

Life... that one word has a lot of meanings

Life... that four letter word, carries a lot of power

Life... that one syllable that is soo simple yet Soo unpredictable complicated and ever changing.

Life is like a wave, you never know when it's going to come or go, you never know how big it's going to be or how small, life has a lot of emotions and feelings that attach to it, life never has one definition, not even "Oxford dictionary " has been able to give life one definition, Life can be good or bad to people, but when it comes to me 'Emily Anderson' life is horrible, painful, lonely, discouraging, depressing, dejecting, afflicting, dangerous, full of bad memories ,insecure and above all my life is hopeless. They say that "luck is random" that as long as "there is life there is hope" I hear all this but I'm still not moved at all because I'm mostly known as the odd one out, mainly because I didn't come out as a twin, yeah, crazy isn't it!, Buh It's sadly the truth, well I have an elder brother and sister obviously twins, then I came into this miserable world and people were surprised that I didn't have a twin sibling buh after a while, the topic started to fade, it started to die down, surely every gossip must get old, just when I thought it was all over and that I could have peace of mind, something unbelievable happened, my mom got pregnant again!!! and not only that, she ended up giving birth to another set of TWINS!. Another boy and girl, I didn't know how to react, I was confused, a part of me was happy because I have little siblings now buh another part of me was wondering what would happen now that I was the only one without a twin, people began to talk, they started saying all sorts of stupid stuff, some said that I was probably cursed while some said that I was sent as a message that is not yet clear:


I mean what the hell just cos I'm not a twin? It felt like a nightmare and I really wished someone would wake me up and tell me "sleepy head uve slept enough!" but no matter how much I wished for this nightmare to come to an end, it just kept on feeling real, I even went as far as pinching my self really hard as I kept on repeating 'please wake up Kelly... Please wake up....' in my mind but unfortunately I didn't, just when I thought that I finally got peice of mind, this happens, some how I couldn't help the feeling that just maybe everyone was right, maybe I'm really a curse, I was in Soo much pain buh I had no one so I'm kinda used it and I'm certain that with time I'll get numb to the pain. In school I had no friends, my only friend is my dad , he's my best friend buh I'm really scared right now cuz he's really sick and the doctor says there's only 10 percent chance that he would survive, the seconds turned into minutes, the minutes turned into hours, the hours into days, the days into weeks, weeks into months and he died I had lost my best and only friend in the world, could life be any crueller?!...