
Lethal Gamer

Now in the world of Harry Potter with the P-System, what will Allen do? Will he continue to protect his family? Read as he finds out more about this new world! Rated M just in case!

Edenistic · Derivasi dari karya
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10 Chs

Hogwarts Letter

Chapter 6:

I stirred awake, the suns ray was shining on my eyes.

'What time was it?' I cringed from the sun.

I opened my eyes, I remembered what had happened, and fear gripped my heart and made me jump up. Well, as much as I could as I was still lying down.

I looked at arms and legs I also touched my face, I didn't look or feel any different so that was good, it relieved some of my fear I breathed out a small sigh of relief.

"Status" I called out to thin air, in front of me appeared the screen but nothing was different except my race.

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title – Cold-Blooded Killer

Class – Wizard (Locked) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

HP – 530/530 (115HP/minute)

SP – 630/630 (155SP/ minute)

MP – 480/480 (75MP/minute)

Lvl 4 – 0/400

Race – Human Wizard (Half-Blood)/ ?

STR – 10

DEX – 13 (+5) = 18

VIT – 13

INT – 8

WIS – 7

LUC – 12

CHA –5

Points – 3

Money: 0G/0S/0K –£130

Allen King is an orphan, he has been reincarnated into this world with the P-System. He does not know his parents of this world but he knows his family: the people at the orphanage. He is a half-blood, the heir of the Ancient and Most Noble household of ?

I pressed on the question mark of my race section, all that came up was:


You have the blood and soul of the A???? ???g?? K???

+1 to all stats except CHA when levelled up

+4 to CHA when levelled up

+100% Reputation with dragon-type creatures, if a new one is born in a few miles of you and you are the closest dragon-type creature nearby, they will imprint on you.

'…it's not that bad actually, at least it isn't something shitty like a house elf or something' I thought with a shiver.

Now that, would be horrifying, but I wonder, what am I now? I guess I must be some kind of human-dragon hybrid? Wait, I got a sudden sense of deja vu like I wished for this or something… fuck.

Aside from that it was kind of weird and scary at the same time but [Gamer��s Mind] thankfully kept me in a mostly calm state.

Quest Alert!

What Am I?

You want to know what you are now, then find out!


Find out what species your 'other' side comes from.

Time Limit: None



10,000 EXP

2 Gatcha Token

1,000 Credits


The other side will take over your human body,

Your soul will be eaten by the other side's soul



…I have never poked air so fast before.

I looked at the box once again, I thought about what is says.

'According to this, I get +1 to all stats except CHA which got an extra +3 every level'

"This so op!" I said out loud, thankfully I didn't have any roommates so I didn't have to worry about anyone hearing me.

There were 2 kids to a room but since there was an uneven number of children, I get to have a room for myself.


I was sitting down with the rest of the kids of the orphanage and was having some breakfast.

"Allen can you please go meet the matron please? She's in her office" one of the nuns asked.

"Sure I just finished eating" I replied, even if I had eaten twice- no thrice what I usually eat every morning I was still hungry. Is this what having the sin of Gluttony meant? This would become a problem, I'm pretty sure I don't 'need' to eat food because of [Gamer's Body] but that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it.

'Also, I'm pretty sure I would be slowly turning insane because of the Gluttony, ugh. So that's absolutely great' I thought with not a little bit of sarcasm.

Now back to the matter of hand, it was weird that the matron would call me but I think I know what it's about and it made me somewhat giddy.

I practically hopped off my chair and started walking towards the matron's door with a jump in my step.


I walked down the hallway and stood in front of the matron's office door, it was daunting for most kids.

Most kids that were a part of some big –well as big as a child can make- trouble would be called here with their ears ready for a scolding.

I only came here a few times, all for stopping some kid from bullying one of the children. 'Ahh good times' I thought and knocked on the intricate dark wooden door of the office.

I heard a "come in" from inside and opened the door, I walked inside and saw something surprising but not that surprising at the same time.

Sitting down on a comfortable looking lounge chair was Professor Mcgonagall in all of her glory. She looked similar to her movie counterpart but… different. It wasn't much but you could tell that they were two different looking people. She wore a pointy black witch hat and clothes that looked as if they were from a hundred years back.

My reaction would've been to fan boy over her but that would be quite awkward, no? So what is showed instead was a confused reaction, I couldn't show that I knew her and thankfully [Gamer's Mind] helped me a lot.

I saw the matron sitting on her usual spot behind her oak desk.

"Umm… good morning Miss Hestia and –""Professor Mcgonagall" the tall witch supplied.

"Thank you for coming Allen, please take a seat" the matron gestured to another lounge chair in front of her, similar to the one Professor Mcgonagall was sitting down on. I took a seat and waited for the matron to start talking.

"Allen, Professor Mcgonagall has come with an invitation for a special school for you" the matron gently told me, this was as special for her as it was for me… well more for me but you get the point, she saw all of us like grandchildren and I her eldest one. She passed me a letter, I examined the object of desire for many fans of the Harry Potter series, the Hogwarts Letter.

The letter was made of yellow parchment and had the wax seal of Hogwarts on it. I carefully opened the letter and read its contents,

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merline, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chief Warloc, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. King,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins September 1st. we await response by owl no longer then 31st July.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Mcgonagall,

Minerva Mcgonagall,

Deputy Headmistress.

It also came with the list of things needed for 1st years.

'Ok now's my time to act clueless' I thought.

"But how are we going to pay for it? The orphanage is already very… tight on money and what's this about witchcraft and wizardry? Is it like magic or something" I gestured to my letter.

"Mr. King, the school of Hogwarts will be paying for all your uniforms, books and… extra things until you finish your education, also yes, it is indeed a school of magic" Professor Mcgonagall explained

"I don't believe you, magic is not real" I told her, ignoring the pop up about two new skills, Lying and Acting.

In response she took out her wand and transfigured the table between us into a mini Hogwarts.

Silence reigned in the room, no one dare to say anything, the matron from shock and Professor to give me time to think about my choice, it was obvious though.

I took a breath, "…I… accept" I told the matron and Professor Mcgonagall.

"Well… seeing as I'm currently very tight on time, I think we should hurry up a bit and buy all your things" Professor Mcgonagall told me and stood up.

"Right now?" I asked, I didn't expect this to happen but then again this happened to Harry in the books.

"But of course, we don't have all day now" she told me with a small nod.

I practically jumped off the seat and into a standing position by how fast I was going, this was like every Harry Potter Fan's dream. To get a Hogwarts letter, to go to Diagon Alley, it was very exciting.

So I guess we're going to Diagon Alley.


Author's Notes:

So… yeah he's going to learn who his parent is next chapter, if there are anything you'd like to be added into this story please PM, comment or review it please.

Also leave a comment or review, this chapter was kind of rushed though so sorry.

Also sorry for taking so long to upload this chapter, it had already been written just needed a bit of editing, but something came up and I won't be able to pump out a lot of chapters very fast.

Also if there is anything you’d like me to give him please comment, PM me or review the story.

Edenisticcreators' thoughts