
Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine: Establishing Authority

The Northern Border Government Office exuded a majestic presence, standing like a small fortress at the heart of Northern Border City.

Named as a Government Office, it actually served as a military camp.

The tall courtyard walls functioned like a city within the city, and the duty-bound Feathered Forest trusted aides by the door were tall and mighty. On the streets outside the city gate, squads of soldiers moved tightly and systematically.

Everything appeared solemn and somber, but this solemnity was soon shattered by a voice.

"Make way! Make way!"

A soldier, dressed as a messenger, rode a snow-horned horse from the end of the street, coming at breakneck speed, drawing sidelong glances from the troops on the street and the trusted aides guarding the gate.

Rushing a horse through the city in such heavy snow already constituted a violation of military regulations.

However, the messenger seemed not to care about this rule at all.