
lets go to another world by uchiha clan

support me in patreon / paypal belamy20 patreon.com/user?u=47865997 Raijin, uchiha who awaken mangekyo sharingan with abilty teleport to another dimension, konoha village hate us, so lets go to another world support me in patreon / paypal belamy20 patreon.com/user?u=47865997

Ilham_Yamin · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

**Chapter 65: A New Beginning, A New Future**

Uchiha Raijin arrived in the Kamui dimension, where he found the clan leaders of Konoha standing alongside Tsunade, while Uchiha Kaseki and the Uchiha members stood firmly behind him. The two groups faced each other, forming an obvious divide.

Raijin glanced at Tsunade, a look of disdain crossing his face. So, she found someone to back her up—predictably, it's the Senju. It would indeed be easier to control these clans if they had a singular leader to follow.

To Raijin, these people still had value, but he wasn't interested in winning their loyalty. The next generation was already firmly within his grasp.

"Kakashi," Raijin acknowledged, seeing the familiar face among the crowd. Kakashi opened his mouth to speak but seemed unsure of what to say. They had already learned from Tsunade what Raijin intended to do and had heard about the new world he mentioned. 

Kakashi himself was indifferent; he had no ties and didn't care much about who he worked for. The prospect of exploring a new world even seemed appealing to him. But he knew the others might not be as willing.

"Enough talk," Raijin interrupted, his voice cold. "You no longer have the option to leave. Your only choice is to accept your fate—unless, of course, you think you can defeat me."

Raijin activated his Mangekyo Sharingan, his expression indifferent as he looked at the gathered crowd. The overwhelming chakra he released caused a sudden gust of wind, crushing the mental defenses of everyone present.

Captured effortlessly by Raijin in the Uchiha Kaejin Formation, they now cowered behind Tsunade, seeking her protection.


A brief silence fell as the crowd exchanged uncertain glances, their eyes eventually settling on Tsunade. They hoped she would stand up to negotiate with Raijin on their behalf.

Tsunade, not one to disappoint, stood tall with her imposing presence, preparing to confront Raijin. But just as she was about to speak, she noticed him drawing a kunai.

Tsunade smirked, thinking he intended to intimidate her with force. He was underestimating the Senju.


But to everyone's shock, Raijin suddenly slashed his own palm, causing blood to splatter onto Tsunade's face. The crowd was bewildered, not understanding his actions. Nara Shikaku, however, immediately realized what was happening, recalling a well-guarded secret.

Tsunade had hemophobia, a condition rooted in trauma from the Second Shinobi World War.

As expected, the moment Tsunade saw the blood, she dropped to the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune rushed to her side, covering Tsunade with a cloak. She hadn't expected Raijin to exploit Tsunade's weakness so ruthlessly.

"Tsk! Since no one has any objections, things will be much easier," Raijin remarked with a sneer, glancing at the trembling Tsunade. Some people's weaknesses were all too easy to exploit. When the time comes, resurrecting the Second Hokage through Edo Tensei would only tighten his control over her.

"Elder Kaseki, start gathering supplies and counting the people. We're leaving the Shinobi World."

"Yes!" Uchiha Kaseki quickly began organizing the group. Since the Uchiha didn't fully trust the outsiders, they positioned a few members in the middle to keep watch.

Raijin, satisfied with the preparations, moved to a quieter spot.

"System, open the gate to the Pirate World," Raijin commanded internally.

**[Congratulations to the Host for successfully saving the Uchiha clan!]**

**[The Family Revival System is officially activated.]**

Uchiha Raijin was momentarily stunned!

Was it not activated before?

No wonder the system didn't respond when I called it.

So the system wasn't fully activated after all.

Speaking of which, what was that reward earlier?

**[The activated Mangekyō Sharingan was just a gift package from the system!]**

Uchiha Raijin suddenly understood.

"So this is what counts as saving the Uchiha clan?"

"What if I hadn't successfully saved the Uchiha? Would the system not have activated?"

Raijin asked curiously.

**[If the host had gone to the Pirate World alone, the Uchiha revival mission would have failed.]**

**[Then the system would have activated the "Many Children, Many Blessings" system, allowing the host to single-handedly expand the Uchiha clan and achieve revival.]**

**[The host's eye technique that links the two worlds will no longer be limited; you can travel between the two worlds once a year, so please use it wisely.]**

**[Please lead the Uchiha clan members to the Pirate World island to receive the reward for saving the Uchiha clan.]**

Raijin's mouth twitched—this system is really something.

Suddenly, he felt a pang of regret!

The idea of having a harem had completely changed.

If you'd told me this earlier, I would have bolted at the first chance to find some talented beauties to have kids with.

Damn it!

You wasted so much of my youth!

At that moment, Raijin wanted to stab the system!

**[Please calm down, Host! Expanding the Uchiha clan is everyone's responsibility, and as the clan leader, you must set an example.]**

**[Please increase the Uchiha clan's population as soon as possible to receive the next stage of rewards.]**


Raijin understood! So, I still have to have kids, huh? That's more like it!

The next moment, a black hole appeared in front of him, similar to his Kamui dimension.

Everyone curiously looked to the other side.

What they saw was a lush forest filled with the sounds of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

Thick tree trunks and dense forests—comparable to Konoha's Forest of Death.

"Follow me!"

Uchiha Raijin glanced at the others and took the first step in.

Following him were the other clan leaders who had been expelled.

As for the children, they stayed in the Kamui dimension.

Next up was the Uchiha clan!

Tsunade was left behind to take care of the children.

"This... this is an extinct insect species!"

Just as they stepped into the new world, while others were sensing how different this world was, the Aburame clan immediately knelt down to examine insects that had been extinct for who knows how long.

Some of the islands in the Pirate World still maintain prehistoric ecosystems.

Insects that have gone extinct in the Shinobi World still exist here.

Various types of dinosaurs can also be found here.

So it's not exactly a rare sight.

Only those who specialize in insects would care this much.

Uchiha Raijin didn't spare a glance at the Aburame clan.

Such embarrassing behavior—don't even mention you came from Konoha.

"Nonō! Kakashi! I need you to scout our location! We urgently need a safe place to settle everyone."

Raijin looked back and called out to two people.


Nonō nodded without hesitation.

"Who would've thought I'd be taking orders from you now? This feels so strange," Kakashi quipped. After all, back when he was a Jonin, Raijin was just a Chunin, and now, in the blink of an eye, Raijin was in charge.

But Kakashi didn't refuse; he was also curious about what this place was like.

It seems!

This world is even harsher than the Shinobi World!

He couldn't afford to embarrass himself!

Kakashi and Nonō began exploring the island's edges together, looking for villages or cities.

They wanted to gather information about this world.

They were newcomers!

And they would leave behind their identities as Konoha ninjas to embrace this new world.

Neither Kakashi nor Nonō felt strong loyalty to Konoha anymore!
