IN THE COVER IK THEY LOOK TWELVE THEY ARE 16 HELP Easter, a prince trapped inside his room, his mother's lapdog, has many faces. He doesn't need to close his eyes when plunging a knife in somebody's chest, or ripping off someone's fingers, one by one. But, as secrets pile up like pebbles in a jar, they are bound to spill at some point. And, those pebbles slowly spill, suffocating him and tearing at his identity and morality. (Easter's not the only mc but eh) Prequal: The Study Room
Easter groaned, kicking his locker door and banging repeatedly on the thin metal chunk that was blocking him from his school materials and slowly shredding his will to live. He spun the lock a few times idly, before fully giving up.
"Easter, where are your things?" Rose whispered as he headed into science.
"My locker is jammed," he replied, glaring grumpily at the floor.
"What?? The ELA teacher is going to totally kill you." He sped up his pace, not wanting to hear Rose's nagging.
"I'll kill myself first," he muttered, breaking into a run.
"Ugh, stop running!" Rose snapped, clutching her binder and following him.
Unfortunately, a big annoying wall suddenly appeared, blocking his path. He glared at his brother, who smiled at him triumphantly. Behind him stood another boy, who he recognized as the freshman Oliver.
"Onii-san, that's the Mister that ignored me," Oliver sniffed dramatically. Osiris patted his head, and Easter gagged in disgust.
Osiris turned back towards them with a glare.
"Hey, who are you?" Osiris asked, cracking his knuckles threateningly. Now, there were two annoying people Easter had to deal with. The other one was catching up now, because of the annoying wall in front of him.
"Oh my fucking god," Easter hissed, massaging his temples. "Go away."
"Wow, look at this guy, thinking he's all high and mighty." Osiris's face got annoyingly close to Easter's. "From now on, every time my little brother looks your direction, get on the ground and beg for forgiveness."
Suddenly, they were interrupted once again by another freshman who was crying intensely. "AHHH HELP I'M BEING CHASED!!"
"Oh my gosh SHUT UP!" Oliver snapped, stopping the boy in his tracks.
"P-p-p-please, Oliver, h-he wants to lock me in a room with a dead body and blow me up," the boy cried, clutching Oliver's shirt.
"Ren nobody is going to do that," Oliver sighed, rolling his eyes.
Rose, who had caught up now, tapped on Easter's shoulder and pointed to the end of the hallway, where a black-haired boy was running with towards them with a knife.
"REN!! I'M GOING TO FIND YOU AND KILL YOUUU!!!" There was a white-haired boy, a little older than Oliver, and a blonde girl chasing him. Ren screamed at the the top of his lungs.
Easter gave up his rationality at that point.
"Nico, let go of the knife!" The girl yelled. The boy grabbed Nico, restraining him and confiscating the weapon. Easter recognized the two as Elizabeth and Elias.
Nico lunged for the knife, shouting, "I NEED TO STAB HIM!! FOR THE PLOT!!"
"What the hell are you doing??" Elias snapped. "You're going to hurt somebody!"
Elizabeth made her way towards them, trying to retrain Nico from the back. Elias yanked the knife away, but suddenly fell backwards, somehow creating a miniscule cut on her hand, making her scream.
Elizabeth yanked the knife from his hands and threw it randomly, perfectly stabbing Ren in the heart, then collapsed and died of blood loss. In anger, Elias beat up Nico and strangled him for being dumb. As the knife ricocheted off Ren's for some reason ricochet-able dead body, it stabbed Elias in both eyes and made him go blind.
Then Rose was possessed by the author and ended the side story.
yeah idk eithe
fun fact did u know I used the name Rose because I ran out of ideas for names
Ren and Oliver also came from other novels I wrote
Easter is my bf's name (I guess I'm making it work for a boy lol people will think I'm wierd)
Elizabeth is my sister's name
(bf - best friend)