
Level up, Slay Monsters, And Collect Equipment Everyday

Work-life gamification Nine-fiver Lin Shu began his journey of leveling up, slaying monsters, and collecting equipment. ... "Danger! A Level 3 Temptation Fox Demon is beckoning you. She's trying to charm and seduce you!" ... "Ding! You bravely dissed the leader's unreasonable request. You've killed a Level 5 monster. You get 1. experience +1000; 2. gold +666; 3. mysterious gift +1!" ... "Ding! You accidentally triggered the hidden dungeon." ... "Ding! You accidentally entered the hidden secret world..." ...

Late Comer · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

These Monsters Have No End

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After eating with a heavy heart, Lin Shu and Qi Yuan went their separate ways.

Looking at the Pessimist floating away, Lin Shu's negative mood eased a little. His excellent mood earlier had been infected by Qi Yuan's negative energy.

'His skill was too powerful! I had fallen for it without realizing it. Although my self-healing was quite strong, I couldn't deal with monsters that were too powerful. As expected, the Pessimist is not someone I could provoke! They were all big shots that I couldn't afford to offend them!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu returned to his dormitory and rested on his bed. He looked at the experience bar on his virtual panel, 5602/10000. Lin Shu felt a little obsessive-compulsive. He was only 5000 experience points away from leveling up. So, he was wondering how he should earn Exp. Points after work.

Since it was just the beginning, Lin Shu was still very interested in the system.

Lin Shu's attributes were Spirit 3, Strength 2, Constitution 3, Agility 3, Intelligent 3, Charisma 4, and Luck 3. They mainly were at 3 points. He felt that his Luck attribute was not high enough and was not considered good.

Lin Shu just didn't know how to increase his attribute points. He wondered, 'It will be nice if my Luck attribute is higher. If it was maxed out, wouldn't I be invincible?

'Oh my God! If that's the case, then I will be overpowered. I may be the luckiest person alive.

'Hahahaha, just thinking about it made me so excited…

'It seemed difficult to level up in the game, but the future was bright.'

Lin Shu calmed down and looked at his skills. He only had two skills, Grade Three Drawing and Grade Nine Driving.

'From the looks of it, it should refer to my drawing and driving skills. However, that shouldn't be the case because I shouldn't have these two skills. I can cook, sing, dance, play basketball, and… Of course, except rap. Why didn't the system include those?' Lin Shu wondered.

Lin Shu shook his head, and his gaze fell on the Item Mall. He was very curious about what was in the Item Mall.

'I knew about the magical effects of the Passion Fruit, but I'm clueless if there were any other magical items in it. Could there be A Guide to Be Filthy Rich Overnight? If there is, I must buy it! 

'But I only have 471 Gold Coins left. I wonder what I could afford after unlocking the Item Mall. Right now, I still have to find a way to earn Exp. Points, level up, and save some Gold Coins. 

'If I could gain experience points by completing work, can I also gain Exp. Points by studying?' Lin Shu pondered.

Lin Shu glanced at the cabinet and remembered that there were a few books inside. He walked over to his cabinet. He opened it and took the two thick books, Memoirs of Literature, that he had bought and had not read.

Lin Shu couldn't recall why he had bought these two books.

'Was I out of my mind?' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu shook his head and looked at the other books, National Civil Service Recruitment Examination Textbook: Essay and another practical book.

When Lin Shu graduated and came to this company, he thought about being a civil servant. It was such a bright idea, but… His book was still very new, just like his thoughts, which were fresh and had not expired.

Lin Shu then saw a few other books at the bottom. Some university lecture notes.

Lin Shu was aware that the universities were looking for students, and the value of bachelor's degrees would depreciate. If Lin Shu wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination, he would have to begin his study. Otherwise, there will be no progress. 


You have triggered a side quest: Study hard, further your studies, and aim to be a graduate student in a university. You will receive the corresponding reward based on the difficulty of the major at the university.

Quest Level: Normal

'What the heck? A side quest? And it's about the postgraduate entrance examination?' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu was dumbfounded. He couldn't understand why a side quest suddenly appeared and asked him to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Lin Shu finds it a little… difficult.

More importantly, this side quest was only at normal level.

Side quest difficulties are categorized into normal, hard, abyss, hell, and empyrean.

Lin Shu was speechless.

Looking at the difficulty levels displayed on the virtual panel, Lin Shu felt a little hurt because that side quest was actually the lowest difficulty level.

'Wasn't this overestimating the players? Or perhaps the system had overestimated me?! I had been working for more than three years. If I were to retake the postgraduate entrance examination, I would have no confidence that I could pass. I am too old for another two more years of postgraduate studies…' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu felt intense pressure. However, since the system had given him a normal difficulty side quest, perhaps it was easier.

In fact, Lin Shu had always wanted to retake the postgraduate entrance examination, but he had not really started. After working for three years, he realized that his current academic qualifications had also become a shortcoming.

'In that case, let's start clearing the side quest! No, I should focus on my studies!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu excitedly flipped open the book and started reading.

Three minutes later…


It wasn't the system's notification but a WeChat message.

Lin Shu opened WeChat on his phone. It was a message from his good friend, Yao Chen, inviting him to play a game with him, [What's up dude? Want a round of game?]

Lin Shu saw that message and looked at the Advanced Mathematics textbook in front of him. He was a little hesitant.


A Level 3 Tempter is waving at you, casting a great seduction technique on you!

Lin Shu was shocked. He then looked at the description of a Tempter.


Skill: Seduction, alluring people. It has incredibly high attack power and is good at corrupting people's hearts. 

Remark: It is formless and ever-changing.

'Holy cow! That's so scary! My heart just skipped a beat.' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu immediately replied on WeChat, [No, I don't have the time.] 


Congratulations! You have rejected with "No". It was a one-hit kill. The Level 3 Tempter has been heavily injured and is on the verge of death. You gained 1,700 Exp. Points and 111 Gold Coins.

'Huh? Still breathing? He's not dead yet? I thought I just rejected him?' Lin Shu thought.

Another WeChat message came in, [Why don't you have time? Hurry up, I'll play a game with you!]


The Level 3 Tempter wails pitifully, continuously attacking with seduction!

Lin Shu quickly replied, [I have to study. Don't disturb me.] 

Yao Chen replied with a string of ellipses.

Lin Shu could imagine his friend's expression when he typed the ellipsis on his WeChat.


Congratulations! You took advantage of the monster's crisis and mercilessly crushed it again. The Level 3 Tempter's soul vanishes. You gained 280 Exp. Points and 93 Gold Coins.


Congratulations! You have successfully slayed a monster. You gained 1,980 Exp. Points, 230 Gold Coins, and one mystery gift.

'Nice! That's a lot of Exp. Points!' Lin Shu thought.

Lin Shu was thrilled to see the experience reward of slaying a monster. However, just as he was feeling happy, he received another WeChat message…

[Lin Shu, do you have time tonight? Let's meet up!]


A Level 10 Tempter is waving at you, casting great seduction technique at you.

'Eh? Another one? There's no end to these monsters?' Lin Shu thought.

[Let's play mahjong together. We're missing one more player!]


The Level 10 Tempter is dancing, alluring, and casting a great seduction technique on you, saying, "Come here, come on, hurry up!"

Lin Shu's heart thumped. He was tempted.