
"You don't have value."

'Sophie,why dont you study?'Sophie's mother is shouting at her 'Your father and I work so hard to give you best education and you are taking it for granted.You really don't have value for money'. Getting scolded by her mother was the usual routine of Sophie.

But today Sophie was not arguing back with her mother, Instead she was very sad and devastated, because her mother said that she had no value for money.

Sophie was a 17 year old girl, living with her loving parents and her only brother. She belonged to a middle class family. Her parents worked very hard so that she and her brother have a good life. Her parents believed in good education can make their children's life prosperous. So they used to burn their midnight oil just so they can have the best education. Sophie was very grateful for her parents. She never asked for expensive gifts from her parents, although she knew her parents would buy it any how, she did not liked giving her parents more burden. She was very dissapointed when her parents refused her to do small jobs to earn some extra money. Sophie really wanted to help her parents and she was so adamant that she did not listen to her parents and started to do some small online jobs. So that whenever her parents would need money she would help them.

Sophie always tried to make her parents proud, she would try to get good grades in her academics though she was not a good learner and had weakness in remembering things. But her parents always compared her to other good students who excelled in their academics with ranks. Sophie would take this in a positive way. Sophie was ready to be a doctor just to fulfil her parents dream. In her hearts she really wanted to he an AI engineer . She always saw her parents happiness first and then her.

But today when her mother said she had no value for them and the hard earned money they spent on her. She broke down. She could bear anything but not this.