
5. First-string

[Wednesday > Shōei Junior High]

Kaito sat in the middle of class writing down notes. It was a bit unusual since he had technically gone from a college graduate to a newborn and now middle-schooler but he needed to entertain himself so he wouldn't fall asleep. Watanabe beside him already scored a whack on the head for snoozing and he wasn't planning on being next.

"....as such, I hope you all complete your homework. We will discuss the answers tomorrow." the sensei ended the class when the bell sounded.

Kaito leaned back and stretched his arms before packing away his notebook. Kiyoshi walked over to him.

"Takahashi, it seems you're not only a good player but a good student as well." the brunette grinned.

Kaito snorted. "As if. I was only writing so I didn't fall asleep like this idiot over here," he motioned to Watanabe who scowled, "Shut up! This class is just too boring,"

"I heard from a senpai that the basketball results are gonna be announced this afternoon. You nervous?" Kiyoshi asked moving his desk and chair to join up with Kaito's.

"Little bit I guess. It's a shame you're in third-string but I'm sure you'll make it to first in no time."

"What makes you say that? Besides, it's only normal I get placed in third-string since everyone new to the sport was placed there."

Kaito hummed in response and shifted his desk to join up with Watanabe's. The three sat together and took out their respective bentos to eat. Watanabe shoved a whole lot of rice in his mouth and spoke making his two friends grimace.

"Dude, don't talk when you eat. That's disgusting," Kaito scowled. That only made Watanabe want to tease them more and he proceeded to open his mouth further making Kiyoshi flick his forehead.

A figure walked up to the trio making them pause their meal. It was a third-year and a known regular on the basketball team. He looked straight at Kaito and grinned.

"You are Takahashi-kun?" he asked.

"Yeah? Can I help you?"

"Coach wanted me to tell you in person instead of putting it on the notice board. Congrats, you're the only first-year to make it into first-string." he said. Kaito blinked, albeit surprised since he didn't think he'd make it on the first try.

"Uh..thank you...senpai," Kaito said. When the third-year left, Kiyoshi and Watanabe both congratulated him and slapped his back for good measure.

"That's amazing Takahashi! Though I think you deserved it." Watanabe said. He had heard from Kiyoshi about the match and understood with his little knowledge of basketball.

"Ow! My back will cave in one day if you keep slapping it," Kaito growled. Kiyoshi wore a serious expression and said, "What are you talking about Takahashi? Backs don't cave in that easily."

Kaito: "...."

~He forgot this guy could be an airhead but, why did that phrase sound so familiar?

[A/N: Which Seirin match does Kiyoshi say a similar thing and to who?]


The last class of the day ended and Kaito quickly packed his bags before heading to the gym. Kiyoshi had some business left in the classroom so he went by himself.

"Yo! Takahashi-kun!" Kaito turns around to see Sakamoto jogging to him with a happy expression. Kaito nods at him with a smile, "Sakamoto-kun,"

"You actually made it into first-string! I guessed right." The boy grinned and fell into step with Kaito.

"I didn't think I would. What about you?"

"Second-string." Sakamoto said looking proud. Kaito nodded, "It's understandable. Your shooting skills are quite commendable for someone our age." ~ Kaito realised when the match ended that he was a bit too judgemental and picky when assessing his teammates abilities. They were only twelve for crying out loud and frankly, they did a much better job than most twelve-year-olds.

'I need to stop comparing people to the generation of miracles.'

"Do you think you'll be put in game?" Sakamoto asked.

Kaito hummed, "Who knows. I am still a first-year and I doubt the senior wouldn't be too keen on someone replacing them but I certainly hope I'll be allowed to play a few games instead of being a bench-warmer."

"That's true. You're an awesome center though. Makes me wonder what you'd be like as a point-guard," Sakamoto murmured the last bit recalling Kaito's words of how he plays both center and point-guard.

The two continued their chatter before reaching the gym where they separated. Kaito went to court one for the first-strings and stepped inside only to be greeted with skeptic gazes. He couldn't blame them since it was unusual for a first-year to be bumped to first-string on the first try and he pretended not to notice the stares. Finding a quiet corner, Kaito dumped his bag on the ground and took out a book to read.

A couple of minutes passed and Coach Fuwa walked in with a manager and the team captain in tow. He glanced around the room and noticed Kaito's isolation but chose not to comment on it knowing it wouldn't help the situation and only worsen it.


[A/N: I feel like some of ya'll might question that decision but what I was trying to get at is that if the coach said something about Kaito being ostracised, the team might take it as favouritism which wouldn't help Kaito's image.]


"Alright, gather up....good. Now then, as we know, the nationals will be taking place in August as it does every year and as usual, I wish to aim for the top. The district preliminaries will be held June which is only two months from now, therefore, training will commence from tomorrow starting with stamina and endurance training."


[A/N: For reference, nationals do begin in August which is the summer holidays but I made up when the preliminary games are held.]


Kaito nodded along with the others as coach talked. He realised that this was the only year, provided there were no sudden uncertainties, that he could confidently say they had a chance at winning nationals. In the next two years, the junior high basketball community will be dominated by Teiko and their prodigies. Unless Kaito does something of course.

The coach said a few more words before dispersing the group. Some of them stayed in the gym to play a few games but Kaito didn't want to hang around and left straight away. On the out, he came face-to-face with the same third-year who gave the news about his placement.

Kaito bowed and greeted him briefly, "Senpai,"

"Takahashi-kun, right? We didn't greet each other properly before so let's do it now. Nice to meet you, I'm Hirano Kouta."

"Nice to formerly meet you too Hirano senpai. I'm Takahashi Kaito."

Hirano patted the boys shoulder and smiled, "Ignore the others. They're just jealous of you." He walked into the gym after saying that leaving Kaito to stare at his back with a raised eyebrow.

~Seems like a nice guy.