
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

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70 Chs

One big shot

One of the reasons Petra ranks among the top 10 strongest beings in the world is his Astromancy Magecraft. This is a very high-level magic, even more special than spatial magic. The mechanism of this magic is to connect the stars in space to form a magical circle that can gather origin energy to destroy a cosmic entity in one shot. Petra began to chant the complex mantra, concentrating his power to construct a powerful magical circle and direct it towards the monster's head.

"Gate Open..."

With steady movements, the magus raised his magic wand above his head, summoning tremendous power. Before him, a large portal opened, connecting them to outer space. The stars shone beyond the portal, giving an impression of the universe's grandeur.

In the next minute, Petra concentrated fully. He chanted thousands of mantras at an astonishing speed. For an ordinary mage, this task could drive them insane due to the amount of information to be digested in a short time. However, for Petra, centuries of practice and his mind parallel ability enabled him to smoothly launch this planet-destroying scale of magic.

The stars outside the portal began to connect, forming a giant golden-colored magic circle. The large portal pointed towards the Beast 666, which was battling the attacking Great Red Dragon fiercely.

The great red dragon realized that something big was about to happen. Quickly, it distanced itself after breaking free from one of the Beast 666's heads' bite. Meanwhile, near the portal, Petra continued chanting mantras, gathering greater and stronger energy.

Petra continued to recite the mantra with a calm voice, despite the fierce battle around him between the Great Red Dragon and the Beast 666. His form began to glow gold under the portal he created, creating an aura that filled the surrounding space.

The mantra reverberated throughout the gap dimension, creating vibrations that permeated the atmosphere. The words sounded like an ancient message, weaving powerful and mysterious cosmic powers.

"Stars... Cosmos... Gods... Animus... Antrum... Unbirth... Anima... Animusphere..." the mantra's sound filled the space, creating a magical harmony.

Meanwhile, the Beast was also gathering energy in its mouth, preparing to unleash something similar, its cosmic breath.

The inevitable collision of these two immense energies would destroy this dimension, with ramifications reaching across the entire world. Great Red Dragon realized this threat and quickly released thousands of barriers in a short time to protect the outer dimension from the collision of the two enormous energies.

As Petra completed the mantra, his eyes opened and glowed gold. With his wand raised forward, he directed the attack towards the Beast 666, which was also preparing its attack.

Star Magic - Star Collation Strike!

With one word, the energy from the origin was released at high speed, heading towards the Beast 666, which was also preparing its attack. A massive clash occurred, shaking the entire gap dimension, until it awakened another entity that lived there with surprise and disturbance. When this entity extended its head and saw the very bright light a few miles ahead of it, it felt disturbed by the event.

At the same time, Petra's attack successfully hit the Beast 666 with full force, weakening and destroying parts of its body. Meanwhile, the barriers released by the Great Red Dragon successfully protected the outer dimension from the impact of the collision of the two great energies.

Afterward, the Great Red Dragon managed to close the rift again with all its might. Once finished, the dragon looked at Petra lying helpless in its dimension.

Slowly, the Great Red Dragon sniffed Petra's body before carrying him on its massive body. For Petra, the sensation was like being on a floating island; that's how it felt to be on the large and powerful body of the dragon.


In his dream, Petra saw a frightening scene of a large-scale invasion of beings from another dimension invading Earth. However, amidst the destruction, he also witnessed the desperate resistance of two brave boys. When Petra saw them, he felt a strong inner involvement, as if there was a bond connecting them.

Petra pondered with confusion. "What is that future?" he murmured in the silence enveloping his mind. "But why do I dream of such things? This is not like me." He pondered for a moment, trying to piece together his thoughts. "Could it be that I have successfully examined the future with kaleidoscope magic, as I once did? Did the complex magic rune I used on my soul succeed?"

His mind wandered to the past, trying to recall his experiments with that magic. Initially, he thought his experiment had failed. However, now, with the experience of this dream, he began to doubt his conclusion. "So, everything I see in my dream will happen in the future?" A big question mark hung over Petra's mind in the darkness of his dream.

In his confusion and anxiety, Petra felt adrift in the ocean of his own thoughts. Doubt and worry shrouded every step of his thinking. "No, could everything I've done so far actually make everything worse?" he muttered in the darkness enveloping his mind more and more. "I thought at least it wouldn't have a big impact on me because this is the real world, not a story I read. But why do I feel like all my mistakes and decisions are at the center of all this?"

After going through confusing moments of darkness in his mind, Petra began to feel a profound change in his attitude. The guilt and responsibility he felt for what he witnessed in that dream made him take a different stance.

He decided to put all the responsibility on his own shoulders. Unaware that not everything that happens in this world depends entirely on him, Petra became too hard on himself. He thought that all his decisions and actions had far-reaching consequences, even on events beyond his control.

"It's been quite a while since we last spoke, Melisa," Petra said, trying not to be too surprised by the surroundings.

"Nearly two centuries, to be exact," Melisa replied with the voice of a mature woman.

"I'm not too surprised to see you here, although the circumstances are somewhat unusual," Petra remarked, trying to start the conversation smoothly.

"Is there something happening out there? How could the sealed Beast end up in this place?" Melisa asked with clear curiosity in her mind.

"I don't know, I'm not entirely sure about that either. Suddenly, the beast appeared in the crack that shouldn't have happened... Melisa, do you know something?" Petra asked, trying to better understand the situation.

Melisa sniffed softly before answering, "Hmm, I've been asleep all this time, but I could sense something like someone entering this dimension, and they might be the culprit. But isn't it easy for you to deal with this?"

Petra smiled wryly at the question. "No, Melisa... That person might be skilled in hiding and it will take time to find them in the vast Earth."

The dragon gave a slight response by shaking its body. "So, what are you going to do next?"

Petra raised his head, gazing at the aurora in the gap dimension, his mind drifting as if contemplating something about that brief glimpse of the future. He felt responsible to ensure that the future he saw didn't come to pass.

"Hmm… I might do some work out there. Ah, because our fight might disturb your little sister," Petra said, with a tone full of consideration.

Melisa felt a sense of dissatisfaction within her when she thought about Ophis's black breath spraying towards her and trying to reprimand her with flat words.

"Ugh... Don't talk about her. My sister surely understands what we did earlier," Melisa replied, with a slightly annoyed tone.

Petra then rose from his position, ready to return to the outside world. "I'll go and find out what really happened. I can't let this disaster happen on Earth. Thank you, Melisa, for your help."

Melisa nodded in agreement. "Be careful out there, Petra. Don't get too caught up in your battles."

With his teleportation step, Petra stepped out of the gap dimension, leaving Melisa alone inside it. He sensed Ophis's worry, Melisa's little sister, who was sleeping there disturbed. Petra sent a small burst of energy as a sign of his support to the dragon before truly leaving that dimension.

<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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