
Life as an Extra

Being a reader of trending novels and a lover of reincarnating as an extra type plot I am finding it hard to believe that I got reincarnated here... . The novel "true ending" whose endings are the worst you can expect becomes a reality for me. . Knowing the ending is doomed what should I do now? How little or how huge changes should I cause? . Will I be able to survive in this monstrous place where even the main characters are not safe? . Knowing that future knowledge is my only cheat How much longer should I stay in cover? . And how little butterfly effect should I cause here? ...... Let's accompany Kalki on his adventure and see how many changes he will make to reach a good end. *** . . . .. Cover art is not drawn by me so if you have a problem with it, please DM me

ps_kronos · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

New skill

I opened my eyes.

My whole body was aching but still, I was happy. The reason was this blue screen in front of me. I called it in my mind.



Name - Kalki Hertz 

Age - 16 yrs old 

Talent - Platinum

Rank - E-


Strength - F+ 

Agility - E-

Stamina - F 

Mana - D-


Charm - S-

Mind - D


Art - 1• Shadow dragon art (divine)

        2• Light dragon art (divine)

Stigma -  1• Understanding 

                2• Space-time migration 

Manual - Swift dagger style (2 stars) {competent}

Skills -  1• Calm mind (D grade)  {passive}


"from that creepy smile on your face, it looks like you sure do get a huge gain "

The voice of Erebus brings me back to reality. I looked toward them and found their aura slowly vanishing. 

"What's happening to you both ?"


"Child, As you can see our aura is vanishing now. We both have died a long time ago and on the suggestion of Kronos, we sealed a small amount of our remaining mana in the inheritance book so that we can open this special dungeon. But because you came right after we opened it. You are able to meet us" 

"There are many things we want to talk about with you but it looks like we are running out of time…." 

" Still before I go I want to tell you that a great war is gonna happen in the near future and you being our successor gonna play a big role. So until then don't reveal yourself to others. I hope for your good luck " (Ciana)


"but you don't know me how can you trust me with this type of information, what if I am a bad person"



A loud laughter of Erebus rang inside the room. Erebus bent his long neck and came closer to Kalki.

" Do you think we will trust a retarded child ?"



Ciana shouted with irritation.


" Listen, kid, I already have information about you from that blue panel that you people called 'system', after all, I was the one who created it…..Ciana also helped a little."



after a little silence I spoke, " So does that mean this is the final goodbyes ?"


"yup that's right" they both agreed simultaneously.




" thanks a lot for everything" 

I thanked them and gave them a bow out of respect. They both smiled at my gesture and their body dispersed in many small light balls.

Just after they vanished I got a new system message.

[ This is my gift for you and I hope this skill will help you with your stigma ]

[ hope you best of luck Kalki ]






[ You got a new skill 'sense'. Do you want to learn ?]

[Y \ Y]



I accepted the skill after all there was no option of rejecting it.

Talking about skills, this was one of the skills that I wanted. This was the skill used by one of my favorite characters in the novel and due to that I was in a great dilemma whether to take it or not.

It was pretty much clear that this skill was given by Erebus so I didn't dwell on that matter anymore. Even though Erebus's way of talking is trash but still looks like I can't hate him anymore now.


After coming back I looked around me and from my recollection it was the training gym. Sun was already out and I had no energy left inside me. I went into the kitchen and took whatever I got to eat and then hit the bed. This was the first peaceful sleep I got after coming into this world. 


It was way past morning Kalki woke up in a refreshing mood, he moved towards the bathroom like it was his daily routine. He washed his face and looked into the mirror. In the mirror, a black hair boy was looking his way. He had big eyes, a long pin-pointed nose, and a V shape. His whole face was in perfect proportion with his white skin complementing it on top of that. Kalki touches his face and the boy does the same hence confirming to Kalki that the individual in front of him was no other than him.

Looking at the mirror I was quite stunned because my beauty was truly way past anyone else I know from my past life. Seeing my charm stat in S rank and being one of the highest stat of mine I was kinda expecting something but I didn't know it would be this good. But knowing that our main cast already has their charm skill in sss rank. I am not gonna overrate myself after all here strength matters more than looks. 



Name - Kalki Hertz 

Age - 16 yrs old 

Talent - Platinum

Rank - E-


Strength - F+ 

Agility - E-

Stamina - F 

Mana - D-


Charm - S-

Mind - D


Art - 1• Shadow dragon art (divine)

        2• Light dragon art (divine)

Stigma -  1• Understanding 

                2• Space-time migration 

Manual - Swift dagger style (2 stars) {competent}

Skills -  1• Calm mind (D grade)  {passive}

             2• Sense (A grade) {Active}


looking at the system I was in euphoria. just in a span of a few minutes according to this world, I directly jumped a rank up. All of my stats have gone up except stamina. Even my charm stat got one level up which I didn't anticipate. After all, that was a passive stat.

4000 years ago during the time of the cataclysm, 'System' was first introduced, and with that humans also got access to mana. With the help of the system, humans were able to level up like others and fought against demons to save their territory. 

The system consists of 6 stats among which 4 are active stats like strength stamina mana and agility whereas mind and charm are passive. Active stats level up easily and it also helps in upgrading one's rank. But on the other side charm and mind are very tough to level up. Only the heroic or above portion helps in charm stats whereas rigorous training and meditation are required to level up the mind stat. Except this system also shows some other information and notifications.

Now that I think about it, Erebus told me that he was the one who created this. Even in the novel, this wasn't mentioned, which means that Erebus and Ciana were much more important than showing. Well, let's leave this guessing to future me and focus on revising important information. 

Now, talking about 'Cataclysm' or that was what humans called it, it referred to the time when elves, dwarves, and demons first came alongside mana. A major war happens right after that and humans being new to man become the weakest section out of the three. But later dwarves and elves helped humans and told them about being refugees, due to their planet being attacked by demons. Thus humans dwarfs and elves formed an alliance and defeated the demons 

The end of the war resulted in a huge number of casualties. We lost one-third of our land to demons and later one-third was given to elves and dwarves in the form of friendship. Later humans made the hero association consisting of the strongest and smartest humans to control the human fraction. 

Now in the current timeline, 5 high school academies train heroes to protect the world. 5 academies consist of 2 elves and dwarves, who after watching the human system implemented it in their way. The rest of the three beings are 'cube' in the north-west, 'pentagon' in the south, and 'hexagon' in the middle- east. even among all five 'Hexagon' is at the top where I have to start my class from next month with the start of the novel's plot. 


(At night )

After finishing all of the tasks that I deemed necessary to do. I rested on the couch and started to think about all of the necessary information I needed to know. 5 years ago, Kalki's parents died saving civilians during an S-rank dungeon outbreak. They were both 'A rank' heroes thus they left quite a lot of money for me and on top of that a lot of awards were also given to them. Being no relatives present and already in middle school, the hero association decided to give me my inheritance back after I will start high school. After all, who would give so much money to a child? I got my monthly allowance each month and just from the allowance being 10 million GP each month you can guess just how much money I have right now. All in all, I am a rich kid right now.

I have already decided the things I have to do and get before enrolling in the hexagon. 

Since they follow the dorm system and gave special id watches which contain GPS for the 'protection' of students, (*cough* ….. Readers cheat…. *cough*) it will be very difficult to carry out things then. Thus I have to prepare beforehand so that even if I get involved in scenarios or do something to help them, I will not get caught.

After Preparing my list of to-do things before the academy enrollment. I went back to bed.

How's it going, everyone?

Author this side,

Did you like my story till now?

And did you guess the stigma's power and how I am gonna used it?

Well, other characters are on their way so you will meet them 2-3 chapters later.

Let's meet again in the next chapter.

Peace! !!!

ps_kronoscreators' thoughts