
[Bonus chapter] - The Conclusion

Ten years into the future.

I am sitting in my office staring at my laptop screen with photos all over my desk. My cellphone starts ringing. I see it's Madison, and I quickly answer the video call;

"Hello, my Angel. How was court?"

"The verdict came in. We finally won the case."

"Congratulations. I knew you would do it!"

"Thank you, Tom. I am exhausted, to say the least."

"Shame, my Angel. I miss you."

"I miss you too. The good news is that I am going to see you tonight, and I will bring you those mince pies from New York that you like so much!"

"Yesss, that is good news!"

"How is our little munchkin doing?"

"She's doing good. She misses her mommy! Charlotte went to pick her up from school. I am expecting them back any moment now."

"I miss you all so much. I have decided, after this case, I am going to start slowing down. But we can talk about it later tonight when I am back."