
Villetta Nu

Villeta was sweating as she entered the office of one Sir Leylin Franklin. Having not found her Knightmare after the battle she had assumed the chaos of the Viceroy's death would sweep it under the rug, however it seems it flagged something for the Knight of Cornelia li Britannia.

It had only been a day since Shinjuku, however, the princess already had most of Area 11 under her control. Having manipulated the nobles swiftly to comply and as the highest military personnel in the Area along with an heir to the throne, she was acting as the interim Viceroy for now.

Sir Leylin was known well to the populace as well as being in charge of most of the dealing with the problematic nobles. They always ended with the noble bending over backward for the princess afterward. So Villeta was quite spooked upon hearing he called for her.

She knocked on the door as she reached there already in attention, knowing this would not go well.

"Enter" came the smooth voice. She entered and saw the black-haired man known throughout Area 11 as the archangel of victory, being the one who helped Cornelia win many of her victories.

"Villeta Nu, born June 1st, 1991 in Area 4 to two commoner parents. Went to military school and passed second in your batch, currently a part of the purist faction."

"Yes sir!" she said, knowing he probably read her file before she came, a move that showed he probably had a plan for her. What kind of plan was the question.

"You lost a Knightmare during Shinjuku, claiming you saw a student there and went down to help. However, after that, you blacked out and woke up much later. Now I wouldn't care of this normally however there is one problem, you see we suspect the enemy to have captured one of our Knightmares along with the command key for it and thus know our locations throughout the battle, causing significant casualty along with the death of the Viceroy. Now of all the Knightmares lost in the battle yours is the only one unaccounted for."

"My lord, I swear I had nothing to do with this, everything I have told is the truth. I would never betray the empire for lowly elevens."

"I have no doubt of that miss Nu, you don't strike me as a traitor. No, what I wish to know is the student you saw, you never gave us a description."

"My apologies my lord, he wore a school uniform I now know to belong to Ashford Academy, he said his name was Alan Spacer, however, there does not seem to be any Alan Spacer in Area 11. He was tall and slim with black hair and violet eyes."

"It seems you have done your research on this student, very well. Hmm Spacer, haven't heard that in a long time. Miss Nu, did you see anyone else around the area? "

"There were a few corpses around my lord, however, they were too covered in blood for me to remember. I do remember one corpse though, it had vivid green hair, I struck out to me as it is a rare color."

"Very well miss Nu, thank you for your cooperation, you may leave. Don't worry about the incident, however, from next time remember there are mikes and cameras in the Knightmare for a reason. Your rank will be reduced by one however it is merely a formality and you will gain it back in half a year or so. You seem to have a drive for improvement, pity you associated with the purists."

"My lord?"

"The purists are a big faction in Area 11 thanks to the lax oversight of the previous Viceroy, however, they have little say in other areas and are even shunned in some. You will go no higher in the organization until Kewell and Gotwald both leave or die."

"My lord, I may be a member of the purist but I am a Britannian first and foremost and a servant to the crown. I have always respected Princess Cornelia for her work for the nation and it would be my honor to serve under her."

"Hmm, it just so happens I have an assignment I need someone to help me with."

"I am here to serve my lord."

"Good, here is the file. All your orders are inside, make sure this is kept absolutely secret, your alibi will be a different mission, the description of which is also attached. Memorize it in case anyone asks."

"Yes, my lord!" Villeta said as Leylin signed for her to leave.


Once Villeta had left, Leylin opened another tab on his computer and looked at the student. Lelouch Laperouge. He had known of him surviving and living with Ashfords since after the invasion, however, did not tell Cornelia as he felt it was not his business

Now it seemed, his doubt of CC having come for Marriane's son was confirmed. And it seemed she gave him the power as well, seeing the memory gap and energy signature on Villeta. He now had an even better sense of what exposure to the geass does to a person's brain thanks to Villeta. He had scanned her while she was in his room, the scanners were hidden all around his room, mostly used to detect any disturbances, they could also be configured by his AI chip to detect brain activity.

Now it seemed he had a meeting with the exiled prince.