
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Komik
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71 Chs

Chapter 55: Teacher Soren

After waiting around in the office for some time to catch up, Soren left with Minato as they went back to Minato's house for dinner, and upon entering the door, Minato was immediately attacked by a small boy with spiky blonde hair, and 3 whisker marks across his cheeks, while he wore a plain white t-shirt with the red Uzumaki symbol printed on the front and back, while he wore plain black shorts that seemed to be made for combat, as they had many pockets sewn into them, while he was currently bare footed due to being inside when they entered the door, and Soren could immediately tell that it was Naruto who had sprung the attack, and due to him having a proper diet, his growth was never stunted, and he was quite tall for his age standing just at 124cm.

[Dad!... You're back!... Can we play Ninja now!?]: naruto

[Haha!... Naruto! Please, get off me so I can properly get in the door… Also, say hello to your godfather, Soren]: minato

When Minato spoke, Naruto quickly noticed Soren, and then a look of confusion appeared on his face as he spoke.

[So he's like Uncle Jiraiya?]: naruto

Before Minato could answer, Soren spoke up.

[Hehe… Yes, just like Jiraiya… You can also refer to me as your Uncle as well, since I only take over as your godfather if something happened to both your parents, and with me here, nothing will ever happen to them… So… Where's Kushina?]: soren

Naruto smiled at Soren's words, and quickly spoke up in a happy attitude.

[Mom's in the kitchen cooking dinner… I'll go tell her you guys are back… Mom!... Dad and Uncle Soren are back!]: naruto

Soren then watched as Naruto ran off shouting for Kushina, and when Soren's name was mentioned, the sound of a pot was heard, before Kushina came out to greet Soren after such a long time.

[Hello, hunny!... Hello, Soren… It's been quite some time since you last visited… Where did you go for 6 years?]: kushina

[Nowhere special… Just went around exploring the world while taking in the sights… I would love to stay for dinner, but I need to get back to my house, as it's been quite some time since it last got cleaned… I'll see you guys later, and for you, Naruto, I'll see you in school next week… Don't be late for your first day, or I'll punish you, hehe]: soren

When Naruto heard this, he got excited, as Soren seemed strong, and if even his dad acknowledged him, then he was someone amazing, but Naruto was drastically underestimating just how amazing his future teacher was.

[Woah!... So you'll be my sensei for the academy!?... Right!... Then I'll show you that I'm the best Ninja that ever lived! And then I'll become the Hokage and beat my stupid dad in a fight to take over! Hehehe]: naruto

Everyone looked towards Naruto with a funny look as he seemed to drift off into fantasy land as he envisioned himself as the Hokage sitting on a throne with his father acting as a foot rest for him while he wore the Hokage uniform.

[Ehehehe… Hokage…]: naruto

[Well… I guess I'll see you all at the opening ceremony next week, and until then, I'll be training on my own]: soren

Soren then left the Namikaze household after saying goodbye to everyone, and then he went back to his home after taking out the hidden anbu who were tailing him on order by Danzo, as the info Soren got from one of these ninja, was that Danzo heard of his reappearance, and knew that it would be bad for his plans to take over the Hokage position if Soren was left alive, but seeing as it wasn't time to kill off Danzo, Soren just went about his business, as in a years time, the Uchiha Massacre should go down, amd Soren has a plan to save a few kind hearted individuals from death.

'Who exactly will I save though… Itachi will leave, as he will be branded a criminal, but if I save Sasuke's parents, Itachi might try to go after Danzo in retaliation towards his threat… I guess I'll decide with time, but for now, it's time to give Nikita access to more Chakra': soren

Soren went back to his house and upon opening the door, he noticed that everything was spotless, but there was a single trail of flower petals trailing down the hall and towards his bedroom where the door seemed to be cracked, and the only source of light coming from the room seemed to be candle light, while the smell of perfume was quite distinct in the air.

'Good lord… What is this woman up too… Though I don't dislike this, but how long has she been waiting… Well I best not keep her waiting': soren

Soren followed the trail of flower petals all the way back into his room where he opened the door to see a completely naked Nikita laying in a sultry position on his bed being surrounded by flower petals, and when Soren saw this, he couldn't help but ask her one question.

[Just where did you get the flowers from?]: soren

[While I was waiting for you, I finished cleaning the house, then I thought that it would be nice to surprise you with dinner, but I burned the food, so I went out in search for some help, and when I came across a flower shop run by a lady with the surname Yamanaka, she began telling me about dirty stuff involving flowers, and I got this idea, so here I am… Now tell me, do you want a bath first, or maybe dinner, even though there isn't any, or maybe you… Want…. Me~]: nikita

When Soren heard the ever infamous line that all Hentai protagonists have heard multiple times in their lives, he almost burst at the nose with blood wanting to be released, but he held himself back as he pinched his nose and held his head up, making all the blood flow back down.

[You know… I really want to, but I need you to do something for me, and I also don't want you talking with the Yamanaka's ever again… The lady of the shop seems to be a freak… Anyhow, some over here]: soren

When Nikita heard this, she thought that it might be the starting point of some kinky foreplay, and quickly sauntered over to his side still completely naked as she spoke in a seductive tone.

[What is it, Master!~... Do you wish for me to take care of you with my mouth?~]: nikita

Soren once again almost snapped as a tent began to be pitched in his pants, but his next words snapped both of them back to the current situation.

[No, not right now… Now tell me… You said you wished to learn how to use Chakra, right?]: soren

When Soren spoke, Nikita seemed to get serious, as one of her dreams was to understand how to use Chakra like the ancients recorded in the legends, and quickly spoke in her normal tone.

[Yes!... So are you going to tell me how, or introduce me to someone who will teach me?]: nikita

[Well, it's not as mystical as you think… You see… You have Chakra inside you, and in fact, it was quite a bit compared to other people when I first met you, but still you were one of hundreds or even thousands… Though you hold a lot of Chakra, it still doesn't compare to the Genin of this time, and they are the lowest of the low… So I will give you something that will increase your reserves, and then I'll teach you how to control the Chakra to eventually use it in battle]: soren

When Nikita heard that she was about to learn how to use Chakra, her previous plans of having sex with Soren were put on hold. Soren then bought a single pill from the system shop that was designed to increase the capacity of one's Chakra, by upgrading their bloodline, meaning that Nikita will undergo a change in not only her Chakra reserves, but physically as well, since her Uzumaki blood will start to show more, and her vitality will shoot through the roof.

[Here… Eat this pill, and after the effects are completely used up, I'll start showing you how to control your Chakra]: soren

Soren then watched as Nikita swallowed the pill, as she then began glowing with a reddish aura, while her skin was soon covered in a thin layer of dried blood. Soren would have been worried for Nikita if not for having Ava explain how the pill works beforehand, and while Nikita would be unconscious and undergoing the transformation, Soren decided that he would learn how to make his profound energy act like Chakra, so teaching would be easier. The next morning, Soren woke up to see Nikita completely awake and checking out her entire body while still in the nude, and so was Soren. Although Nikita's bloodline was raised to around 50% Uzumaki, a hidden bloodline that was so miniscule, was also raised, bringing out the Uchiha bloodline that was hidden within Nikita, and that occupied around 45%, leaving 5% of some random clan's blood.

'Holy shit!... Nikita can be considered the luckiest being to ever exist here, as the very second she unlocks the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, it will become a Rinegan': soren

Soren knew that having Uchiha bloodline made it possible to unlock the Sharingan, and the lower the bloodline, the lower the possibility the person has to be able to use the sharingan, while people with 100% of the bloodline just need time and it will awaken, but not everyone has a 100% pure bloodline, and only the very first Uchiha had a 100% bloodline.

[So… Are you ready to start training?]: soren

When Nikita heard Soren's voice, she snapped out of her thoughts as she turned to greet him as she spoke in a sultry tone.

[Well I don't think it would be right to leave you unattended to after such a gift… Ufufu~]: nikita

Nikita then sauntered over while still naked, and Soren accepted this with open arms, as the two of them spent the next 3 hours of the morning making the neighbors submit noise complaints to the Hokage's office. After their rough love making session, Soren had Nikita sit cross legged on the floor, now fully clothed, as he imparted the simple knowledge of sensing your Chakra, and as if it was meant for her, Nikita was able to make her Chakra flow through her body, and when Soren saw this, he felt it was due to her bloodlines, so he moved on to teaching her control, as he brought a hand full of leaves from the tree outback, and spoke.

[First, you must get your Chakra under control, as if you don't have Chakra control, then you could use too much chakra in an attack, or even too little, while the worst case is that you blow yourself up, so control is the main focus at all times since you have Taijutsu down to a sufficient level… Now first, you must take one leaf, and stick it to your forehead, and after you can stick it there for a few hours, then you will make that leaf rotate with your Chakra… After you master the first step, then you will stick more and more leaves to your body and make them rotate at different speeds and different directions… After you master that, I'll teach you the second form of control, and if you master that, I'll teach you a jutsu]: soren

When Soren spoke about teacher her a jutsu while forming a small fire dragon that flew around the palm of his hand, Nikita got excited and began trying to stick a leaf to her forehead, but each time she tried, it fell off, making her try focusing her Chakra to her forehead, only for the leaf to rip apart and fall to the floor.

[RRRGGHHH!... This is so hard!!]: nikita

Soren watched in amusement as Nikita struggled to stick the leaf to her forehead, and then he watched how quickly the pile of leaves disappeared due to Nikita destroying them with her Chakra, and then he looked to the tree in the backyard as he spoke.

[*Sigh*... This might be the year you go bald, old fella]: soren

As Soren watched Nikita get up and stomp outside and grab a handful of leaves that left a noticeable mark in the tree's lushish leaves, he decided to go out and prepare some intro lessons for his upcoming classes with the academy students. Soon, a week flew by and Nikita had finally started adding new leaves to her body, and was on her 3rd leaf, but the thing that bugged her was making the leaves spin in different directions along with spinning at different speeds, while Soren informed her to the fact that he would be out all day today as he needed to go teach at the school.

[Today is the opening ceremony to all the new students… I can't miss this]: soren

Soren disappeared from his house as he wore his Jonin outfit, and soon he appeared outside the academy along with 30-40 parents and their kids, while the teachers stood off to the side. Soren noticed that not too far away were a select group of children who seemed to emanate an air of royalty, and all the faces were familiar, as these were the clan heirs, and among them was Naruto, while he seemed to make great friends with them due to him not being looked at as the demon fox who killed his parents and a lot of villagers, but some people still hold those grudges, and due to Naruto's father being the Hokage, they wouldn't dream of harming a hair on his head. Soren then noticed that the former Hokage, Lord 3rd was here to do the introduction speech, as well as give out the class listings to both the teachers and the students, so each student knows what class they are assigned to, and the teachers know the names of all their students. After everything was over and the parents were asked to go home, all the students began heading towards their classrooms, and were soon followed by the teachers. Soren got to the door of his classroom, and quickly noticed that something was off putting by the door, and upon seeing it cracked open a bit, he looked up to see an eraser being hugged between the door and the wall, waiting to drop when it opened.

'Hmm… Naruto?... Does he really think I wouldn't notice this?... How about I let it hit me and punish the brat inside… Hehe': soren

Soren then moved to open the door, and as he began to enter, the eraser began to fall in slow motion for him, as he entered and began waving his hand with a simple gesture, as he spoke.

[Yo!... My name is- *Bonk*...]: soren

Everyone was silent as they just watched Soren get hit in the head by the eraser, and while the class was silent, thinking that there was no way Soren could be a Jonin, Naruto was the first to break the silence, as he began shouting across the room.

[HAHAHAHA!!... I got you Uncle Soren… You totally fell for it!... Hahaha!]: naruto

Soren stayed silent, as he looked down at the eraser, and then back to Naruto who was about to fall back in his chair, and seeing it as the perfect opportunity, Soren picked up the eraser and chucked it at Naruto at a speed barely visible, as he spoke.

[It's, Soren Sensei, to you… Ya brat!!!]: soren