
Lettuce! : an eleceed ff

Dying in an unknown cause waking up in a random body as memories flashed in his eyes like a movie now he knows the big brother of amyeong and jiwoo his name is Jiseok he is 11 he has 9 years more till the start of the story now he aims to be the strongest to protect his family _______________________________________ This is an alternate universe where amyeong is the brother of Jiwoo and the name of the mc is Jiseok he is a villain but he doesn’t hurt his brother and he know kayden bc they fought before

Mysteriousclapper · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Top 32 my ass

It was night time in the high way only one luxurious car was driving in the high way soon it came to a stop in front of it was non other than Jiseok and Amyeong a man came out of the car this man wore a black coat with glasses on his name was Thomson top 32 in the world ranking of awakened well he wont be anymore because he is gonna die

"Who are you people?"

"Just some assassins doing their job"

"Tsk assassins huh who hired you?"

"We wont tell you"

"Then I'll make you spit it out!"

Thomson then Dashed to Jiseok but was kicked by amyeong

"Your opponent is me your to weak to go against him"

Amyeongs hand became sharp then multiple clones of him appeared they dashed to Thomson who was panicking wooden spike came out of the ground as they pierced through many clones soon the real amyeong apperead behind Thomson stabbing him

"Your too weak tsk"

Amyeong said with a diss appointed look who then walked to Jiseok

"Well the targets dead we would get a bonus if we captured him oh well"

Jiseok said walking to the body and carried it while destroying his car

"Now I tell them that it's done walla I then get the money. Amyeong let's go we are gonna go back home ohh I already smell the stench of our house "

(Btw this is like chapter 2 oh and amyeong and Jiseok can transform to cats it's good for assassin stuff)

Jiseok and Amyeong were on the airport as they flew to USA to Korea

"Amyeong are you excited to meet a jiwoo ohh I'm excited!"

"A bit Hyung a bit"

Amyeong was his same blanked face making Jiseok bored as he look through the window of the airplane he travels to alot of countries to kill rankers he is wildly known as Unranker well he fought Kayden and lost but he almost defeat Kayden if it wasn't for Kayden using his abilities on long range Jiseok was the evilest person alive in the world killing multiple people and beating one of the top 10 making Kayden jealous

Now they were in korean soil leaving the airport

*??? View*

In a living room there was a young man cuddled by cats his eyes opened in a hurry someone spoke

"Why are you in such hurry?"

"My big brother is coming over!"

The young man said as he ate breakfast charming his clothes the yellow fat cat watched at the young man

"I didn't know you have siblings"

"Well sorry for not telling you Mr Kayden hehe"

As the young man scratched his head picking the yellow cat or Kayden up as he left the house

(24 minutes later)

"Phew I got here in time just 1 minute before Hyungs get here"

"Jiwoo do your siblings have abilitys?"

"Ahh my big brother has I think he control space I don't know about my other brother"

'Spatial manipulation? Only one person I know have that don't tell no it can't be"

Kayden shook his head to forget everything he said in his mind

"Oh their here right now!"

Jiwoo then waved his hands while jumping

Jiseok saw this as he waved too



The both of them hugged they meet for the first time in 3 years now Jiseok has vacation I meant a long vacation like 1 year vacation

'Shit its really him Jiseok the Unranker I fought him years ago I still remembered that fight it was the fight that I have fun with I never thought that his brother is Jiwoo he wont find me out'

"Jiwoo what's this cat is this your new cat but did you over feed him?"

"Noo Hyung his just like that when I found him injured"

"Oh okay well let's go now!"

Jiseok Jiwoo Amyeong and Kayden left the airport and rode a taxi home


I don't know what I'm doing I have massive skill issue sorry English is not my main language