
Power of Kings

Extra Chapter for 100+ power stones, enjoy!!


"What an appropriate location for a terrorist to meet his end." said the Captain as he pointed his gun at Lelouch. He was able to hide perfectly under the rubble however Shirley had to choose that moment to call him.

"You scum!"

"Still, you did well for a student, but that's to be expected. You're a Britannian. Unfortunately, my clever young friend, you have no…" suddenly the Captain was shot through his head.

All the other soldiers turned around to look at the killer, a green-haired woman had appeared behind them. No words were spoken as she shot more and more of the guards.

Finally seeing more of them die, they finally shot at her. She ran between the guards making them pause towards Lelouch. Just as she was close to him a shot pierced her chest.

"Who was that?" said a guard as he changed his target from the now dead woman to Lelouch.

"Doesn't matter, we kill the kid before someone else comes. The captain might be dead but we still have the mission."

"How can this be happening? First Suzaku's killed, and this girl. Now, I'm about to die. Before I've had a chance to do a single thing with my life. It's gone in a heartbeat. Nunnally…!" thought Lelouch remembering his sister.

"You don't want it to end here, do you?" came a voice.


"You appear to have a reason for living."

"The girl? That's impossible!" Lelouch thought recognizing the voice to be from the girl.

"If I grant you power, could you go on? I propose a deal. In exchange for this power, you must agree to make my one wish come true. Accept this contract and you accept its conditions, while living in the world of humans, you will live unlike any other. A different providence, a different time, a different life. The power of the king will condemn you to a life of solitude. Are you prepared for this?" said the voice.

"Yes! I hereby accept the terms of your contract!" spoke Lelouch not knowing what he was doing just following his instincts. Then he slowly got up, he gained some information on the power he had gotten.

"Say…how should a Britannian who detests his own country live his life?"

"Are you some kind of radical?" spoke the guard.

"What's wrong? Why not shoot? Your opponent is just a schoolboy. Or have you finally realized? The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed."

"What's happening here?!" spoke the guard feeling the unease building in the place.

"I, Lelouch vi Britannia, command you, now all of you, die!" spoke Lelouch as his eye turned into the geass sigil.

"Yes! Your Highness! Fire!" spoke the guards almost robotically. Each aiming at the other and shot themselves without even flinching.


"What in the blazing word is going on over there?" Shouted Cornelia as she and Leylin went towards Shinjuku.

"It seems your brother had that personal project of his stolen. By terrorists no less, he is now calling for an 'urban renewal' of Shinjuku. Of course, he will blame it on the poison gas, one that he will claim the terrorists created."

"How in the blazes did terrorists get their hands on that. I thought you were supposed to be in charge of that. You knew where it was and did not do anything about it!!"

"Not at all, the whole project has mostly destroyed the container that the terrorists stole is just an empty container. No, what Clovis wants to do is use that as an excuse to march into Shinjuku."

"What!! Why would he do that?"

"Simple, I recently got to know that he was able to get an audience with the Emperor just this morning. Soon after that, he got permission to command all the military personnel in the area, other than us of course."

"Why would the Emperor do that? What could he possibly have told him."

"I may have a clue. See I was able to find out about Code R. However soon after I found out about the main lab, there was an accident and the lab exploded. I was however able to scrape some data thanks to knowing where to look."

"Well spit it out."

"I found out that this research was related to what happened in Aries Villa."

Enjoy the extra chapter, I decided to start the new arc with a bang.

Lord_Leylincreators' thoughts