
Chapter 1:- Bored

I was playing just another Vrmmorpg with 80% Realise to expect a sense of touch and smell.

I was at the max level, not because I was a good player. No!

When it was realized, and I saw the ad, I just brought the company.

It was not that hard to buy it because I have Moon Titan Under my name gives about 1 billion Earth Dollars to me every month.

But I am bored of this game now.

I deleted my account and logout.

I wake up from my game cabin naked and go to bed and jump upon it.

I heard my phone ringing.

I was alarm because that phone number is only given to my family, and they are out of milky galaxy for a tour for about a year or so.

It impossible for them to contact the phone.

And why I keep an old fashion phone, not wristwatches.

Its because I sleep whenever I want, and that thing just poke me around when my hand is under the chest.

I walk up to the phone and pick it up.

Caller id was Unknown, and their Id number was also unknown.

I attended the call and stay silent.

A voice comes from the other side of the phone.

" Hello Nab, I have been watching you sound creepy, and it is like right now you are naked, hahaha."

I don't show any expression like he was not talking about me and said


"That's why I like you- Straight Talk, you make your family being an average millionaire to a solo billionaire. I will not talk bullsht and get to straight points

I don't my name, but people call me mad scientist I love crazy inventions but now I am run out of ideas and Money

so here is the deal I will work for you, and you will give me ideas and Money."

As I was getting bored in life anyway so said

"Deal tell me your address my man will pick you up and take you to a secret base on Mars."

"hahaha, I like your straight forward but before you cut your call, just one question what your crazy idea?"

I smile and said

"Just trap humanity in nightmare Called power "