilian… Is there a reason for taking her as well?]: iruka

Iruka seemed fine with Soren taking some students off to train personally, as Soren was a Jonin, someone who would usually take on a 3 man cell team upon graduation, but instead he came to teach them early on, so him pulling at least 3 students off to the side wouldn't be unusual, rather Iruka was confused of the lineup.

[I mainly want Naruto and Sasuke, but I feel that there is hidden potential within Sakura, so I wish to take her and try to unlock it]: soren

[I see… Then carry on… I'll meet up with you after class, and we can go out to get a few drinks, my treat… How's that sound?]: iruka

[I can't wait… Hehe]: soren

Soren noticed that Iruka took a liking to him, but it didn't seem to be in a gay way, rather in a respectful way, but he didn't know why Iruka looked up to him so much, but then it hit him. The night of the Kyuubi attack, there were very few casualties, meaning Iruka's parents survived, and the entire village had known that Soren played a major role in the resealing of the Kyuubi, but they just didn't know how major his role was, and this was one of the main reasons Danzo wanted Soren gone, as a man with enough power to subdue the Kyuubi, even with help, that was still a man who could ruin grand plans. Soren brought Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura off to the side as he began asking simple questions focused mainly towards Naruto and Sasuke, but since Sakura was included in the group, her opinion mattered as well, since turning back after agreeing was never an option.

[Do you guys want to get stronger?... I'll train you three personally, for the next 5 and a half years, and by the end of my training, you'll come out besting even Iruka, a seasoned Chunin]: soren

[Umm… I don't know about this… It sounds a little scary… Isn't that right, Sasuk-]: sakura

[I'm in!... I'll do whatever it takes if it will bring me one step closer to getting revenge for my clan… Are you with me Naruto?]: sasuke

[Hell yeah, Believe it!... I'll train until my pants fall off… Show me what you got Uncle Soren… I'll definitely become Hokage]: naruto

Soren smiled at the way Sasuke referred to Naruto by his name, rather than names such as "Dweeb" "Dork" "Idiot" or "Fool", making Soren realize that their friendship has gone up to a whole new level, while Sakura was just lost for words, as she felt defeated on the inside, as she spoke.

[I-If my Sasuke will do it… Then I will too!!!]: sakura

Soren watched as Sasuke heard this and scoffed before turning away to look back at Soren, waiting for further direction, leaving Soren inwardly laughing at the fact that he knew the future of what would come from these two, that is, if he didn't completely fuck up the timeline by saveing some of the Uchiha's.

[Great!... First, let's start you guys in what I like to call, Hell week… I'll give each of you a set of weighted bands that you will keep strapped onto your bodies at all times, except for when you sleep… This makes it so you are always in a constant state of training, be it eating, relaxing, or even using the bathroom, besides for sleeping, you will always have these weights on, and they will help make the most of your progress while you are training while wearing them]: soren

When Soren spoke, Sakura seemed to be distressed, as her face seemed to show a bit of fear, while both Sasuke and Naruto were down to try this training, but didn't know that the second they start, there is no going back.

[Believe it!... I'll become the strongest Hokage in history, and help Sasuke get his revenge!]: naruto

[Hehe… Hahaha!... Fine by me!... But don't say I didn't warn you… Now wear these]: soren

Soren then pulled out 3 sets of weighted ankle bands, as well as 3 sets of weighted wristbands that weighed around 2.2 kgs each, making the 3 of them have a total of just over 9 kgs or 20 pounds in weight added to their bodies. While this doesn't seem like much, one must remember that these are kids who are just barely 7 years old, and on average, these kids weigh around 23.5 kgs, or 51 pounds, meaning they are now wearing almost half of their own weight.

[S-Sensei… These are heavy!!]: sakura

[Don't worry, you'll get used to this in the future… And to make it fair, I'll also wear weights]: soren

Soren then pulled out another set of weights, before strapping them onto his arms and legs, before he spoke a simple sentence.

[There!... Now, let's get started with a simple jog… You may not be able to move like normal at first, but after a week or so, you'll be just as fast as you are normally, before these weights were added]: soren

The three of them looked at Soren as if he were a beast, and when they saw his small weights, they felt cheated, as Soren then began leading the group into a jog, but what they didn't know, was that ever since Soren came back to this timeline, he had been focusing on solving a problem he noticed upon entering his home for the first time since coming back, and that was just how vast his strength was. Soren always had to watch how much strength he put into doing things, as a casual wave of his hand could blow up a continent, for maybe even the world, so to counteract this, Soren used his creation law, along with the gravity magic he picked up from the DxD world, and he made simple metal wrist bands that he kept under his clothing at all times, but even that was too little, as he was still too destructive, so he needed to make more weights, and in the end, Soren had a silver ring wrapped around the base of his neck, as well as a few silver rings around his wrists, and one wrapped around each of his biceps, and some rings around his ankles. Each of these rings were made to only affect the user, as Soren placed a curse of gravity magic on them, and each of these rings were made to place the weight of the sun onto the user, and Soren was the only person that wouldn't die from this, at least in this world.

'Hmm… I'm surprised that even with these special weights I just made to wear just for this training, I still feel unaffected by the weight': soren

Soren was currently holding the weight of 11 suns on his body, and this was just enough to bring his strength and speed down to that of Kaguya, but no matter what, he seemed to be getting stronger and stronger by the day. Soren then spent the next 2 months using Iruka to teach the students about Shinobi History, before he would take Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura out to the training fields, while Iruka spent time training the others, but he would alway lose sight of a single student, as this student seemed to be irritated at the fact that a specific someone was able to train along with Sasuke, and this student was none other than Ino Yamanaka, as she tried to take every second to sneak off, and try to train along with Sasuke as well, but she would always be dragged back by her classmates, Shikamaru, and Choji.

[Alright, ya brats!... You have worked hard every day for the past 2 months, and were finally able to move on to the next stage in training]: soren

When the 3 of them heard this, bright smiles were seen across their faces, as they wanted to finally take off these stupid weights, and right before anyone else could ask, Naruto was the first to inquire about the second stage.

[Uhh, Sensei… What is the second stage?]: naruto

Soren smiled at Naruto's words, making the 3 of them feel dread, as if a question that should have never been asked was brought up.

[I'm glad you asked, Naruto!... The next stage is… More weights!!!!]: soren

When those last words left Soren's mouth, the three academy students fell to the ground as foam began coming from their mouths, making Soren let out a hardy chuckle, before picking the 3 of them up, and taking them over to a shaded tree where they could recover. Upon waking up, the 3 took off their old weights, as Soren took them and added heavier weights, and handed them back to the group, before speaking.

[Before you hate me, and say that I'm a demon who wants to see nothing but suffering, I want you guys to see what progress does when you put in effort… Now, I want the three of you to run down to that tree, and run right back, now that your weights are off… As you may remember, at the very beginning, I made you run the same distance, and timed you… Now I want you to run, and I'll tell you just how fast you got since then]: soren

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura lined up, and the second Soren said go, the three of them dashed as fast as they could down to the tree, and back, and once everyone got back, Soren read out the times, both prior to the weights, and after the weights.

[Sasuke… Your first time was 15 seconds… you were already fast before, but now you are even faster at 12 seconds, and you will only get faster the further you train… Naruto… You're a bit slow, as your first time was 17 seconds, but your new time is much better at 13 seconds… As for you Sakura, you still need to improve, but I can see that you are striving to get stronger… Your first time was 28 seconds, but now you come in at 18 seconds… So far, Sakura has made the most improvement time wise from her original time, but I feel it was also due to her weakness slowly being chipped away from the person she was in the beginning… Now… Sorry to break your celebration short, but it's time for the weight increase… You all will now be wearing a total of double the previous weight, at 4.5 kgs per piece, for a total of 18.1 kgs]: soren

When the three of them heard how much their weight would be increased by, it scared them slightly, but remembering how beneficial it will turn out to be in the long run was worth every second of the pain they would endure. The three of them then put on the new weights and felt as their bodies began trying to adapt to the sudden change in weight, as they began jogging the course on the training field, and like this, days turned to weeks, as weeks turned to months, and months turned to years, as every day, Soren would take his prized students, and train them in combat, as well as Chakra control, and the 3 graduation jutsus, while Naruto found a way to increase his training, as he made 2 shadow clones to practice Chakra control while he did weighted training, and soon, 5 years passed, and tomorrow was the graduation test.

[First up, Sasuke Uchiha… Sakura Haruno… Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki...]: iruka

Iruka went down the list of names, as he announced who passed and who didn't, and just like Soren expected, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura all passed the test and became sudo Genin, while tomorrow they will be assigned to their Jonin instructor, which Soren made sure Kakashi knew about the three students he trained just for this purpose, thus creating the strongest 3 man cell if they pass Kakashi's test.

Would you guys be willing to help with moving costs for when I move into my new place... I don't need it, just asking, as it would help... If so, just tell me to create a Pat*reon, and I'll make one for this book, and if it does well, I'll try putting more time into pumping out chapters. Thanks for reading!

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