
I Am Her Future Buddy

Last time on Licensed To Kill...

We take a shower and get ready for bed, while I get started on a fire in the fireplace in the main bedroom. Both of us get under the sheets and cozy up with one another. Madison is worried if we moved too fast and what's to know what I am feeling about what happened between us. I tell her that I am excited about the path that lays ahead of us and we fell asleep. Upon waking up, I leave her in bed to sleep in. As she wakes up I make some breakfast and share some glances and smiles. A car pulls up and Madison seems to know the person. She tries to get him to go away so I decided to get my rifle to help him to leave.

Lucas looks surprised at me and says;

"I get the picture, I know when I am not wanted. It was good seeing you again Madison, take care"

He nods at me and walks to his pick-up, reverses out, and drives off.

Madison closes the door. She looks at me with a sad expression and says;