
Avatars vs Gouls (2)

Among all the Combat Crystal Avatars, the Crystal Avatar created from the Dragonblood Warrior inheritance Crystal was the strongest one.

It was because of the Class Skill Awakened by him which was Dragon Trasnformation.

Not only will he get a powerful Crystal Dragon's body but he could also use the skills of a Crystal Dragon making it the most powerful among all his other Combat Crystal Avatars.

[Dragon Mount]

The Second Strongest Crystal Avatar was none other than the Dragon Knight.

His Class Skill lets him summon a powerful dragon as his mount and since the mount has the same strength as him, he is considered as powerful as the Dragonblood Warrior.

Although it might be that the Dragon Knight should be powerful, having the ability to control a dragon was nowhere close to the ability to transform into a dragon.


Dragon Knight summoned a huge Earth Dragon that stamped the sand before flying into the sky with its gigantic body.