
Lies Turned Into Truth

The story of "Earth's last son" looking for a shred of hope in a universe full of pain and tears.

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The name given to nameless boy

The boy had grown a little. He had sickly white hair and blue eyes due to the state of the world. he didn't know how old he was but he must have been around 4-5 years old. The boy had never seen the outside of his house because "the woman" forbade it. The boy did not know his name. In fact, he thought that was his name as he yelled "despicable rotter" every time the woman beat him. but when he saw the word in a book he found in a corner of his wooden house, he changed his mind, the rotter must be a type of animal, a question came to the boy's mind. Then, what is his name? He thought maybe the animals in the cartoon he watched knew. The very clever boy learned to read and write while watching cartoons on this old television. Like most of the day, the woman was not at home at this time. The boy did the same things he does every day. He started by mixing picture books that describe the world outside the home. Although his eyes sparkled through each page, it was always the stars that caught his attention the most. No matter how far they were, they were always shining. He learned that the sun used to be blue, he thought it was yellow because he was angry with people, and he kept turning the pages. He looked at pictures of rivers, trees, oceans, planets in space, his admiration never ceased even though he looked at the same pictures every day. When he came to the end of the book, he went to the television, the animal cartoon had begun. He asked the animals in the cartoon the question in his mind

"Do you know my name?"

There was no sound from the animals. The boy realized that the animals didnt know his name. The boy changed the channel, a Martian soldier was guarding justice. The boy got bored and immediately turned off the TV. Suddenly, an idea came to the boy's mind. Maybe the stars know, the boy thought. Maybe even every star is shining to say its name to someone else. He ate some pieces of bread left by the woman. After that, he wanted to play with his mud toy, but the woman was about to come. Boy immediately lay on the floor and pretended to sleep, which usually worked. Door unlocked quickly, a tall, thin woman with gray hair and a pale face entered the room. She closed the door and ran towards his son, grabbed his arm and quickly lifted him up. The boy realized that this time it didn't work. She hit the boy against the wall and started punching. The woman was making different noises while punching and yelling "despicable rotter". The boy, whose body was purple from the previous beatings, thought. He thought while eating the punches he couldn't get used to the pain. He thought why she hated him so much. Thought she hated him for being a despicable rotter, but also wasn't she a rotter herself? The boy had read that this word was called earthlings, So why did she hate him? Then he suddenly thought that maybe the woman hates herself, maybe she hates herself. The woman was tired, stopped hitting, lay on the floor, her back turned. The boy with his nose bleeding and his hair falling in front of him eyed the woman. The boy wondered if hitting someone was relaxing, would hitting someone make things easier? Does it feel better? Or is it just as fun as a game? He didn't hate this woman, but enough is enough, he thought, and he had an answer from the stars as well. He took the key that the woman had thrown aside and put it in the door. Right now, he was now much more afraid of the outside than of the woman. Many things in the book he was reading were destroyed after the 3rd world war, but he could still see the stars outside. That was reason enough for him to come out, but he was afraid. He was afraid of everything behind the walls, afraid of what he did not know. He had to make a decision, either stay in this "world" of several rooms forever, or go out and walk into the unknown. He made his decision, there could be all kinds of dangers and monsters out there, yet he decided to embrace what he didn't know and decided to move forward like starlight reaching people no matter how far away. The boy opened the door.