


---Reason to Slap Ophelia List-03

/"You’re not going to…/" She started to say, but yeah… whatever. I didn’t wait to listen the end. I just ran away.

My sudden escape took Ophelia, and even Xaxa by surprise. The poor little dragon didn’t expect that at all and let out a pitch high squeak that didn’t match her physique.

/"Angus wait./" Ophelia shouted after me, but I made the great decision to ignore her and didn’t stop running until I reached the ground.

I knew I couldn’t leave right now. There were a lot of reasons. For example a) I was half naked. b) I promised Jett I would say goodbye. c) I needed to see Riven and Riggs first and d) There were a lot of other reasons. But one thing was for sure. I would leave tonight. There was no way I would stay for pointless celebrations and stupid speeches. Not when Nova is God knows where with God knows who doing to her God knows what.