
Let's Go To College

I took over this man's body. From now on my name will be Seok-Woo. Currently, I am enlisting for my mandatory military service. Saying Goodbyes to my Father and... Stepmother. I don't know why but I think I've seen her somewhere but who cares at this moment. After this, I'll be going to College.

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51 Chs

Chapter 16

As Seok-Woo and his father arrived in downtown, they were met with a bustling scene of people filling the streets and sidewalks, each going about their day in a flurry of activity. Amidst this lively atmosphere, their focus remained fixed on their destination: the car dealership store.

Navigating through the maze of vehicles and storefronts, Seok-Woo's father expertly maneuvered the car until they reached their intended stop. With a smooth turn, he parked the car, bringing it to a halt before the dealership entrance.

Exiting the vehicle, Seok-Woo and his father made their way towards the entrance of the dealership, where a world of automotive possibilities awaited them. Stepping inside, Seok-Woo's senses were immediately assaulted by the sights and sounds of the showroom floor. Rows of cars, ranging from compact to spacious, from modest to luxurious, stretched out before him in a dazzling display of automotive prowess.

Despite the myriad options vying for his attention, Seok-Woo's gaze remained steadfast, his mind already made up on what he sought. With purposeful strides, he followed his instincts towards the SUV section of the dealership, his father trailing close behind.

Guided by the eager assistance of a salesman, they arrived at the SUV section, greeted by an array of gleaming vehicles awaiting their inspection. Seok-Woo's eyes swept over the selection, scanning each model with a discerning eye until they settled upon a sleek, black SUV that beckoned to him like a beacon of possibility.

Approaching the vehicle, Seok-Woo's anticipation palpable, he wasted no time in exploring its features. With a confident hand, he reached out to open the door, revealing an interior that promised both comfort and functionality. Running his fingers over the plush upholstery, he inspected every inch of the cabin, taking note of the spaciousness and advanced features that awaited within.

Turning to his father with a spark of excitement in his eyes, Seok-Woo expressed his decision with a conviction that mirrored a child asking for a favored treat. "I would like to have this, Father," he declared, his voice resonating with a sense of certainty.

Seok-Woo's father raised an eyebrow in mild skepticism. "Are you certain? There are still several other cars we haven't explored," he pointed out, gesturing towards the remaining vehicles yet to be seen. Despite this, Seok-Woo remained resolute in his decision.

Accepting Seok-Woo's choice, his father acquiesced with a nod, acknowledging his son's conviction. With the car selected, their next order of business was to tackle the paperwork required for the purchase.

Seated at a desk, pen in hand, Seok-Woo's father diligently worked through the necessary documents, ensuring that every detail was in order. With each signature, the transaction took one step closer to completion.

Finally, after a few minutes of meticulous paperwork, Seok-Woo's father affixed his signature to the last document, officially sealing the deal and confirming the purchase of the vehicle.

Emerging from the dealership, Seok-Woo and his father were met with the sight of Seok-Woo's brand-new car waiting for them outside. The sleek SUV gleamed under the sunlight.

Seok-Woo's father turned to him, a glint of pride in his eyes as he reached into his pocket and withdrew something. With a small flourish, he presented it to his son.

"Here you go, Seok-Woo. The keys to the SUV. Take good care of it, just as we discussed," he said, passing the keys over to Seok-Woo, who accepted them with reverence, cradling them in both hands.

Though Seok-Woo attempted to mask his elation, a subtle grin betrayed his inner excitement. "Thank you, Father. I'll make sure to handle it with care," he assured, his voice tinged with gratitude and determination.

With the keys in hand, Seok-Woo made his way towards the awaiting SUV. With practiced precision, he inserted the key into the lock, the satisfying click of the mechanism unlocking the vehicle signaling the beginning of a new chapter.

As the door swung open, Seok-Woo couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation coursing through him. Stepping inside, he settled into the driver's seat, his gaze sweeping over the interior with wide-eyed wonder. Like a child discovering a treasure trove, he eagerly explored every corner, taking in the sights and sounds of his new domain.

Yet, amidst the excitement, a sense of serenity washed over Seok-Woo as he closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of quiet reflection. With each steady breath, he grounded himself, ready to embark ahead with a calm and focused mind.

With a flick of his wrist, Seok-Woo lowered the side windows, allowing the crisp breeze to infiltrate the car's interior, carrying with it the scent of adventure and possibility. His gaze swept across the scene outside, briefly lingering on his father's figure standing steadfast amidst the bustling activity of downtown.

"I'll be taking this for a spin," Seok-Woo declared, his voice infused with a palpable sense of anticipation, the thrill of the open road beckoning to him like a siren's call.

His father's response came in the form of a cautious nod, a silent acknowledgment of the responsibility that came with operating a vehicle. "Sure, just remember to drive carefully," he advised, his words laden with a paternal concern that spoke volumes of his love and protective instinct.

Seok-Woo acknowledged his father's words with a nod of his own, inserting the keys into the ignition and bringing the car to life. As the engine roared to life, he fastened his seatbelt and prepared to set off.

With a gentle press of the accelerator, the car glided smoothly away from the curb, embarking on its journey with Seok-Woo at the helm. His father watched the car's departure with a sense of satisfaction, glad to see his son enjoying his new ride.

However, as the distance between them grew, a sudden realization dawned on Seok-Woo's father, causing his eyes to widen in alarm. "Does Seok-Woo even know how to drive?" The question hung in the air, accompanied by a creeping sense of unease.

Seok-Woo's father felt a bead of sweat form on his brow as he grappled with the possibility of his son navigating the streets without proper experience. He could only hope that Seok-Woo would exercise caution and avoid any potential mishaps.

Meanwhile, Seok-Woo focused intently on the road ahead, his hands steady on the wheel as he guided the car with newfound confidence. Though it was his first time behind the wheel, he maintained a composed demeanor, determined to prove himself capable despite his lack of experience.

"Could it be thanks to that modifier? The Driving Skills [+1]," Seok-Woo mused aloud, surprised by his newfound ability behind the wheel, especially considering it was his first time driving. However, as he pondered this, memories from his past surfaced, shedding light on a possible explanation.

"Perhaps it's because of those racing wheels with pedals my father bought for me when I was younger. I always wanted to play racing simulations when I was little," Seok-Woo reflected inwardly as he navigated the road ahead.

"Now that I think about it, I did spend countless hours immersed in those games," he continued to himself, his thoughts drifting back to the countless hours he had dedicated to mastering virtual race tracks. "But, could it really have contributed to gaining real-world experience?" he questioned, momentarily entertaining the notion before refocusing his attention on the task at hand: driving safely.

"I need to get my driver's license before school year starts," he resolved silently as he made his way back to the car dealership, where his father awaited.

Meanwhile, Sung-Hee embarked on her shift at the Kid's Cafe. Carrying a tray of orders to a table, her gait seemed slightly off, betraying the lingering effects of the previous night's activities.

"Here you go, ma'am," she greeted the customer, placing the items on the table before retracing her steps to the kitchen.

Lost in thought, Sung-Hee couldn't shake the discomfort in her legs, a physical reminder of her rendezvous with Seok-Woo. "That guy," she muttered under her breath, frustration evident in her tone. "I thought it would've worn off by now."

Returning to the kitchen, Sung-Hee encountered Auntie Jin-Yi, one of her trusted colleagues, who immediately noticed something amiss. "You seem a bit off, Sung-Hee. Is everything alright?" Jin-Yi's concern was evident in her gentle tone and attentive gaze.

Sung-Hee attempted to brush off Jin-Yi's observation with a forced smile. "Just a minor discomfort, Auntie. Nothing to worry about," she replied, hoping to deflect the conversation away from her unease.

But Jin-Yi wasn't easily convinced. With a knowing smile, she remarked, "I've seen that look before, Sung-Hee. Something happened, didn't it?" Her tone was teasing yet empathetic, indicating her genuine interest in Sung-Hee's well-being.

Caught off guard by Jin-Yi's perceptiveness, Sung-Hee's cheeks flushed slightly as she struggled to maintain her composure. "It's really nothing, Auntie," she insisted, though her wavering gaze betrayed her attempt to downplay the situation.

Undeterred, Jin-Yi leaned in closer, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "You can trust me, Sung-Hee. Whatever it is, I'm here for you. And remember, our little chat stays between us," she reassured, her warm smile offering comfort and support.

Reluctantly persuaded by Jin-Yi's gentle encouragement, Sung-Hee finally mustered the courage to divulge the events of the previous night, her voice tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and hesitation. "Well, it all started with my friend being discharged from the military," she began, deliberately glossing over the specifics of Seok-Woo's involvement, opting instead to focus on the broader context of the evening.

Jin-Yi's interest was piqued by this revelation, and her curiosity was piqued by the mention of Sung-Hee's male companion. In the time she had known Sung-Hee, she had never seen her with another man, making this newfound revelation all the more intriguing. Leaning in closer, she listened intently, eager to learn more.

As Sung-Hee hesitantly broached the topic of their intimate encounter, her cheeks flushed with a deep crimson hue, betraying her embarrassment. Jin-Yi couldn't help but be taken aback by the sudden turn in the conversation, her shock momentarily overriding her composed demeanor. "Isn't this moving rather quickly?" she mused to herself, though she maintained a supportive expression as she waited for Sung-Hee to continue.

Summoning her courage, Sung-Hee recounted the details of their passionate rendezvous, her voice faltering slightly as she relived the intensity of the experience. Jin-Yi listened attentively, her empathy evident in the gentle pat she offered to Sung-Hee's back.

Offering a sympathetic smile, Jin-Yi sought to ease Sung-Hee's discomfort with a lighthearted jest. "Congratulations, Sung-Hee. You've officially entered womanhood," she quipped, her playful tone tempered by a genuine sense of warmth and camaraderie. As Sung-Hee covered her face in embarrassment, Jin-Yi couldn't help but chuckle softly, her hand pressed to her lips in a gesture of amusement and affection.

As Jin-Yi set to work in the kitchen, the rhythmic clatter of pots and pans echoed through the air, a comforting symphony of culinary activity. Despite Sung-Hee's initial protests, Jin-Yi persisted, determined to express her gratitude in the best way she knew how – through food.

Meanwhile, Sung-Hee slumped forward, her hands finding solace upon the worn surface of the table as she let out a heavy sigh. The weight of recent events hung heavy upon her shoulders, each breath a testament to the tumultuous emotions swirling within her.

For Jin-Yi, the act of cooking for Sung-Hee stirred something deep within her, a longing that had lain dormant for far too long. As she listened to Sung-Hee's tale unfold, a wave of nostalgia washed over her, transporting her back to a time when she, too, had known the touch of a lover's embrace. In that moment, she found herself drawn into Sung-Hee's experience, the sensation of intimacy stirring something primal within her.

Unbeknownst to her, a subtle heat began to pool between her thighs, her body responding instinctively to the memory of passion and desire. With each passing moment, she felt herself surrendering to the intoxicating allure of longing, her senses heightened by the vivid recollection of past pleasures.

Lost in reverie, Jin-Yi couldn't help but wonder when she might experience such bliss again, her heart yearning for the embrace of another. Though she hoped it wouldn't be long before fate intervened, she knew that some things were beyond her control, and all she could do was wait – and hope – for the moment when that feeling would find her once more.