
Life Death and Adventures of Igor and Maeve

This is a dnd 5e campaign i am running with one player over text and we decided to adapt it to webnovel. Hope you like it.

ill_eagle · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


Igor gets through the crowd easily and approaches the Tiefling's horse. At the moment she is towering above him and does not seem to notice the teen, or care. Igor is not quite sure. The man on the other hand sees Igor and gives him a small smile "Hello there young man, you need anything?" he asks slowing the pace of his horse to match yours, in doing so the other horse does the same.

"You guys catch some eyes around here." Igor nods at him and turns to smile at the tiefling "I thought I'd come over and make friends." "Well that would be my fault, I kinda thought I'd take out old ebony and Ivory for a ride" the man says with a small laugh "And for friends you'd have to talk to her" he points to the tiefling "But she is not really in the mood for talking right now" Igor puts a hand on his chest and looks up at her. "Name's Igor and I can be the antidote to your worries." he switches briefly to infernal. "Care to introduce yourself?" She looks down at you and then back in front of her "Maeve" she replies in common. Igor hums "Cute name for a cutie" "Leave I have no time for the young Darke's game" she says rolling her eyes at your comment. "Darke? Now who might that be? The source of your worries, perhaps?"

"I saw you get out of his carriage, you are not the first he sent to pester me and you probably won't be the last" she says halting as you arrive at your destination, she hops of the horse petting it once she is on the ground, even on foot she is a fair bit taller than you "Ah, my friend Roger, hmm?" I move closer to her "I have come on my own accord. You are simply magnetic." "And you simply annoying" she says taking a step away from you "Now you'd do well to listen" as she says this a dwarf walks out of a wooden door next to the larger entrance doors.

He shouts to all applicants " Welcome to Kildore I am Beafore one of your future instructors, if you pass the entrance exam that is. Before you enter the gates of this school I will inform you of the rules that stand inside these walls" he pauses for a second, running his eyes over all the candidates in front of him "There are 2 Majors in this school our martial Major where we will teach you how to fight with your body, and our Magic Major, where we teach you how to utilise magic, Along these two subjects that are chosen by the student at the start of their all students will also study theology, science and diplomacy. Once you enter this academy you will not be able to exit its premises until the end of your 3 year programme. Now trainees follow me and prepare to take you entrance exam"

The heavy wooden doors behind the dwarf open revealing a large inner yard where 8 more people are waiting "These are my fellow professors, depending on which course you choose you will either be taught by Mr Aubert, Mr Rothbauer and me" He says poinint to the human and elf standing at the far right " Or by Ms Lemieux, Mr Soler and Ms Danell" he says pointing to the three teachers on the left "But all of those that will attend this school have to attend the, General theology class by Mr Weiss, Etiquette taught by Mr Holzer and Adventuring class taught by Mr Ebrahimi"

The Inner yard is divided in Half, one half is filled with an obstacle course the other only has some assorted objects and training dummies "Now those who wish to apply for the magic course follow Ms Maximiliane to the training dummies and props and those taking the martial course follow me to the obstacle course" the dwarf shoutsPeople start dividing themselves into the groups, but Meave is called by her dad and along with him joins the remaining professors, Roger, a Gnome with short braided auburn hair and an elf about as tall as Maive.

Igor pays them no mind and instead focus on the examination awaiting following in the steps of Maximiliane.