
6.In the World of Novel

I waved my both hands up and walked to the middle of the road.

"Hey, Hey'

The pick up truck stopped in front of me and an old man wearing white shirt and a cowboy hat came out of it carrying a shotgun,

"Hey, hey cool man i just need a drive back to the city"

He didn't believe in my words and twisted the shotgun's bolt handle and pulled it up.

"Hey it's true, i have no bad intentions, see i am all wet, i mistakenly fell into the river and dragged till here"

Looking at me all wet he put down the gun and moved his head sideways,

"Come in"


I released a sigh of relief and followed him inside the truck.

The vehicle looked old and the seats were all worn out, the man put his shotgun in the middle of us and started the car.

"Sorry lad, there are a lot of cases of murders and car robberies going around this area"

"Oh no it's completely fine, i understand you"

"Hahaha so how did you fall into the river?"

"Ugh t-that oh me and my friends went on a trip to camp near the river, where i saw a snake which got me startled and fell in the river"

"That's a funny tale you got there, so what about your friends where are they?"

"Maybe in hell"

"Hahahaha you are a funny boy, shall I turn the radio on"

"Yeah go ahead"

The old man started the old radio and a song began to play, i was surprised that it was not anything about me or the world but didn't mind and enjoyed the song,

"It's a nice song, it's an old one i guess I've never heard of it"

"Yes it's an old one, it was a very popular one, 'To the City' sung by Jeffery"


"Jeffery Williamson, tell you a fun fact you know he was also from this city A0017 and was"

The old man kept blabbering about the singer but i got confused hearing the name of the city, from the car we could see the city which was full of lights and the traffic around us increased, on the gateway sign in the bold letters it was written,

"Welcome to City A0017"


Looking at the sign board i was confused but before i could ask the old man an earthquake struck us and black clouds gathered at the top of the city and spun around like a tornado with the centre of the city as its eye, out of the ground a tall black building came out and made its way to the clouds piercing the sky and the lights of the city all went off.

Getting out of the car as the earthquake subsided i looked at the building that appeared in the distance with shock and a translucent screen popped up and i stared at it with my mouth wide open.

[You are Awakened]

'You are awakened' these words were written on the screen, and I looked up to the sky in the sudden realisation

"City A0017, The city of Satan? Fuck I'm in the world of the novel i just read"