
Leveling with Automata

[ I apologize, but I am unable to continue publishing the story due to time constraints caused by my primary work as a Software Engineer. Therefore, I have made the decision to discontinue the story. ]

BongoHead · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

The Enigmatic Gate And First Test

As Hee-Joon saw everyone start walking towards their respective helpdesk setups, Hee-Joon wondered, which test he will need to give today.

"Hey Hyun-Soo, Do you know which test we have to give first today?" Hee-Joon asked in hoping for an answer.

"No" replied Hyun-So, "But, I think it will be porter since it was our first class".

Agreeing with his statement, both decided to walk towards the helpdesk which was set for the Porter team.

As they both reached the helpdesk for the Porter team, Hee-Joon saw many people standing in line to check their test details. He and his friend joined the line and patiently waited for their turn.

After a few minutes, they finally reached the helpdesk. Hee-Joon greeted the staff and asked, "Hello, sir. May I know where we have been assigned for the test and where we need to go?"

The staff member smiled and replied, "Certainly! Let me check your details." After a quick glance at his records, the staff member continued,

"You have been assigned to the Porter team for the test, and your designated testing area is on the outskirts of the city, You will be escorted there shortly by one of the staff" replied the staff member.

After Hyun-Soo confirmed his testing location, It was deemed that both will be at the same gate location. Suddenly one of the staff members came to Hee-Joon and Hyun-Soo, after addressing himself, he said that we are heading now to the location.

Both of them were escorted in the car as they started heading towards the dungeon, a Staff member who was young, spoke out,

"We have been reported that gate appeared yesterday, at the outskirts," the staff member then continued, " One of the Independent raid team had given their name for raiding this dungeon"

Hyun-Soo then asked, "What are these independent raid teams?"

The staff member then continued "These are few individuals who are not bound to guilds or do not want to be associated with guilds",

"These independent raiders are those who don't join guilds and prefer to raid independently with other like-minded individuals. Since the loot obtained during their raids goes directly to them and not to guilds, these individuals, who are not bound by guild affiliations, need to seek permission from the Hunter Association."

Hee-Joon: Oh, I see. So, do they have to get permission from the Hunter Association in order to raid independently?

Yes, that's correct. In exchange for the permission, they are required to take on additional responsibilities. One such responsibility is conducting tests for new trainees, like yourselves. It helps in evaluating the skills and abilities of the aspiring hunters." explained the staff member.

"Thank you for explaining this to me. It's fascinating to learn about the different dynamics within the hunting world." Hee-Joon replied excitingly.

"You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your test" a staff member replied.

"By the way Sir" Exclaimed Hee-Joon, "I forgot to ask your name"

"Choi Eun-ji" replied a staff member.

As they finally arrived at the gate, Hee-Joon's eyes widened in awe as he witnessed a live gate for the first time. Before he stood a portal, emanating a mesmerizing blue color and spiraling in nature. The sheer magnitude of its presence filled him with a sense of excitement and anticipation. He could see the mana emanating from the gate.

As they stood outside the gate, Hee-Joon couldn't help but feel the powerful mana resonating from within the dungeon. Curiosity sparked within him, and he turned to the staff member Choi Eun-ji, eager to learn more about how dungeons were ranked.

Hee-Joon asked, "How do you determine the rank of a dungeon? I can sense the mana emanating from this gate, but I'm not sure why it's classified as a C-rank dungeon."

Choi Eun-ji smiled and reached into the car, retrieving a measuring instrument. He explained,

"We use this device to measure the mana output of a dungeon. Let me show you how it works." He pressed a button, and the meter displayed various readings.

Pointing at the readings on the meter, the staff member continued, "Based on a set of rules and calculations using these measurements, we determine the rank of the dungeon. Factors such as the intensity of mana, the complexity of the dungeon's structure, and the types of monsters within all contribute to its ranking based on the initial survey.

"In some time, the raiders will arrive. Your task will be to carry their various items during the raid." Choi Eun-ji continued.

He handed Hee-Joon a couple of porter bags, specially designed to hold and organize the necessary equipment.

Hee-Joon accepted the bags, feeling their weight and durability. "Thank you," he replied with a nod. "I'm ready to assist the raiders and accompany them inside the dungeon. What should I expect during the raid?"

Choi Eun-ji smiled reassuringly and replied, "During the raid, you'll be working closely with the raiding team, ensuring their supplies and equipment are readily available. It can be fast-paced and intense, so be prepared to move quickly and communicate effectively. Your role as a porter is vital in supporting the raiders' success."

As they patiently waited for the raiders to arrive, time passed, and soon enough, two large black cars pulled up to the location. It was evident that these eight-seater vehicles were designed for convenient transportation.

As the cars approached, Staff member Choi Eun-ji hurriedly made his way toward one of the raiders. He stood tall, clad in black gear and armor, sporting a pair of spectacles. His imposing physique caught Hee-Joon's attention. Soon, more raiders emerged from the cars, each dressed in their distinctive attire.

Choi Eun-Ji had a brief discussion with the raider, exchanging words and reviewing some papers. In the midst of their conversation, he turned towards Hee-Joon and Hyun-Soo, gesturing for them to approach him. They walked over, curious about the sudden call.

"Allow me to introduce Kang Min-Seo," Choi Eun-Ji said, motioning toward the raider. "He will be the leader for today's raid, and both of you will be under his guidance."

As Kang Min-seo removed his glasses and glanced at Hee-Joon and Hyun-Soo, a skeptical expression appeared on his face.

"Are the Hunter team so low on porters that they're resorting to giving tests to kids?" he remarked, assessing their young age.

Choi Eun-Ji quickly stepped in to address Kang Min-seo's concern.

"Don't be deceived by their age. These two are capable and will provide valuable assistance as porters in today's raid."

As Kang Min-seo made a remark about their age, Hee-Joon mustered the courage to respond.

"Sir, please don't worry. We will manage and ensure we don't hinder the raid in any way," he confidently stated.

Kang Min-seo chuckled heartily at Hee-Joon's comment.

"Well, well, it's good to have confidence," he replied, acknowledging the young porter's determination.

Then Kang Min-seo spoke "All the necessary equipment and supplies for the raid are here in the back seat of the car. Get ready and start packing them in your bags," he instructed, preparing them for the upcoming task.