
Level up Zombie

Zain Talen, your average college slacker, was busy skipping class to go play a new video game he had just bought, when a strange woman came running his way. Before he could get out of the way she collided with him. Quickly picking herself up she ran away leaving behind a pendant. Without knowing where she went Zain pocketed it and decided to look for her after his gaming session. During his binge, he heard it. *Bang *Bang *Bang His door was assaulted with the banging of someone who sounded desperate to get in. Rushing to open the door he found himself overpowered by something and not soon after felt a sharp pain on his neck. Vision fading in and out Zain found himself at death's door. "Could this be the end?" [Congratulations!] [You have been turned into a zombie!] [QUEST RECEIVED- Begin your horde!] [infected 0/10] [Level 1]

JKSManga · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
318 Chs

learning the truth (part 2)

Sarah's words were the confirmation that he needed. The pieces of what was happening to him, and everything else, were slowly coming together. Now that he had found the person that he was looking for, he could ask all the questions he wanted, especially about the system that just popped up stating he had completed a quest. 

[Find 2/2 of the people that started the Zombie Apocalypse]

[Quest reward: 4 Silver cards.]

'Well, I wasn't expecting something like the diamond reward since there was no quest difficulty set with this, but 4 silver cards could also be good. It might just be a bunch of experience or stat points but everything is helpful in the end.' 

After looking at the pendant intently, Sarah pushed it back toward Zain, and let out a big sigh. 

"You must have a lot of questions." Sarah said. "There is a lot to explain to you, things that might confuse the others, so I think it's best if we walk around for a bit. I'll show you around the place." Sarah stated.