
From the Void-Prologue

Veronica has always researched. She had a intuitive nature that made her always want to know more. At ninety eight she died being a award decorated psychologist who donated all of her property to children in her will.

Veronica woke up in a dark place wondering where she was as the last thing she could remember was going to bed after a long talk with her neighbor Jake about how she was doing. She tried to feel around but only ended up touching a slimy surface. She took a few deep breath's and realized that she is breathing in some substance that smelled kind of gross but tasted wonderful. After this she fell into a deep sleep wondering what is going on.

When Veronica gained conscious she tried not to panic but ended up flaying around for a bit trying to get her barring. She ended up touching a cord connected to her stomach and realized that she was in a womb. She must have died she realized. Her heart hurt thinking about all the friends she left behind. She took a deep breath and stilled her heart to the reality of the situation. She has always been an realistic person so she knew she could not change what had happened. She fell back asleep.

When Veronica woke up she felt herself being cramped. She could feel the slimy surface from her new mother pushing into her. She realized she was almost ready to be birthed and that scared her. What was going to happen? Will I die again? But she took deep breaths and remembered that this is a fresh start. A new world or a new life to learn even more. She remembers all the things she did not have in her previous life and hopes for a family in this new one.

When she came to this self discovery she realized that she was being pushed and could hear some yelling. She knew what was going to happen but wasn't prepared. She was going to be reborn…