
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · perkotaan
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50 Chs


The tight atmosphere was suffocating,they both desperately looked for a topic to talk about. And in the end, Leylah asked in a single breath, "how is your hand doing?"

Suraj didn't expect that Leylah will talk to him after what happened earlier that day. quite stunned,he paused for a bit,then with a slightly warmer expression,he replied in a clear voice,a hint of softness in it,

"its feeling better now".

Leylah replied with a simple "Alhamdulillah"(praise be to God).

Silence fell in the car once again,the same pressure from before started building up again so she directed her attention to the window,watching as the rain pit patter on the window.

Old memories started flooding her mind,the times when they were still together,happy and the best couple they could ever be.

Suraj graduated from high school and was very lucky to gain admission into the university of Lagos to study neurology.it was what he has always dreamt of studying,he was very excited.

His father Mr Al-kaseem got a small but comfortable apartment for him just opposite the school campus after Suraj complained about not wanting to stay in the school hostel. He was a clean freak and he likes his space and doesn't like people invading his privacy.

At that time,he was already in love with Leylah but he didn't know how to tell her and wasn't sure how Leylah would take it.

Leylah and Nabeela were in SS2,so he planned to wait till she graduates high school. Then he will confess his feelings to her on her prom night.

'what a great idea that would be'. he thought to himself.

After Suraj left for school,the girls were quite bored and missed him a lot,so they begged their parents to go visit Suraj in school during the weekends.At first both parents didn't agree but later agreed with the girls as there wouldn't stop whining every day.

And so for the first time,both families,Leylah,Mrs Karina,Mr and Mrs Al-kaseem and Nabeela all went together to visit Suraj. Suraj was very happy when he saw all of them. Mr Al-kaseem ordered food and drinks for them,they ate,took photos and played games. When it was time to leave,the girls didn't want to leave but the parents convinced them that they could come visit him the next weekend but the girls won't have it.

"perhaps next Sunday" Mr Al-kaseem suggested.

"Uncle why next Sunday? What about tomorrow? Its Sunday and we don't have school tomorrow" Leylah asked holding Mr Al-kaseem's arm.

"Yes dad,lets come visit Suraj tomorrow again,just look at how much he has missed us" Nabeela said hugging her brother.

"No,we took his time today and so he couldn't study or rest.you girls will only come visit him once in a week and that is on Sundays that he doesn't have classes", Mr kaseem told the girls.

And so the girls only visit Suraj on Sundays. They will either go with their parents or most times, a ride will be called to take them to Suraj's apartment. And same thing too when it was time to return home.

One faithful Sunday when the girls went to visit Suraj in school,they ate,played games and when it was time to go home,it started raining heavily.

The rain didn't stop at all and fell throughout the night accompanied with much thunder and lightening. The girls couldn't leave so their parents told them to sleep over there and they will come get them in the morning. They also asked Suraj to protect the girls and make sure they are safe.

Suraj was also thinking of the same day too,the rain brought back the memories. He couldn't help but smile,as that day was a day he would never forget in his life because it was such a memorable one.

His apartment just had only one bedroom,he gave the girls his bedroom and slept in the sitting room. Late into the night after he finished studying,he decided to go to sleep as it was already late.

He was just about sleeping when he remembered that Leylah was scared of the sound of thunder and she won't be able to sleep,seeing as it was thundering loudly.

Mrs Karina had told him about this habit of Leylah. That most of the times when it was raining and thundering,Leylah will rush to her room out of fear and Mrs Karina will have to cuddle her to sleep .

He got up from the sofa and went to the bedroom where Nabeela was already sound asleep but Leylah was still wild awake,curled up in the bed.

He entered the room and as soon as he did,Leylah looked up at him and her eyes brimmed with relieve and happiness. As if she was silently praying for someone to come save her and her prayer just got answered.

"Hey". Suraj whispered as he entered the room.

" Hey",Leylah answered. You haven't slept yet?".

"Yeah,I was studying. I just finished and was about to go to sleep then decided to check up on you both before I sleep". Suraj explained trying to sound as low as possible so as not to wake Nabeela. Because she really hates noise when she sleeps.

"Oh", came Leylah's reply.

" What about you?why haven't you slept yet?"

"I couldn't sleep" came Leylah's short answer.

"Why?"Suraj asked with a hint of amusement on his face.he already knows but still wanted to hear her say it.

"why do I have a feeling you already know and you just want to make fun of me".

"What?really Leylah?how would I know?,you are so funny".

"The sound of the thunder" Leylah said,feeling a little embarrassed.

"Its so disturbing to me ears,I can't sleep when there are disturbing sounds" Leylah explained.

"Really?are you sure its DISTURBING or the sound SCARES you out of your wits" Suraj teased.

"You see,I know you just wanted to tease me,my mum told you right?,arrrrrggh! How annoying".

Suraj who was finding this funny controlled himself from laughing too loud so not to disturb Nabeela's sleep.

"Its fine to be scared Leylah,moreover you are scared of almost everything. so its fine BIG BABY,I'll just help you to sleep. come on". Suraj said still teasing her and laughing at her.

"I don't need you helping me to sleep,am fine".

" really? Okay, I'll just leave then" He stood up and was about to leave when Leylah held his hand and stopped him. he knew she was scared and won't let him leave. Her attitude was just so cute,he thought.

"O...okay" Leylah struggled to say.she couldn't let him just leave and be scared and unable to sleep for the whole night.

Suraj didn't tease her anymore again,he just sat back down beside her and started telling her about his lectures,lecturers and his course mates. And after about an hour,Leylah fell asleep.

Suraj didn't leave even when Leylah was already asleep. she looked so cute,her sleeping face was quite captivating.it was the first time he has really paid attention to her face while she was sleeping.

Suraj didn't know what got into him but he moved forward slowly and planted a kiss on her forehead and after that,he planted another swift and quick kiss on her plump lips.

His face felt red and hot after he kissed her,he hurriedly put off the light and got out of the room.it was his first kiss and he really loved it.he kept on reminiscing about the kiss and from that night on,he promised to take responsibility for that kiss.

When he came out of his daze,he saw that they were almost close to their houses. He looked at the Leylah seated besides him now and felt she was a different person from the Leylah in his memories.

When they arrived at Leylah's apartment,she barely waited for Suraj to halt the car and quickly got out in a lightning bolt.

"What? She couldn't even stand a minute with me in the car now that we've arrive at her place?,wow! Just wow!" Suraj said to himself as he drove off.

He arrived home and just went up to his room. His mum made him a hot cup of tea,seeing as he was a bit drenched from the rain.

Mrs Najma noticed her son wasn't in a good mood but she didn't pressure him ,when she saw that he didn't want to talk. she just helped him put away his wet cloths and said good night.

The next morning,Suraj woke up quite late as he couldn't sleep much because his mind was in chaos, he quietly ate breakfast with his family and left for work.

Before he left home,his mother had a brief talk with him. since she noticed her son's behaviour was quite sad, but he told her it was nothing and that it was just the stress from work.

Back at the hospital,he drowned himself in work and made sure to block every thought of Leylah.he saw her a few times but he gave her a cold look and didn't respond to her greetings when she said hi.

He closed early from work that day to go visit Mrs Karina as promised. he went early so as to avoid seeing Leylah at the house.

When he arrived at the house,he greeted Mrs Karina and they chatted for a while as usual. When he noticed it was getting late and Leylah could be back home any moment,he decided to take his leave but Mrs Karina didn't allow him.

"What's wrong son?you haven't been visiting me as you used to and now that I practically forced you to come visit,you just want to leave after barely 30minutes".

"Or is it because you are trying to avoid seeing Leylah?"Mrs Karina teased.

"Ah!no Aunt,wh....why would I do that?. Even if I want to,its no use since I see her everyday at the hospital". Suraj defended.

"Oh! Is that so? alright then. Am making dinner,so you'll have to stay and have dinner before leaving".

"And don't even bother,because I already called your mum and told her you'll be having dinner here today".

Mrs Karina cornered Suraj and now he has no choice but to stay and eventually see Leylah he has been trying so much to avoid today.

'Like mother,like daughter. They always get what they want .its so sad Leylah doesn't want me anymore'.Suraj thought.

He got up and rolling his sleeves he asked, "what should I help with Aunt?and I won't take "don't worry I can handle it" for an answer",Suraj said.

Mrs Karina laughed,she has always been like that. whenever Suraj came to visit and offered to do one thing or the other,she always stops him with that phrase.

"Alright son,you can help set the table,I'll just bring out the food its almost ready.

Suraj finished setting the table and decided to go pray Magrib (the evening prayer)since its already time before Mrs Karina finish bringing the food out.

"Aunt am done with this now,I'll just go pray before you finish".

"Alright,you can pray in Leylah's room,I'll also go pray too" and with that she left Suraj and went up to her room.

The last time Suraj went up to Leylah's room was 6years ago when he was still crying over their breakup.

The situation felt awkward but it was the only option because there were only 2 used rooms in the house. The last room was used by Mrs Karina for storing her jewelries and other valuables things,and so he didn't have any other option.

Immediately he opened Leylah's room,her scent filled his nostrils. Her room was beautifully decorated and it looked more matured now ,compared to before when it looked childish with touch of pink everywhere and a lot of teddy bears in the room.

"I see someone has grown up". He whispered to himself smiling.

When Leylah arrived home,she didn't see her mum downstairs,she went up to her mum's room to greet her but her mum was praying so she went straight to her room. She was very tired and immediately she got into her room,she threw her self on her bed and slowly started taking off her cloths.

She perceived a familiar perfume in her room,she knew who that scent belong to. She knew it was Suraj's but how did it get in her room? how comes she is perceiving his scent?.she was still thinking when the door to her bathroom opened and Suraj came out.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!what are you doing here?" Leylah shouted adjusting her dress and buttoning it back.

Suraj turned his back to her and let her adjust her dress and then he asked "can I turn back now?".

"Yes and what the he** are you doing in my room at this hour?" Leylah asked again this time her voice still loud but she wasn't shouting.

Mrs Karina quickly came into the room when she heard Leylah's scream, "what's wrong darling,I heard you scream?".

Leylah looked at her mother and when she didn't see the look of surprise on her face that Suraj was in her room,she asked, "mum did you know he was in my room?"

"Yes Leylah,I told him to come pray in your room,sorry I didn't inform you but I was praying when you arrived".

"you didn't have to scream when you saw him,its just Suraj and you do see him every other day at the hospital". Mrs Karina joked.

"Go ahead,wash up and pray my darling,we'll be waiting for you at the dinning table. Am very sure the both of you are hungry so don't take much time okay". Mrs Karina said as she and Suraj left Leylah standing there at lost for words.

'Suraj is here at my house and will be having dinner with us?' Leylah shouted in her head

She prayed and changed into simple cloths before she went downstairs. Suraj and her mum had already started eating,they were chatting and laughing. And for the first time since she arrived Nigeria,she saw Suraj genuinely laughing.

It was a very amazing sight for her, she couldnt remember the last time she saw him this happy.

She sat quietly at the table and started eating,when her mum said, " Leylah really?Suraj said you acted like a complete rookie the first day you started working at the hospital. And that even now too,you still slack a lot."Mrs Karina said still laughing at her daughter.

"What! that's not true mum".

"What's not true,don't you get reprimanded by the chief a lot?"

" I tried to guide her aunt but you know Leylah,still stubborn as always. so it was hard for me to save her from getting into trouble" Suraj said teasingly.

"Woah!Suraj,you are such a liar,when did you ever try to save me?you always put me into trouble".

"mum don't believe anything he says" Leylah said defensively.

"Its because you don't listen to me that's why".

"And why would I listen to you when you always want to order me around "

Mrs Karina didn't say a word she just kept watching them arguing with each other,she was having fun.

"Its only naturally because am your superior Leylah"

"Superior my foot.is that how you oppress other staffs there?you are so sh..." Coughs. Leylah chocked on her food and started coughing profusely.

"Here,sorry,have some water Suraj said"

Mrs Karina patted her daughter on the back gently until she stooped coughing. "you argue too much Leylah"Mrs Karina teased.

"Huh!mum,wasn't it Suraj who was arguing with me?".

Suraj couldn't hide his laughter.Mrs Karina always took his side whenever they were arguing with Leylah in the past. And that pisses Leylah off even now she was starting to get pissed.

They finished eating and after a while Suraj decided to take his leave. "Aunt thanks for having me,dinner was great"Suraj said smiling.

"You're welcome son,just promise to visit me soon again"

"InshaAllah(God's willing) Aunt,I will"

"Okay,Leylah I want to go do the dishes,see Suraj off please"

"Good night Aunt"

"Good night son,say me hi to your mum and sister".

Leylah who was intending to go to her room and stay there until Suraj left was forced to go see him off.she took a veil wrapped it around her head and said " shall we?"

"Sure,after you", Suraj replied as he opened the door for her.

Leylah didn't notice Suraj's car when she arrived home because he parked it further away from her apartment. He did that so it will be easy for him to drive out with his car without making Leylah move hers again when he wants to leave.

None of them said a word until he reached where his car was at,he opened his car and got in. Leaving the door open and not starting the car engine,he just sat there and stared at Leylah.

He wasn't smiling or angry, his expression was just subtle.

Leylah was feeling uncomfortable with the way he was looking at her now,she adjusted her veil even though it needed none and said, "okay,good night,I'll just go back inside now".

As she turned to leave,Suraj asked "is there something you want to tell me?"

"Uhmm...yes,I mean....no" Leylah stuttered.

"how about you? do you have anything to talk to me about?" Leylah asked.

"Yes,I do.I have a lot of things to talk to you about".Suraj replied.

Leylah wasn't expecting that,but she was beyond happy that at last he has decided to have a talk with her.she couldn't hide her surprise and happy expression.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Its getting late now and you should go in now.if you are not so busy tomorrow, we could go out during lunch and talk".

"okay, I'll see you tomorrow InshaAllah(God's willing)".

"Alright,go in already". Suraj said and started his car.

"Good night",Leylah said and left.

"Good night....Leylah" Suraj whispered to himself.he watched Leylah go in before he drove home.

When he got home,his mum asked him how his day went and the dinner at the maleek's house but he didn't say much.he just told her it was okay and that Mrs Karina sent her greetings.

Mrs najma couldn't hide her disappointment,she wanted him to tell her more about the dinner and Leylah but he didn't. So she asked him if he is trying to get along with Leylah.

"if not for anything but for old times sake and for Mrs Karina's sake", his mum said.

"Yes mum,I have been trying and I plan to have a proper talk with her tomorrow" Suraj said,getting tired of his mum's continuous pleas to start getting along with Leylah.

Mrs Najma was very happy to hear this,she thanked her son for listening to her advice.

Meanwhile Leylah couldn't stop tossing and turning on her bed.it was already late in the night but she couldn't sleep as she was imagining and thinking of how their little talk will go the next day.