
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Komik
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504 Chs

[100] Preparing for the Tournament

The echoing footsteps of Hachiman resonated as he made his way to the kendo club after school, his presence a familiar one.

Inside the dojo, he found himself face to face with Kotonoha, her expression serious and determined, her hair neatly tied back in a ponytail. Hachiman couldn't help but offer a gentle smile.

"Kotonoha, no need to look so grave," he remarked.

However, Kotonoha's resolve remained unshaken. She shook her head firmly, her voice resolute.

"Hachiman-kun, our kendo club is on the verge of participating in the tournament. Even though you're exceptionally skilled, my own abilities are far from where they need to be."

She continued, "In the days ahead, I implore you, Hachiman-kun, to train me rigorously."

Hachiman's mind flirted with a mischievous thought, but he promptly dismissed it. Instead, he nodded in agreement.

"Not a problem, Kotonoha. Given your determination, I'll ensure you receive thorough training."

Kotonoha expressed her gratitude with a slight bow. "Thank you, Hachiman-kun. I eagerly anticipate your guidance."

Despite being acutely aware of the significant disparity in skill between herself and Hachiman, Kotonoha held an unyielding determination. Kendo was the arena where she felt closest to him, and she refused to abandon her pursuit of improvement.

Hachiman, mirroring her resolve, prepared for their practice bout. He cautioned her with a composed tone, "Be vigilant, Kotonoha. I'm about to initiate an attack."

In the realm of the kendo club, Kotonoha's standing was commendable. She had reached the third level in kendo, a feat that placed her among the club's most proficient members, alongside Hachiman and Saeko. However, it was essential to recognize that her elevation was, in part, due to the club's overall lower skill levels.

With over thirty members in total, only around fifteen had achieved the second level or higher in their kendo proficiency. Among this diverse group, the kendo club boasted six female members and nine male members. Hachiman's inclusion strengthened the male contingent, as he assumed the role of captain, with Shuji Fujita serving as vice-captain. Several capable third-level kendo practitioners rounded out the male team.

The story took a different turn on the female side, where the team was grappling with its own challenges. Aside from Saeko, Kotonoha stood as the only member to have reached the third level in kendo, placing her in a pivotal position. Regrettably, the remaining female members remained at the second level, with skill levels not yet suitable for more prominent roles.

Hachiman's primary objective now revolved around affording Kotonoha an extensive and dedicated practice regimen. This was designed to enhance her proficiency in various defensive stances, ultimately positioning her as the vice-captain of the female kendo team. This strategic move aimed to relieve some of the considerable pressure on Saeko, ensuring the team's readiness for the upcoming tournament.

"Here we go, Hachiman-kun, I'm ready," Kotonoha affirmed, tightening her grip on the wooden sword in response to Hachiman's words.

Seeing her readiness, Hachiman didn't hesitate. He swiftly closed the distance, launching a precise strike with his wooden sword.

Kotonoha, composed and unwavering, raised her own wooden sword to intercept the incoming attack, successfully blocking it.

Impressed by her defense, Hachiman couldn't help but offer praise, his smile affirming her efforts. "Not bad."

While the strike he delivered wasn't at full strength, it was a testament to his remarkable skill. Even an average individual would struggle to fend off an attack with only three-tenths of his power. It was noteworthy that even Saeko, who possessed considerable proficiency, could, at most, manage a block with six-tenths of his strength.

Kotonoha received her crush's commendation with a sense of elation, but before she could respond, Hachiman seamlessly transitioned into the next series of attacks.

"Stay focused, Kotonoha. We're just getting started."

Motivated by his words, Kotonoha swiftly set aside her momentary joy and devoted herself entirely to the task of defending against Hachiman's relentless onslaught.

Thrust, parry, slash, cleave, chop, hook, lift, sweep...

Hachiman employed only the most fundamental eight kendo techniques, the cornerstone upon which all martial arts moves were built. He continued to engage her, each encounter adding to her growing combat experience. Occasionally, Kotonoha seized the opportunity to execute a counterattack amid Hachiman's relentless offensive, their wooden swords clashing in a rhythmic symphony of martial skill.

Ending today's practice session, Hachiman and Kotonoha exited the Kendo Club together.

Hachiman's Kendo proficiency had reached level four, and with this level, the proficiency points gained after each practice session had decreased from the previous five hundred points to one hundred. Even when sparring with Saeko, who fought with full intensity, he could gain at most one thousand proficiency points, a significant drop compared to the previous two to three thousand points of increase.

Although the proficiency points earned through sparring had decreased, the ten points of proficiency that naturally increased every hour remained consistent.

Over the past month, Hachiman's Kendo proficiency at level four had almost reached twenty thousand points, and he was not far from reaching level five.

It's worth mentioning that Hachiman still spent one day each weekend practicing at Saeko's Kendo dojo.

After each practice, Saeko would gently take care of him, helping him with a bath and using various methods to relax his body. It could be said that, except for the final step, they had explored quite a few exciting activities together.

One had to admit that women with a gentle side, like Saeko, were truly amazing.

Now, back to Hachiman and Kotonoha.

As they stepped out of the school gate, a black luxury car pulled up in front of them. Two men in black suits and sunglasses got out of the car, resembling bodyguards. Hachiman instinctively pulled Kotonoha a few steps back.

"May I ask if you have any business here?" Hachiman inquired politely.

Just as he was about to inquire further, the car door was opened again.

A girl with pink shoulder-length hair, a lovely face, and wearing the Totsuki Academy uniform stepped out.

"Mister Hikigaya, good afternoon."

"You are... Miss Arato, whom I met the other day, right?"

The newcomer was none other than Hisako Arato, the personal secretary of Erina.

"That's right. I didn't expect Mister Hikigaya to remember me. I'm truly honored."

Although she was a devoted follower of Erina, as long as the conversation didn't touch upon anything negative about Erina, Hisako was quite tolerant.

"When it comes to beautiful girls, my memory has always been quite sharp." When encountering a beauty, Hachiman's flirting skills kicked in.

"Ahaha, Mister Hikigaya, you really know how to joke."

Girls generally appreciated compliments, and upon hearing Hachiman call her beautiful, Hisako wore a pleased smile.

"I'm not joking at all. Miss Arato is indeed very beautiful."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mister Hikigaya."

Hearing her crush praise someone else's beauty, Kotonoha didn't show any signs of anger. Instead, she wore a gentle smile. The gentle-hearted girl didn't aspire to monopolize Hachiman; she only wished to stay by his side.

"I wonder why Miss Arato came to see me today?" They'd exchanged some small talk, and now Hachiman got to the point.

Since he had asked, Hisako explained the purpose of her visit.

"Well, Erina-sama would like to have another cooking showdown with you, Mister Hikigaya."


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