
Life as a Typhoon

What would happen if a typhoon became sentient? What would happen if it has sapience? Will It's winds eventually die down? Or will it accumulate enough to become humanity's greatest "natural disaster"? Or will It's winds choose to travel to a new direction?

Grimgrim · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


"Well, well, well, if it isn't a new born spirit. What business does a young one like you have with me?" The Sanctuary Leviathan inquired

"Ah, mister Leviathan, I'm searching for a safe place to stay in for a while, and I thought maybe you could let me stay on your island."

The Sanctuary Leviathan thought for a moment

"I can do that, but, what are you planning to do." The Leviathan asked curiously.

"Oh, that? I'm planning to create my mana core!"

The Leviathan went wide-eyed as he thought he heard what Alto said wrongly.

"Boy, what did you say?" The Leviathan asked again.

"I said I wanted to make my mana core here?" Alto answered innocently and cluelessly.

"The name's Noptera, young spirit, I am honored to know that you trust me and my species this much." Noptera nodded at Alto, who was a bit bewildered but more happy to see that Alto didn't see him as a threat.

"Oh, then mister Noptera, my name is Alto. Thank you in advance." Alto smiled and landed on Noptera's island.

"Good luck young spirit." Noptera then entered a slumbering state. Not considering Alto as a threat to himself. Reciprocating the supposed "trust" Alto gave him.

"Hehe, mister Noptera is so nice." Alto remarked, unfortunately for him, Noptera was already fast asleep

'It's time I get started on the process, first, I have to gather a lot of mana, condense it to a very small point and then solidify it. Which begs the question how do I do all of that?'

'Let's give it a try first before judging the difficulty of doing it, maybe it's actually very easy in practice?'

So with that in mind I laid back against a rock and first absorbed all the nearby glowing mana around me via touch. When all of the mana particles around me were depleted I thought of something.

[Mana Stat ↑]

'How do I attract mana particles towards me?'

Right as I thought about that, mana particles swarmed to my vicinity, filling up the mana vacuum I created a few moments ago.

'Eh? Why are these particles surrounding me? Could it be due to my subconscious desire for it?'

I raised my palm and thought of mana particles gathering above it. And color me unsurprised, large amounts of it gathered just above my palm.

A coruscating array of colors flashed without pattern. Showcasing a spectacular view of beautiful polychromatic chaos that appealed to my eyes.

Mesmerized by the light show, I unknowingly enter a dazed state. Unable to tear my eyes off of the dazzling manifestation of mana that unfolded before my very eyes. Feeling like I was witnessing the very essence of mana only served to further me into my daze. Finding chaos in its beauty and seeing the most fundamental quality mana in its most eye catching form.

At least until a certain sound broke me out of it.


[Host has entered a dangerous state]

[I suggest that you do not delve any further than this as you may even be assimilated into the mana stream itself]

[At least, not until you awaken your mana core]

[Mana understanding ↑]

[Surface-level understanding of mana]

[Overall improvement every attributes that has a direct correlation to mana]

'Huh? What just happened?'

I took some time to read the text written on the panels.

'Assimilated into the mana stream? Would that mean my death?'


I went pale from fright, my hands trembled for a few moments.

My body subconsciously shivered, and my storm body began to pour out water. Soaking the island and blocking out the sun. Seemingly connecting to my current emotions, the heavy rain intensified.

'That was so scary, I didn't even think I would be harmed just by looking at something.'

'At times like this, I'm even more happy to have system by my side.'

'Truly my blessing to have someone who cares about me, hehe.'

As Alto continued with his delusions, the rain subsided as his subconscious emotional turmoil began to subside.

Perhaps sensing my distress, the dazzling lights of the mana particles dimmed, once vibrant and bright colors faded to dull and lifeless colors.

'It's fine, it's fine, no one among any of you is at fault for any of this.' I reassured the particles hovering above my hand.

In response, they shone just as dazzlingly as before.

'Wait a minute, are they.... alive? Or are they just a projection of my emotions?'

'Yeah, let's not think about that, let's continue on with my goal.' With those thoughts discarded, I began to absorb the particles. This time however, the particles themselves moved towards me.

Saving me of the trouble of doing it all by myself.

[Mana Stat ↑]

[Mana Stat ↑]

[Mana Stat ↑]

[Mana St....

Several panels emerged in front of me while I was gathering as many mana particles as I could.

Slowly, because of my speedy absorption of the nearby mana, a vortex formed around me. Aiding me in gathering mana.

[Mana core formed]

Finally, my mana core was formed, but it seemed like I was far from done as my body kept siphoning mana from my surroundings.

The weather started to get affected, it started raining and the clouds started darkening while sparks of blue light often flickered in and out of existence every millisecond.

[Mana core quality heightened]

Blue, vibrant veins became visible from under my skin. My body becoming a holder for mana.

My face became more and more symmetrical, my appearance becoming what could only be described as "angelic".

Unknowingly, body molded itself to look heavenly, imitating what a divine being would appear as. Pale skin that looked soft to the touch, brown hair that appeared silky. Gray pupils that exuded charm and ocean blue irises that mimicked the ocean's depths.

While caught up in absorbing mana, this body of mine started to reform, my whole body became infused with mana, making me look ethereal and divine.

Loud cracking sounds came out of my body. Suddenly, the process became painful.

It felt agonizing, my bones were restructuring and molding itself to be the best version of itself, breaking and mending repeatedly.

I felt the impact of the rain on my skin, feeling cold yet comforting. Offering an air of encouragement, making me feel like someone was by my side, and there was.

[Keep going]

I gritted my teeth and lasted as long as I could under the torment of this concept called "change".

The longer I lasted, the more mana I absorbed which made the process even more painful.

A feeling of fullness consumed my very being, making me feel like I couldn't accept more mana than this.

'M-maybe I can stop? C-can't be too bad right?' I started to entertain the idea of giving up. The pain clouding my mind.

[You can do this, Alto]

When I read the text, I regained my will to persevere, my eyes showing a newfound determination I didn't know I had.

I tried to accept the last bits of mana in my vicinity. This last step was the hardest, my body couldn't, wouldn't and didn't listen to my will.

I didn't want to disappoint my parent, the only one I have. So, I tried as hard as I could, with all that I had.