
life of a extra villain

when an 20 yrs old Kevin Bartholomew flash a rising light novel editor dies in a freak accident gets transmigrated as a extra villain in a novel which was dubbed as the worst novel in 2023 by the fans. follow the wonderful journey of Kevin flash in a beautiful but deadly world called eden ____________________________________________ this is my first novel so pls ignore any mistakes

Jackson_frost · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

chapter 3

I has been 10 yrs since my mom died I later found out that she had cancer. i regretted everything I had said that day. but i have moved on and wanted to fulfil my mom's wish

is to be successful in life so i studied hard , won scholarships even though i didn't have friends at school i didn't mind it . the orphanage is the only family i had in these 10 years.

I did have a friend called Dylan stilinski in my college , we bonded because of our weird names, He was quirky and girls think of him as cute but because of his anti social skills and typical otaku accent he was not so popular.

I mean he was the one who introduce me to animi ,manga, webnovels, fanfiction. I then thought of an idea to become an webnovel editor and translator as i learnt Chinese and korean and i am trying to learn arabic and now Japanese because i want to understand animi without sub. i learnt these languages because i wanted to travel after around the world i become old .

and after 3 yrs of making a website, translating cringe Chinese young master novels , Korean manhwa , editing more than 1000 books i made around 1 million .

but after graduating at the age of 20 I got a job at epic games as game developer, I sold

my website for 1.5 million to webnovel.




I mean i just got ready for my first day at work so i left my house to buy some donuts for my seniors , but as i was coming out the bakery i saw a woman picking up the vegetables she dropped on the road , " I think her bag tore , well i don't care , i should book a cab now .

then i saw a truck coming her way and from the look of it and constant horns I think the breaks are jammed. then i think the driver took a hard turn thinking it will cause the minimal damage , well he is right about that but seeing the flying truck trajectory it will

99.99% crush the women who is frozen.

Looking at her for a split second i saw my mom in her place so i don't know what happened but my legs moved on its own and pushed the lady of the path, but well you have gessed it i was crushed like a bug and i was the only casualty that happened on 15 January 2023






anddddd hear i am it has been 156 sec since i have woken up in this strange room , but i am still on the bed lying looking at the ceiling , waiting ..

then i started to look around " didn't think heven would look like this it look like a teenager room with all kinds of posters of some fantasy hero's and all that .

as i tried to move my body out of my bed but i kind feel uncomfortable like my body is not my body but is my body.

chuckling i went to the bathroom and looked at the big mirror but what greeted me was




my usual 100/10 sexy, hot, superstar, face but thats not the thing that surprised me , what surprised me was my body which before was not fat but not fit either.

but now it's fu$king ripped " look at my body its so gooood " I said touching myself like an idiot, i also have noticed my height which was before 6feet (5'11) but now I may be 6'2 or 6'3

but then i heard a voice in my head

[ system has noticed an anomaly in hosts brain ]...

[ scanning! scanning!... error!!!! error!!ERROR!!!!!]

[ stabiz$#$ng sys#÷m off%ine !!!!!!!!]




before i can think of anything i got a headache

which cannot even be qualified as a headacheas

It's like someone hit my head with a baseball bat 55 TIMES .


like that i lived or relived the entire life of a 18 year old fellow called Kevin Bartholomew flash who i later found out was a extra villain character in the abomination of a novel called hero's uprising.....


pls comment so that i can interact with you and share your ideas and point out my mistakes.




BYE ^_^
