
Chapter 23 - The Well Off



I promised that I will love her no matter what. But am I still sure? Hearing her say another man's name... Who is this Nicolo? Who is he? My head was spinning when I was brought back to reality.

"Babe?" Gail called out as she took my hand in hers.

"You haven't touched your double macchiato. Is ther something worng?" she said as I looked into her eyes.

We were having an after lunch drink at Coffee Bean in Circuit Makati. We were seated in one of the tables that was overlooking the pool in the area, cool breeze in the air as people strolled the area.

"Ah... wala naman..." sagot ko taking my cup and sipping into it as I stared out to the moving water around us.

"So how was your sleep pala last night... I... I left when you were already sound asleep" I said as she sipped her choco macchiato on ice.

"I slept well... thanks sa pagkumot mo" she said sincerely as she brought her cup down.

"That's good..." I said finishing my drink.

"Babe... let's go. We still have to check for your shoes" sabi ko standing up and taking the other paperbags from the other chair.

We spent the whole afternoon checking all the other stores in the area before we went to the sports wear store to check for the running shoes she wanted to replace the one she already was using for about two years.

"I'll check the shirts, babe" she said before we went to the opposite sides if the store.

"Sure, babe..."


"Sure, babe..." he answered as I walked to the ladies' section of the store.

I was halfway checking the leggings as I glanced at Brent checking the shirts on display. He casually lifted a black golf polo shirt from the rack. His moves are very... precise... very elegant... very... Brent.

"He is... perfect..." I whispered to myself as I saw him return it to the rack before turning to check the shoes on the display shelves.

The perfect man... and he was mine... pero... will I risk losing him to... Nicolo?

"May I assist you, ma'am?" a perky staff by the name of 'Izabela' approached and snapped me from my questions to myself.

"Yes... do you have this in a smaller size?" I said as I turned to her.

I have to think well about what I have put myself into. I turned to catch a glimpse of Brent looking in my direction for a few seconds before he turned and continued checking the merchandise of hte store.


"Is she still the girl I fell for years ago?" I asked myself as I looked at Gail before turning when she saw me staring at her.

When she turned, I stared at her again. I have loved this girl before and nothing may change that. I know my love is strong to hold on... I just need to know who this Nicolo is... or maybe she is the same one... that... moment before.

"Sorry..." said the man behind me who accidentally bumped onto me causing his glasses to fall, as well as some of the paperbags I was holding.

"Boss, sorry" he said again as he was reaching for the glasses near my feet.

"No problem po" sagot ko ng abutin ko ang salamin niya at iabot ito sa kanya.

"Sorry talaga..." he said feeling guilty as he picked up the paperbags malapit sa kanya.

"Wala po yun, Sir" I said as I saw Gail walking closer to us.

"Babe?" sabi niya as she was beside me.

"Ah... wala, babe... I accidentally dropped the bags and Sir was helping me with it" I partially lied as she held my hand in hers.


"Thank you po..." I said looking at the man in front of us who seemed familiar... a bit.

"Ma'am... here is the item you requested... Sir... Sir Nestor?" Izabela said showing the shoes I wanted before looking to the man.

"... I'll be with you Sir after I finished assisting ma'am first" she courteously said as she led me to one of the couches available to fit the shoes.

As I left with her, Brent was laughing with the man as they talked. Brent has this ability Palakaibigan siya. With almost anyone.

"You know the man?" I asked Izabela as she handed me the shoes from the box she was holding.

"Ah... professor ko po... he usually goes here on some days... may gusto siyang bilihin na shoes pero pinag iipunan pa raw po niya" sagot niya as she helped me tie the laces of the sneakers.

"Oh, I see" I answered ng maalala ko na nakita ko na yung professor na yun sa coffee shop near the office. And as well as this staff assisting me.

"Iza... I hope you don't mind my asking... di ba sa Villa Academy ka nag aaral? I saw you there before. Why are you working here?" I asked as she helped me with the laces of the other shoe.

"Ummm... I work part time here po, ma'am... scholar po ako sa VA... kaya I still need to work for other expenses" sagot niya as she stood up.

As I stood up and walked to the mirror, I saw myself, The 'priviledged' Gail. Someone who was given all that she wanted growing up. Walang pinagkait sina Mama at Papa. So, let's say, I'm blessed...

"I'll take it... thank you, Iza" I said as I walked back to the couch and took off the shoes and handed them back to Izabela.

Brent walked to the counter as I was paying for the shoes. He was smiling and was in better mood than awhile ago in the coffee shop.

"So everything's ok, babe?" he asked as he reached for my hand.

"Yes, everything's fine. How was your chat with your new 'buddy'?" I asked looking to the man now being assisted by Iza.

"Sir Nestor is such a funny man. A lot of funny stories" he said smiling wider yung parang naka alala ng isang joke.

We waved goodbye to Iza and Sir Nestor, looking longer at Sir Nestor. He felt more familiar than just someone I might have seen in the cafe.I have this feeling he was more familiar in a way I can't explain.

"So, where do you want to go for dinner?" Brent asked slowly taking the paperbag from me.

"Anywhere, babe... I love you..." I said as I snuggled to his shoulder.

Then hinimas ni Brent ang hair ko as we walked to Backyard Grill for dinner.