
Li Cheng

a fantasy world where knights protect kingdoms, princesses become queens and countries are at peace, but a new threat arises Li Cheng with an absurd power capable of destroying a kingdoms

senhordogamerplay · Fantasi
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two knights from the Unkland kingdom are talking a female knight is a male knight, when suddenly Li Cheng appears punching the ground splitting it in half . He looks like normal humans except that there were two swords behind him.

"Hello boys." The knight smiles. His smile was creepy as hell, almost as if he was smiling at his own death.

The other knights gasp and ran away. Li Cheng just stood still watching them go until finally he looked at the knight and started walking towards him.

Li Cheng grabbed the knights sword, swung it around to punch the ground making it sink into the dirt. Then he walked forward towards the guy.

"Hello!" he said in what sounded more like a growl then actual words.

The man smiled, or tried, and it seemed genuine enough, but still not reaching his eyes. Li Cheng punched the ground again, this time creating a big hole that took up most of the space. A huge monster appeared out of the earth. It had long sharp teeth and claws that could easily rip someone apart. The monster's eyes glowed red, showing it was hungry for flesh.

Li Cheng turned to walk back over to his comrades but before he did one last thing happened. Suddenly the ground began crumbling, leaving large chunks of dirt and broken rocks everywhere.

The knight screamed, and tried to run away but he never made it out. The floor gave way revealing a giant pit which engulfed the whole place with all the knights inside.

Li Cheng just looked and felt nothing for those unfortunate knights, so Li Cheng walked to the kingdom of Unkland and stood at the gateway to the kingdom, Li Cheng just looked at the kingdom and suddenly punched and created a huge earthquake to attack the kingdom unkland

's capital, the city of Kansi. As the earthquake hit everything in town everything started falling down. All citizens fled to find safety, the king ordered troops, and all of the knights to stay put. The king ordered all soldiers that weren't fighting to retreat, they would be able to defend themselves better without their weapons. Soldiers began running towards a nearby hill, but before they could reach it a massive wave of water crashed over the army killing about 100 men. The waves moved closer and closer until it became impossible to see. Finally after what felt like hours of battle the waves subsided. King Kansi and his army watched as the wave retreated, their army was dead in many spots and some were already being eaten by sea creatures.

Li Cheng appears out of nowhere behind King Kansi, Lansi attacks Li Cheng with his sword pierced his chest but Li Cheng doesn't feel anything he just looks at the King without any expression on his face

. The king tries to stab Li Cheng again but Li Cheng just grabs his wrist pulling him off the ground and throwing him across the room. King Kansi is sent flying into the window cracking it, shards of glass fall onto his armor.

King Kansi gets up and charges Li Cheng, Lansi attacks, and Lansi hits Li Cheng with his sword causing blood to flow from Li Cheng's forehead.

As Lansi prepares to strike once again Li Cheng jumps over both his attackers grabbing both their heads crushing them together before dropping to his knees, the pressure of the head crushing made Lansi lose consciousness, while King Kansi's head broke, sending his brains onto Li Cheng's face as the King crumpled to the ground.

Li Cheng picked up all the brain matter and threw it on the ground turning it blue, and walked over to King Kansi, standing over him. As Li Cheng stood over him he saw that the King had a strange purple mark under his neck and another mark near his eye.

Before any of them could say anything Li Cheng attacked. With his left hand, Li Cheng grabbed both Kings head with one hand and pushed the King back with his feet. With one swift motion Li Cheng smashed his forehead on the ground and the King's head cracked open. Blood spurted from both sides of the King' Li Cheng looked at the crushed face of the king and felt nothing and walked away as if nothing had happened.

Lansi walks up to King Kansi and starts healing him, he then asks: "What happened? Where did the water come from?" The other knights have also gathered around Li Cheng who just stares silently at the destroyed kingdom.

Lansi sighs, "Well...I guess it is true what they say, we don't know shit about this guy".

One knight stands up, "But we do know who he is. I believe I know where he came from." Everyone nods and turns to the lone survivor of the massacre, Prince Trenthien who was staring at the destruction of his kingdom.

After a few minutes Prince Trenthien speaks, "I am aware of why Li Cheng attacked our kingdom. We were weak and foolish, but even still I stand with my father in defending our people and will continue doing so". He bows.

Everyone else does the same except Li Cheng who is still looking at the destruction. Everyone is now waiting for Li Cheng to speak up but he doesn't respond. He doesn't move either, his only movement was his mouth slightly opening and closing.

Suddenly someone says, "He can't talk right?" This causes everyone else to look at each other confused, including Lan's brother who was standing next to him.

Prince Trenthien steps forward with his hands extended and says, "Please forgive me my friend, for not recognizing you sooner. My name is Trenthien. I would like to ask you a few questions"

Li Cheng still doesn't respond, he stays silent and staring at the remains.

Prince Trenthien walks towards Li Cheng, "I know you might be thinking that you didn't come because you wanted to cause trouble. You're correct, I wanted to cause trouble. In fact I had planned to kill every living person in your kingdom just to make it seem like you caused all this damage".

Prince Trenthien raises his sword threateningly, "However I'm sure we can figure something out" he puts away his sword and lowers his head, "I sincerely apologize for the harm my actions caused".

Li Cheng doesn't acknowledge what the prince just said, nor does he react to his apology.

"Can't he speak?"

Lan's younger brother, Toren asks.

Li Cheng will just turn his back and walk away as if nothing happened.

"No! You idiot!! He can hear us!" Lansi snaps at Toren, "That bastard is deaf"

This causes Li Cheng to turn and look at them. He just stares at them and they get nervous, they stare back at him nervously. They aren't scared though, they know he won't attack them.

Li Cheng punch the air creating a tornado to kill these unfortunates

"Hey hey hey! Watch out!! Don't destroy anything!!" Prince Trenthien yells trying to get everyone's attention but they still ignore him.

They all rush towards Li Cheng and start attacking, Li Cheng with just one attack kill them all

. One by one the knights fall to the ground and die, as the last one dies Li Cheng kicks Lansi through a wall.

The room filled with silence once again, nobody moving or saying anything.

Prince Trenthien speaks up, "Well then. What should we do now"

Toren replies, "We need to capture him, or he'll hurt us even more"

Li Cheng ignores what they are saying as usual

After about three days Li Cheng went back home, and went straight to sleep. The next day Li Cheng got up early and headed to the forest. The woods were very thick, but since Li Cheng has been exploring the woods for years he knows exactly where he is going.

When Li Cheng arrived at the clearing he saw a small hut, it was made of wood and was covered in vines. There was a small pond in front of the hut, and a small stream flowing through the middle of the clearing.