
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

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72 Chs

Anomaly 666

The battle continued with increasing intensity. Serafall and Grayfia joined forces in their attack against Damaidos's final form. This transformation turned him into a terrifying entity, akin to a true demon. However, the power he emanated also grew stronger. As a result of this change, Damaidos had lost control of himself. Now, he was like a wild beast acting solely on his most basic instincts.

Damaidos's final form moved ferociously, launching brutal attacks towards Serafall and Grayfia. The magical power he wielded struck the ground, creating earthquakes that shook the entire surrounding area. However, Serafall and Grayfia remained undaunted in the face of this threat.

With agile movements and perfect coordination, they managed to evade Damaidos's deadly attacks while counterattacking with their own strikes. Serafall used her ice magic to freeze parts of Damaidos's body, while Grayfia unleashed deadly magical assaults.

Despite his terrifying form, Damaidos still managed to withstand their attacks with incredible strength and resilience. His body continued to recover from Serafall and Grayfia's assaults, and his own attacks became increasingly fierce and unpredictable.

Without giving Grayfia time, she quickly chanted the AoE spell towards Damaidos, who was lying on the ground due to Serafall's sudden shots.

Ice Demon Magic - Lance Frost Rain

The magic spell chanted by Grayfia immediately took effect. From the cloudy sky, dark clouds began to gather above Damaidos's head, signaling the arrival of a disaster.

Suddenly, sharp ice rain fell from the sky, forming thousands of ice spears that pierced towards Damaidos. The ice spears struck with high speed and tremendous force, hitting Damaidos's body with deadly blows.

Damaidos screamed in pain as the ice spears pierced his body, gouging and tearing flesh and shattering his bones. Although his regenerative powers tried to heal the wounds, the attack was too strong to overcome.

Serafall and Grayfia continued their onslaught, ensuring that Damaidos had no chance to recover or launch a counterattack. They worked together perfectly, coordinating their attacks with deadly precision.

Trapped under the relentless assault of Serafall and Grayfia, Damaidos felt his body continually battered and injured by their ceaseless magical attacks. In such a desperate situation, the demon's defensive instincts kicked in, forcing him to unleash all his magical power as a last-ditch effort to survive.

With an expression filled with despair and rage, Damaidos gathered magical energy around him. A powerful dark aura enveloped his body, creating a circle of energy that surrounded him.

"I won't let you destroy me just like this!" he shouted with a trembling voice, yet full of determination.

Without hesitation, Damaidos unleashed all the gathered magical power. The powerful magical explosion released shockwaves that pushed Serafall and Grayfia away.

With his heavily wounded body and slowed regeneration, Damaidos could no longer stand even if there was a chance for him to counterattack.

'Even with this taboo technique, I can't defeat them both? Don't kid with me!' he thought.

Damaidos, lying weak on the ground, gazed at the sky with an expression filled with disappointment and despair. His mind was filled with frustration at the inevitable defeat despite using his forbidden technique.

"With my current strength, I can't even defeat them both. This is impossible!" he muttered in despair, feeling the bitterness of defeat looming over him.

He pondered for a moment, considering all the possibilities and mistakes he had made during this battle. However, at the same time, his desire to rise again and prove himself still burned within him.

"I won't give up so easily. I have to find a way to gain even greater strength, stronger than ever before," he thought with strong determination.

However, in the midst of his despair, a dark and taboo thought crossed his mind - a thought of a way out that seemed dark but the only option available to him at the moment. He contemplated surrendering his own soul to the ancestral demon, in a ceremony marked by the symbol 666, an action considered highly taboo and violating the ethics of demon society.

Damaidos pondered for a moment, weighing the possibilities and consequences of the action he was about to take. Although dark and dangerous, he realized that there was no other choice for him right now. He had to take this risk to rise again and gain even greater strength.

With a strong resolve and a heavy heart, Damaidos delved into the deep and dark abyss within him, preparing himself to merge with a power much greater than himself.

However, he knew that the consequences of this action might be terribly horrific, and he was prepared to accept them at the price to be paid. Although doubtful and afraid, his steadfast spirit still burned within him, urging him to move forward, even amidst the storm of darkness threatening to engulf him completely.

With trembling hands and his soul wavering between despair and the will to survive, Damaidos focused all his remaining energy into this dangerous ceremony. Blood gushed from the open wounds on his hands as he gripped his heart tightly, sacrificing himself in an act considered highly taboo.

In the magical circle surrounding him, taboo symbols flickered, creating a tense and dark atmosphere. With a voice filled with pain and despair, Damaidos called upon his ancestors with a prayer echoing across the battlefield.

"To our ancestral demon... Grant your descendant the power to bring evil upon this world... I, Damaidosu Zereikel Asmodeus, surrender my soul to the Calamity 666..."

The words sounded hollow amidst the thunder and roar of the ongoing battle around him, but in Damaidos's heart, the prayer was filled with the deepest desire to survive and gain even greater power.

He felt a painful throb in his chest as his heart was crushed by his own grip, but he endured and bore the pain, letting the dark energy seep into him with each passing second.

In the midst of darkness and silence, a terrifying presence began to emerge, filling the battlefield with a frightening aura. Damaidos sensed the presence of his ancestor, Calamity 666, drawing nearer, and he was prepared to accept the consequences of his actions, whatever they may be.


Elsewhere, Petra dropped his cup with a quick motion as she saw the situation becoming increasingly uncontrollable. "Damn, the situation is getting out of hand!" she thought in panic. She felt a strong urge to leave immediately and help Grayfia and Serafall, who were in the midst of battling against something much stronger than they had imagined: the Avatar of the Outer God!

"It's impossible... He's made himself a vessel to contain Calamity 666!" Petra wanted to immediately open a portal to go to the battlefield, but his steps were halted by the sudden appearance of someone in front of his.

"I've suspected it from the beginning, but the situation has truly gotten out of hand, Vengeance Magus," the man said with a calm voice, yet filled with evident concern.

Petra's sharp gaze immediately turned towards the man. "What do you want, Azazel?" she demanded with a tone full of determination and concern.

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

From the Author "Sometimes, simple happiness lies in the middle of a wide prairie😁"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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