
CH 5.The sighting of a New Rank Adventurer


Mike and John went down to the lobby to catch up with everyone else

Leon walked over to mike

"what were you guys talking about?"

"oh he was just wanting to know if I knew about you being this strong from the beginning"

"Oh ok, so I wonder if the guild will measure our stats or use a stat reader"

"will have to wait and see Leon, this whole world can't be just like those mangas of yours"

the whole group kept walking, passing through the streets with half crowded areas, they walked high and mighty to show their presence, soon after they finally made it to the guild

"man walking high and mighty can some sort be hard"

Mike looked over at Telk and said

"well telk, like what John said we are now meant to show ourselves as of a noble to get our reputation higher which will help us get businesses and gain more money to have a peaceful life here"

"Alright everyone, since we're here, Febe It's now your turn of the plan"

"oh ok, I will just change all of your names, it will take me a few though so just be patient"


"Ok, finished, when they checked your stats in any way it will always show us as with the last name, Zekial, so were good"

"Good, Now that we're ready, I know you might have thought about how we are going to get the cards, will I use my skill, well I will let reb tell you"

"So guys I was on a mission to find money so I managed to get 3 gold coins yesterday from some nice looking house, so we're good so let's go to the front desk"

"Hello, so are you guys from some new family, don't mind me asking but you are all in a big group so I thought"

Mr.teke walked in front to show that he led their group

"yes, we are, we just got the money and want to make some more money and these are my sons and my lovely daughter so we have the money to start"

"oh you are knowledge, let be give you a summary on ranks and what they stand for

C Rank: The Lowest rank of a Human's rank mostly held by commoners

B Rank: The middle and most common rank with adventurers

A Rank: At the pinnacle of the human's strength with the power to hold a fight with a dragon for at most 5 minutes

and the highest rank I know

S Rank: Having a great power which has only been seen from true airs of great families which have history from the old world time.

"It's also said that some royals have a so-called rank higher than even the S Rank, so I expect that the head of the family will get their card first"

"Oh, I Didn't ask which family you are from"

"We are from the Great Zekial family, So I'll go first"

the front desk lady pulled out a needle from the desk, "here sting you finger and place it in this card"

So Mr.teke proceeded to do what she told him

the blank card suddenly had his name, attack, Magic damage, Intelligence, and agility, but they weren't in numbers this time, after his name, his attack and the other abilities they each had letters after them


[Kinshi Zekial]:Rank C






"Your C Ranked, don't worry as long as you have the ability to level up and reach level 30 you will rank up to rank B, your skill ranks just leveled up with you they're not that important to your official rank"

John went next after he went Mike, then Reb, then telk, then Febe, then begs, then Han, then last but not least Leon


[John mitski]: Rank C







[Mike Left]: Rank C







[Reb bradly]: Rank C







[Telk Kanshi]: Rank C







[Febe Hatch]: Rank C







[Begs dashi]: Rank C







[Han tomio]: Rank C






"Don't worry, it's ok to start off with the C Rank Mostly, everyone, is C Ranked because it's not that easy to reach level 30 or even going above that all your family has to do is go hunt goblins or orcs, but don't try hunting monsters over your level that is higher than your level 5 times but any lower you have to have a teammate to be sure so it won't overpower you"

"yes we will go out as a team of 9"

"oh, my God I forgot to get a card for your son, let me go get it"

"hi, just do what your brothers did"

The front desk lady said with a calming smile,

Leon soon started the process

Mr.teke asks

"so, you said the ranks above s are not known the common people, what might happen if you meet someone who has a higher rank than s?"

"well, if there was someone with s rank he would be given respect from even the king, there are actually 4 S ranks out there in the world, there's 2 at Alfheim and 1 at RedFire

and lastly, there's our S rank, the King's son of Genopgil, So the possibility of one of your kids being even of S rank or Higher is a 1 in a million chance, But believing is a good thing, Ok the results are coming in"


[Leon kirumi]: Rank SS






The front desk lady was in surprise, but the looks on the Zekial family was not in surprise, they expected this from Leon

Leon with a calm and unsurpassed face

"I'm an SS rank, Lady I see that I now hold a title that is higher than S rank, what reward will I get?"

An Adventurer next to them heard that Leon is a SS rank

"So your a Rank higher Than My friends Max, I myself am an A Ranked Adventurer and in fact I don't believe you are an SS Rank, I am of Noble descent from the vike family, My name is Gen, Gen Vike and I would like to have a little sparring match to see if you really are a SS Rank?"

"Ok" Leon replied with a calm and straight face

They went out into the backfield where Adventurers go to spare or to settle disputes

The match was in a box shape and made of stone

Leon and Gen got on the ring, the viewers of this match was the guild master who was informed secretly by the front desk lady and the Zekial family

Leon breathed in the out to keep his composure, "don't worry this is not a deathmatch the winner is the person who knocks out his opponent" said the hyped Gen

"oh ok if that all then let's start"

Gen started but doing short chants, "Great worl-wind of the wind"

a spire formed blast was thrown towards Leon at a powerful speed




Leon said while looking at the worl-wind, in a blink of an eye the attack began dissipating and scattering

"This is one of my abilities"


Leon Sayed


The same attack that was fired at Leon, was then used by Leon himself to attack Gen

"How you didn't even chan--"

The attack was bigger and stronger than gens version, it just hit Gen when he was talking

BOOM, smoke in the blast area, The blast area was then disappearing, The ring was Filled with rubble

There was a figure standing on the ring and only 1 figure which meant there was already a winner and loser

The smoke finally completely cleared up the figure standing was none other than Leon and the Person completely knocked out on the dusty ground outside the ring was Gen

in the background, someone said "Wow there now, that is what you get from a SS rank Huh"

Leon looked out and noticed someone watching with the eyes of a great warrior sensed by Leon

"Oh don't mind me asking but who are you?"

"Me? I'm the guild master of this Guild, In fact, I was in Alfheim a few minutes ago, I came here with the guilds long-range teleportation Device"

"You are the Guild Master, Oh, you must be the other S Rank in Alfheim, right?"

"yes, Your sharp aren't you, So I came here to see if you really are in fact an SS Rank but now that I've seen that you are actually an SS rank, the first one in, Oh I think 100 Years"

"Thanks for the complements"

"no problem, so I heard your family is trying to make a name for itself, well if you need help just come to the guild I'll have them contact me"

"it's ok, just talk to my brother John he knows what's best for the family, he is my oldest brother"

"Oh ok, Mr.Zekial can I borrow you for a few?"

Mr.teke suddenly gets intimidated

"sure, what might you need guild master?"

"you know how I would like to help your family so I am going to give you money to be able to start off a healthy living"

The Guild Master takes his hands out of his pocket, He then reaches out in front of him with one hand then his watch suddenly starts to glow

A light in front of him formed and then it transformed into a box the size of a medium packaging box

"This is another one of the many magical tools I have gained from Alfheim, it's a Portable Dimensional Magical item which was crafted by the Grand crafter of the Alfheim kingdom, he made it into a watch form though, it can be used to store a few things that you would need like money"

The guild master puts his hands in, then moves it around like he is looking for something inside the Box, He suddenly stopped

he then removed his hand from inside the box and with it, he held a big bag that seemed to be holding coins

"no, there's no way you're carrying this much silver coins, imagine how much gold coins it's worth"