

"YOUR IMPERIAL Majesty, what can I do for you?"

Neoma felt awkward when Grandma Monik started to talk to her politely while addressing her as an empress. But since she agreed to play along, she didn't say anything. "We're here to ask Grandma Monik to heal our wounds. But Grandma Monik already did that for us."

"I do believe that Your Imperial Majesty has a question for me, though."


"Have your dreams been bothering Your Imperial Majesty these days?"

Neoma covered her mouth when she gasped. "How did you know, Grandma? Can you see it because of your shaman powers?"

"You can say that, our little empress," Grandma Monik said while smiling. "But what exactly do you want to know about those dreams?"

To be honest, she tried to play it off as just mere "dreams."

But, deep inside, she knew that dreams couldn't be that precise and consistent.