

<p>How is it possible to hate someone you've always loved.to be more precised, how can I hate the guy that I have dated for four years? to think that he even had the guts to break up with me and not on any normal day but ON OUR FOURTH ANNIVERSARY AS A COUPLE!!!!<br/> ARGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! <br/>I hissed in frustration and annoyance as I hid my face with my pillow. today is not going to go as per my wish as unwanted attention from different directions is going to drown me. INTERNET TATTLERS ARE THE WORST!!! like seriously those guys really have nothing to do but to tattle tale around the internet. Being popular can sometimes get annoying especially at this moment. <br/><br/>I am all over the internet. Crestwood's server is filled with the juciest and spiciest gossip of the year <br/>HEADLINES: CRESTWOOD'S COOLEST GUY, COLBY MAXWELL DISPERSES HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH CRESTWOOD'S BAD ASS, ASHLEY NORWOOD<br/>and here goes the internet tattlers:<br/>**@FAIRGUY 7:OMG!They finally broke up. I've waited for this a very long time though it seems too good to be true<br/>@#PREETYLASS#:Noooo! why did they break up.they were the perfect match <br/>@#COCO_LEE#:at least this gives us a chance to date Colby. prepare ur yourselves ladies, I will soon become your future queen bee. <br/>@DOLBY:I would have gone for Ashley but I don't think I am going to survive it.<br/><br/>At least the Dolby guy knows he wouldn't survive it. I was tired of going through the internet seeing nothing but gossips. the thought of smashing my phone passed through my mind but I was reasonable to know that smashing my phone won't get the gossip out of the internet so without a second thought, I dropped it at the bedside table.<br/><br/>I got up from bed, picked up by towel and went into the bathroom thinking of how yesterday went.<br/><br/> 24 HOURS AGO<br/>I woke up feeling so happy and motivated. today marks my fourth anniversary with Colby. I have been thinking about this day for about one week and about how I could make this anniversary a memorable one for both me and Colby. I had reserved a table for our anniversary dinner in the most exquisite restaurant. I even bought a lingerie in case we wanted to go for rounds tonight depending on how favourable it was for us.<br/>it was Keira's idea to buy a lingerie.'KEIRA REALLY KNOWS BEST'. I smiled to my self. I cladded my self in a floral print romper suit.it had a thin sleeve which revealed my smooth shoulders. not only that, this romper suit really captured my apples and revealed my cleavage. if Keira was here, she would smile at me and would tell me I am looking less bad ass.<br/><br/>I looked at myself in the mirror once again and reached for my bag before leaving for school.<br/> * * * * * * * * * *<br/>Mom drove me to School. we engaged in some small talk on the way and she told me I was looked magnetic and I couldn't help but smile.when we reached School,I kissed her and bade her off. <br/><br/>I knew I was looking beautiful today but what I didn't expect was that everyone will turn their heads looking in admiration as I walked. people cleared the way for me like I was a queen and I couldn't help but enjoy it. I could hear people saying "she's looking hot" "she's dazzling" and other things hearable.<br/><br/>i finally got to Keira's locker and I stood on the locker next to hers.she was looking for something and she seemed so serious about it so I waited for her. couple of seconds later ,she banged her locker and what I heard next was "bloody Mary!!"<br/><br/>"geez, Ashley Norwood are you trying to scare me to death? you scared my poor little heart"She said touching her chest. <br/><br/>"I want to kill you but now Is not the perfect timing." I told her with arms crossed on my chest. "check me out"I told her<br/><br/>"Wait a minute!!." she said taking a closer look. <br/>"turn around" she told me as she rotated her fingers. I did as she said and turned around.<br/><br/>"Turn around again" she told me with her fingers caressing her jaw. I did as she asked and rotated 360 again.<br/><br/>"Turn ar....." I cut her off.<br/><br/>"KEIRA!!!"I screamed her name. Is she toiling with me?<br/><br/>"I am really not here to play games with you" I told her trying to be stern but in my heart I was jumping from Pole to pole.<br/><br/>"Well I am sorry but I'm just trying to figure out if you are Ashley Norwood middle name Gwendolyn, my best friend who is bad as fuck"<br/><br/>I didn't reply her to wake her up from shock and it looked like it was working well. she opened her mouth to form a 'O' and shakes her head in astonishment.<br/><br/>" Sis, are you trying to seduce me?I don't want to fall for a girl. why are you making me fall for you?"she said <br/><br/>"Do I look great?"I asked her though knowing the answer to my question<br/><br/>"Great? great?"she let out a little laugh which reeked of surprise. "YOU ARE REEKING OF SEDUCTION. geez, what is happening today?"she asked <br/><br/>"Today marks our fourth anniversary"I told her." I decided to look good today."I added.<br/><br/>"You are not just looking good, you're looking goddamn sexy. I have the sudden desire to bed you " she whispered the last part in my ear.<br/><br/>"OH SHUT UP! do you do anything other than spout nonsense?"I asked her.sometimes, Keira can be so naughty.<br/><br/>"Yes. I am also good at undressing people in bed"she said as her hand reached for the thin sleeve of my dress "like this".it came out as a whisper.<br/><br/> "And they said i am the seductress. meanwhile,the real seductress is standing in front of me" I said pushing her hand away from the thin sleeve of my dress.<br/><br/>"What were you looking for in your locker?"I asked her not because I wanted to know,I just wanted her to stop talking.<br/><br/>"A dime." she said."I thought I kept a dime in my locker"she added.<br/><br/>"Did you find it?"I asked. <br/><br/>"Not really" she said. At that instant, I got a text message from Colby.<br/><br/>" Keira, I got a text message from Colby"I told her.<br/><br/>"Really?"she asked and I nodded ."what does it say?" she asked clinging onto my arm.<br/><br/>"Meet me in the Janitor's closet"I read out. his text message seemed strange. this was the first time he asked me to meet me in the Janitor's closet on our anniversary.<br/><br/>"Hmmmm... your boyfriend wants to give you a surprise"Keira told me. that thought didn't cross my mind. it felt A bit strange for me but I decided to ignore it.<br/>Without a second thought, I set out to meet Colby .<br/><br/>"How's my hair?"I asked her using my hands to straighten my hair. I don't know what came upon me this morning but I decided to look good for someone who I had no idea would break my heart today.<br/><br/>"Messy"she told me instilling shock in me. "Help me out"I FREAKED OUT.<br/><br/>"Okay"she tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "You look good now" she told me. IS SHE CRAZY!!!<br/><br/>"I'm going to kill you" with that I grabbed her shirt.<br/>"You really love tensing me up.don't you?" I asked her still holding her shirt.<br/><br/>"Kill me after your anniversary dinner"she told me. "Your boyfriend is waiting for you" she added. With that, I released my grip on her shirt.<br/><br/>"How do l look?"I asked her for verification.<br/><br/>"Provocative as always" she told me. sometimes this girl is something I do not want to get rid off.<br/> <br/>"Thank you. I will be off"I told her.<br/><br/>"Love you". I heard her say.<br/>"Love you too."I blew a kiss at her and with that I turned my back and made my way to the Janitor's closet.</p>