

"I'M CRAVING steak," Neoma declared while packing her things. "I'm hungry."

"So, now you're hungry," Winter, who heard her random rambling, said disapprovingly. "Who told you to starve yourself?"

"Shut up."

"I can't believe you're already craving steak for dinner when you devoured all the snacks that Hanna brought earlier."

Yep, that was true.

She only had soup, but she ate most of the pastries that Hanna brought.

"What do you mean by dinner, though?" Neoma asked Winter. "I want dinner for my pre-dinner, and seafood for my dinner."

Winter looked shocked by what she said. "Nero wasn't kidding when he called you a 'glutton.'"

"He's still calling me that?"

"Do you have a black hole in your stomach or something? Your appetite is bigger than mine."

"Don't be jealous," Neoma said, patting Winter's shoulder. "Just eat what you can. Overeating is bad anyway."

"Who said I was jealous?"