
Let me love you better

I become the wife of the character I'm simping for.

NIRRIN · Sejarah
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15 Chs

Cahpter 12

A month of preparation for the winter ball come to an end. The whole mansion was so busy because not only Krios, Xino and I can attend the ball but also our servants too. So basically, some of the servants will travel with us towards the Capital tomorrow. Because a lot of people will arrive at the Capital, using teleportation scroll and magic are now forbidden, because it might cause an accident and we don't want that.

I saw Elen walking back and forth preparing my things and she looks cute while doing it. She's still fifteen years old and I don't want her to work herself too much because that might stop her growth so I told her to stop and I will take over the preparation. She was about to say something but I cut her off by saying, "You can bring us tea and sweets while I continue doing this." I smile at her and she walk out the room.

As I pack my stuff, I remember that I still haven't seen Krios since the day we visited the Academia. Maybe he is just busy with his works and of course I don't want to meddle with it, the same as he did. When Krios found out that I took over the management of the mansion, he didn't say anything at all, he would review each document I make and give his approval. Also whenever I buy this and that for Xino, he won't say anything about it, he would just stand beside me and watch me as I pay. I know Krios is having a second thought about me because the real Liliana will never do such thing as doting at him and Xino. But all of them are now in the past, now that I become Liliana, I will make sure to make things right and go to the right path.

Elen enter the room with a tray of tea and sweets. I immediately sit down beside Elen and we immediately drink the tea she has prepared. Hah, this is what I need right now, a cup of tea with sweets and a good weather. I hope we can travel to the Capital without any problem. I heard from the servants that this past few days, many treasure hoarders keep appearing near the roads to the Capital. Well, most nobles will travel with their fine products and other things, even I will bring a lot of things. We will be staying for more than one week on the Capital as we celebrate the winter ball. I packed a lot of clothes for me, Krios and Xino because you might not know when we are going to use it. It is better to come prepared than nothing.

As soon as we finished preparing everything, Krios enter the room and my cheeks becomes as red as a tomato as soon as my eyes lays on him. He is wearing his official knight uniform and he looks good on it! With those pins across the right side of his chest, it makes him looks much more powerful. He walks towards me and hugs me as soon as he got close. Krios whisper, "It's been a while since I saw you, would you mind join me for a meal?" and I immediately say yes.

We march off towards the dinning and as we arrive there, I can immediately smell the fragrance of each food the chiefs have made. There are a lot of foods, from made from meat to vegetables. Krios offer me a seat and I gladly accept it. He sits down beside me and as soon as we both sat down, the servants immediately serve us foods to our plates. Before they can it, I raise my hand to gesture them to stop and say, "It's fine, I can serve our food. Ask the chief if he made other food and go eat it with the other servants." They immediately bow down and leave.

I took a plate of food and started putting some on Krios plate and he just sits there silently. He's not going to ask me why I'm doing this? After I put enough food on Krios's plate, I sit down beside him and started to eat. We eat silently and when I was about to take my third bite, Krios suddenly speaks.

"How your days here when I was not around? Did you enjoy sneaking around my back?" I stop eating and look at him with a confuse look. What does he mean that I enjoy sneaking around his back? I didn't do such thing! And why would I? I reply saying, "I don't know what you are saying Krios. I didn't do such thing." I can feel his cold stare and he just sit there, looking at me, like as if I am the sorest to his eyes.

"I saw you walking around the castle. I followed you and there, I saw you kissing the guy of your life, our very own King." Wait, who? Dendric? Why would I? I still haven't forgot what he did to me when we visited the capital. When I was about to speak, Krios stand up and leave. I sigh deeply is despair, why things becomes like this? I already have his trust! I already have established a relationship to him! I drop the spoon and massage my forehead.

Elen walks in and tell me that the dress and other stuff I have ordered has arrive. I compose myself first before walking towards the drawing room. When I arrive there, I saw Krios talking with one of the servants and when he saw me, he freezes there when he saw my puffy eyes from crying. I didn't mind him and looks at the things I have ordered. When I finish checking everything, I tell the merchant that everything is right. They excuse themselves and when it was just me and Krios, I didn't say anything and just proceed to take the things I ordered for him.

I pass him the clothes, shoes and accessories I chose for him. He didn't say anything at all, he just stands there and accepts what I gave him. I focus on arranging everything and didn't pay any attention to him. He is so stupid, after everything he have said and after hurting my feelings, how did he expects me to react? Yes, I love him but I don't tolerate it when someone hurts me, either physically, emotionally or mentally. Also, I don't understand why he said those things and accused me of sneaking behind this back. I'm stuck here at the mansion this whole time preparing for the winter ball and even if I have some free time, I would rather visit him then going to Dendric.

This whole misunderstanding is so suspicious, especially this happened before the winter ball, where in the original novel, this is the time Krios heart will shatter to pieces. Someone is pulling the thread on the sideline, someone who is taking advantage of the situation and someone who has a grudge whether on me or Krios. Who might be it?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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