
I'm back in Business.

Greetings once more, standing in the burning hellscape that is this magnificent fantasy city.

(Ah just look at the soldiers dying, the giant black ship flying, the crowds screaming and the people dying... Okay, that just sounds so evil. Dammit stop thinking bad stuff!)

The youth holds his polearm tightly as he faces me.

[Such a brave lad... Haaaaaah, I wonder if I can paint myself worse with this. I hope not, I mean I haven't really look at myself in the mirror.]

I look at the window reflection and saw a giant monster with six bloodshot eyes, my weapon-like tail, my puffy white fur, raising my hands to see folded arms with claws at the end while my body slouches a weird way...

[I actually looked freaking adorable if I don't have these eyes, claws, face and slouchy body. I mean look at my fur, man I feel like I can hug it forever- Still, I'm really a monster from nightmares. I mean just look at my face!]

I rub my chin as I look left and right just like I'm looking at myself after shaving my beard and moustache.

[Well if you don't want to then let's just jump over him then.]

Brain says to me as I think my looks over. I rub the side of my head with my folded arms thinking back:

[But then I'm just gonna go hungry again if I don't eat anything.]

[Yeah, that's right! I or we are hungry!]

Guts shout at brains.

[Sheesh, can't you two stop thinking about food and start doing something productive.]

Brain replied back.

[Well at least let's just push this guy away and probably ate just his arms- okay what the fuck am I saying right now.]

(Talking to myself isn't going to help anything, I mean I'm not even good at it... Let's just get this over with, the best I can do is eat corpses and kill them painlessly).

I look back at the youth as I see him trembling without backing away. I took one step closer as he finally takes a step back. I unfold my arms and place it infront of the ground as I prepare myself to jump, the youth still trembling finally makes a charge at me.

I enforce the power on my legs and arms and jump over him to the building behind him, then jump to the road just beside him, then jump again making him blown away from the pressure and to the building infront of him, mostly everywhere around as I gather my momentum. I'm going so fast yet it feels so natural as I feel like my claws cut through the air and the buildings I land, leaving behind weird scratching noises while my jumps also make huge cracks and small craters.

The boy looks at me with terror as he can't keep up with my speed, holding his charge he tried his best to face me, and before long starts spinning around aimlessly when I finally decided to strike. The burning sensation that coated me suddenly released to the youth as I chop off his entire right arm along with half of his weapon and eating his arm in the process as it flew before I land infront of him with my back turn as I chew slowly looking back at him.

The boy had a face of shock as if he hasn't realized what happens and look at his right arm, he suddenly drops down with his face full of horror, yet he can't scream as I walk closer and look at him with two of my eyes while the other looks around.

He holds his wound to prevent it from bleeding and started getting up to run away but only to fall again. Crying silently as his voice was deluded from the hellish scenery that is happening now.

(Yeah, you ain't gonna survive with that much bleeding boy, if I'm still me previously, I think I could at least give you the anaesthetics required to stop the bleeding and prevent infection to the wounds before bandaging it up).

But not anymore, I raise my claws at him when he finally closes his eyes and lay down silently. I quickly put my hand down and suddenly I felt the urge to puke. I quickly pull back thinking,

(What's going on!? Is it because of the things I eat? That doesn't make sense, I'm a monster here!)


I hold back but before long I puked out some weird purple flesh with weird rainbow colour. Beating like a heart as weird tentacles sprout out moving like worms as it crawls its way...

(Okay that's just- Nope! No no no no nope, I may handle guts flying everywhere since its comically funny but I'm just not hungry anymore. Time to get outta here!)

And just quickly jump away to another roof, only to see the carnage that is happening, mostly done by the monsters while the giant black ship just floats there doing nothing basically.

(I may be a doctor but I'm no Infectious Disease specialist. I'm just a simple field doctor with a medical pharmacist degree who still acts nothing as a doctor should... Maybe I should rethink my career back in high school then).

[Well no thinking about it now, I mean I'm not back at home anymore. Just surviving by following my now so-called primal instincts. But now I'm not feeling hungry anymore makes me quite sane now.]

I look around seeing which side of the wall that is not filled with explosions. From the north monsters are literally pouring like water as huge fireworks are on display while I could somehow see the monsters trampling on each other while the flying ones just keep flying while fighting each other for both food and space.

[Yea, not gonna go there bud. I might get chow down by those, I mean I don't even know the food chain here yet.]

The south is a great huge mountain passing the clouds while I see people evacuating to the mountains in the districts. To the west gate, I could see each knights wearing unique and cool shining armours with their colourful capes and thick fur and coats probably for the cold winter outside. And those templar looking people varying from different sizes and weapons coming in as they spread around the city by using the railways connected with the river that went past the west gate which is also being reinforced by knights as I see them fighting with their glowing weapons. Not even letting one beast escape.

(Well I'm pretty much stuck here...)

When the situation finally quelling down. As the flames in the city start to grow weaker, thanks to both the snow and the knights, the black ship above finally make a move and a part of it suddenly shines and a flash covers my entire eye, forcing me to close them. I could hear chain explosions and when I open my eyes again I saw an even more hell than before. The floating castle was wrecked, leaving only three fourth of its remains.

I look around, seeing the eastern gate are literally obliterated while the monsters in the north start repopulating the city with their numbers. The west gate too are obliterated and the river that connects them both are now gone, probably thawed and turn to steam by that blinding light.

[Yeah, I'm literally made for jumping so... I'm going to the mountain and I better lay low. Time to use those mountain climbing techniques you learn during vacations.]

I quickly jump down and continue jumping to where the mountain is. I ignore the people running and sometimes accidentally cut, bash, and maul the one I pass by.


(Sorry, I'm sorry wait... Not anymore!)

The same cool knights in shining full plate armour with magnificent capes start showing up blocking my way. One of them quickly move forward charging at me with a sword and shield as his weapons start to shine as he combines them and suddenly change form into a much cooler weapon with its sword and shield floating yet connected to each other somehow, the knight shouts:

"Don't let that monster pass! Take the power of my soul!

[Crimson Erigar Slash!]"

(He really scream his technique!)

I use the open gap in their line I quickly make a small zig zag jump passing through that knight, dodging his attack as the huge sword wave dice up the buildings and road behind me...

(Well glad I dodge that one.)

And continue jumping to accidentally cut one knight in half while ignoring the others by jumping to the buildings on the side and jump over them making a zig-zag pattern as I went past them.

When the streets start to get even full, I decided to head to another alleyway and just keep heading to the mountain, I start seeing the magnificent mountains getting closer and bigger, the area becomes vaster as a certain place becomes more clear. A vast crater with droves of people lining up forming into spirals to enter the huge gate at the bottom of the crater.

(Well not going there- You know what I think I'm just lost here, I suddenly wake up, started eating others, trying to get captured and I did but I regret it immediately, now I escaped somehow probably thanks to that huge ass ship up in the skies and now I'm just... I don't know anymore.

I mean even if I'm not human, even if I can still think like one, what can I do in this such place? I mean- I just want someone to talk to like the olden days).

The ground suddenly shakes and I could hear the sounds of chains breaking off, a new shadow looms over the city and above me.

(It's the castle, it's really flying now!)

The castle makes a turn slowly when the black star starts to open a little of its tip and suddenly small light and lightning collided before it turns into a sphere, firing another blinding light. Forcing me to cover my eyes again, now there is only a quarter of the castle left as it comes tumbling down. The black star shoots another light bang again, blinding me and when I open I realize there is now a great wall of fire on the north that is visible even from this alleyway...

(Damn... Don't you think that's too OP?)

I realize small swarms of black dots starts to surround the black star and its coming closer. Upon coming closer, it's black ships shapes like the long rectangle ones you read from those sci-fi novels. Their interiors have long barrel guns and missile launchers when suddenly they start shooting the ground below them as they got close before landing near the fallen castle while the one above fired off smaller ships that pierce through the collapsed castle walls.

(Great, another immersion broke. And here I thought this was a fantasy world now we get science fiction galactic ships. I wonder what more can they bring- Oh shish kebab did I just raise a flag!?)

Multiple of those black ships comes closer to the mountain and the screams and shouts become even louder.

[Great, now I got an advanced techno ship on my tail!]

I quickly jump inside the crater's edge. Landing and squashing something beneath me. I look down and realize its people and some of them are still alive, I look to my side and see the dumbfounded look on the people before they suddenly went against the flow and disrupt the line.


[Forgive me! But I have to go now!]

I extend my muscles and quickly jump even lower heading to the mountain. Crushing, cutting the people I pass unintentionally, the knights riding the winged horses come charging at me with their shining spears, I quickly jump at one of them and cut both the knight and horse in the process and using their cutted carcass as a medium to jump. Cutting the other and continue jumping to the mountain mid-air...

[Damn, I never knew I could do this shiz, this is awesome but I kinda feel bad for the people down there, since the carcass I kick smashes onto them and all.]

I land behind some sort of barricade made of steel with lots of broken crystals on the walls. I look infront to see the populace shock in their face as they quickly move even faster and knights come in lines trying to intercept me.

"Ha! This is where you will stop Monster, we got Hyu on our side now."

"Hyu! Quickly Big Brother Tyo need your help! Please!"

"Sorry, Io but I need to deal with this first. I'll quickly deal with this and we will go find your brother together okay?"

The familiar girl voice comes from the crowds when that Hyu guy comes out with the knights still wearing his winter gear holding his harpoon gun. He looks at me and readies his gun saying:

"Ah, so it's you again. I knew something is wrong when I first saw you. Don't worry, I'll help my sis perform the Puontion ritual now for her."

The girl looking horrible with her face red and tired, sweating buckets as her eyes widened and she falls on her knees as the bandaged bleed and that Hyu guy, surprised by what happened kneels down and quickly asks:

"I-Io! What's wrong!? Don't kneel down just yet, your knee is still not healed! We can't use magic right now, if you let it bleed and open like that, it will get infected-"

"Big brother Hyu! that's, t-that's the monster, the one I told you Big Brother is fighting to save me... Big Brother, big brother is-"

Her voice grows weaker when she suddenly collapse to the ground.

"Io! Hang in there! Dammit, Tyo is..."

He suddenly pulls the harpoon out of his gun and moves forward-

[Not gonna stay here for long.]

And I just quickly ignore him and jump to the mountain since it's pretty close now. Approximately around 1 km...

[Is that close? Well, I jump like... Personally pretty far. So, let's just keep jumping.]

As I leave I could hear him shouting:

"Get back here! You-"

His voice dissipates as I leap further inside, jumping on the walls and occasionally the buildings, tents and even the road where I crash onto the peoples again.

[Dammit, for somewhere so fantasy-like this place is so crowded. I keep accidentally killing people on my jumps.]

When I finally reach the gates the knights quickly swarm me when I could see three elders and the king along with some priests, Templars and one orange silhouette similar to the one I see when I'm still in the cage, standing just at the edge.

They all gathered on top of the gates, standing in some kind of fancy balcony when the elder wearing the summer clothing says:

"What's this? What the Libera are those Triumbra doing letting this beast pass."

"I heard Hyu was there, I wonder how did this beast get passed him."


The female with human faces as her armour jumps down with a hero landing while taking out her twin blades and quickly dash at me as soon as she lands.

She suddenly appears on my right with somehow using new weapons of twin horried blades that look like screaming faces and swing it down at my face.

I just quickly jump left and suddenly the tan teen wearing the tropical wear with his full body tattoo and scars appear on my left wearing a spiky red gauntlet and tried to strike my face saying:


I quickly do a backflip, using my claws and tail to cut him when he just quickly blocks it as my attacks for once doesn't cut something fully as I leave a huge claw mark on his gauntlets and I could see blood dripping.

As I was still airborne, going near the ground. A man in his twenties with his head expose wearing a kinda different but cooler full plate armour those knights used, with a red sash on his shoulder and belt with multiple spheres floating in circles behind him. He uses his short sword comes slashing his weapon at my right side.

"I'm disappointed that you can't even deal with one monster."

(Why do people keep targeting my right side!)

Since I'm going down, I decided to keep going on the offensive by using my claws to quickly slash my adversary with my left claw and my right to block. My claws almost reach the side of his armour when it was stopped, I saw the women wearing the faces of people as her clothes stopping my claws with her twin horried-looking swords while my right claw didn't manage to halt his attack as it pushes me to the ground and cut my hands stopping at my bones.

His sphere quickly changes into sharp diamonds and rain down straight to my face but I use this chance to jump back and just quickly jump above the gate, and now near the stone fence of the balcony as I stand face to face with the king.

While I was still mid-air, I realize how fudge up my situation is when the king stares back at me and starts pulling out his sword and stuff but my other eyes catches something weird. The priest and other people started running, the Templars started moving towards me with their weapons out, the orange silhouette strangely just walk past everyone quickly and pull out something as he was holding a gun and aim at the back of the kings head and soon-


A large sound of gunfire resounds as I see the King's head exploded, his innards splattered into some kind of invisible half sphere barrier infront of me, made visible with the red blood and guts while his body comes down hitting the barrier while it drags down leaving behind trails of blood. When I see the barrier starts to dissolve, I quickly use this confusion to hit the barrier with my claws and jump even higher as I pass everyone.

I jump and jump as I have one mission in mind, which is to get the fudge out of this chaos!

I keep getting higher as the crows now look like spots, my other eyes spotted knights riding the winged horses coming at me in full speed as their weapon shine bright.

"Roaaaar ruh!" (Haha! You'll never catch up to me with that spee-)

The man in the cooler knight armour comes at me as he grows a pair of angel wings and flies much much faster than the horse knights. His face can only be described with one word, anger.


"ROAAAAAR!!!" (Wait! I'm not the one who kill the king! You dumb idioooot!)

I keep jumping up as I hasten my speed and before long I manage to pierce the clouds and went up.

(Wait shouldn't my breathing be affected by now- Oh wait, screw common sense! I'm getting out of here!)

I keep jumping up until I reach some kind of small edge which lead to a cave entrance, probably inside the mountain.

(Seems like I'm still in the middle of the clouds... How tall is this mountain?)

I decided to look dow-

(Oh hell no! I ain't gonna look down now!)

I turn my head and keep moving forward. The blizzard wind grows stronger, yet for some reason, I don't feel cold but actually much much better and stronger now.

(For once, things are going my way).

I entered the pitch black cave and use the other vision which helps me look for both food and the area. It's a dead end, and it seems this place is filled with this weird cave fruits that look very pretty is the best way I can describe it.

When I stumbled into something, I see a frying pan and a pot along with some cooking utensils and some fire bon.

It seems this place looks like some hiding spot... I guess I better not stay here, just in case someone comes. I don't want to meet with this world's humans anymore. They are just too violent.

(Well, since I'm a monster I guess that's probably the response if I'm not tamed I guess).

Maybe it's just this place, maybe there are places out there that are probably less violent. I eat one of the fruits and realize how freaking delicious it is! As I feel myself getting more excited and cool-headed.

(It's so sweet just like those exotic Asian dragon fruits and European mints combined together! This is amazing two of my favourite fruits combined as one~ I'm taking these fruits! Sorry not sorry residence of this cave!)

I bite off one of the branches of the fruits and acquired along with twelve of them.

"Roooar!!!" (Yea, I feel so much better now! It's like I've been blessed and stronger. Let's find a peaceful place here if there is one... Seems like I'm back in business baby! Back to the wildlife!)

I exit the cave and decided to keep going up to find a perfect secluded place.

Well, here I have written some new chapter for this series...

Anyway, thank you so much for reading, please do let me know what you think and tell me what's wrong so I can fix it.

Criticism are always welcome.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts