
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Komik
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46 Chs

Chapter 5 Let’s Get Along with the Members of the Tower Part-(5.1-5.5)

Chapter 5.1 – Expansion

It has been about a month since Kousuke's party visited the three cities of Nansen, Kennelsen, and Mixen.

During those times, like Ryuusen, a facility for the teleportation gates was created outside those three cities and the teleportation gates were installed in those buildings.

This time, like what they did in Ryuusen, they did advertise to the adventurers in the city in advance.

The adventurers who passed through the gates were only there because they heard it from other adventurers.

Adventurers who have experienced going through the gate will surely spread it on their own.

Crown was formed a week before the three new gates were opened.

At first, it was not well known as well as its benefits so there were only a few people who joined.

However, as soon as the function of the crown card was spread by the adventurers, other adventurers gradually joined them.

According to Kousuke, for adventurers, being able to know their own ability is closely related to their life or death. In addition, they can use it as proof that they have that skill though they can also use the function of status being invisible to anyone but them. Since there's not even a concept of skill in this world, it should be pretty attractive.

However, it is only attractive at first.

Status is something indisputably directly related to the life and death of adventurers. It indicates both strengths and weaknesses of someone.

However, Crown did not specifically or intentionally force anyone to show or hide their status.

Gradually, adventurers registering to crown increased. When about 30 people registered, an explosion of registration occurred.

It is directly connected to the teleportation gate of the three cities.

If you're a crown member, you can freely use the teleportation gate.

The organization registered over a hundred members in no time.

This is already a fairly large organization even if considering that they are only the adventurer division.

The Adventurer Division is led by Doru.

It is divided into two groups: the actual adventurers and those who are doing office work.

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Of course, since the organization is named Crown, the members are not only adventurers.

There are also the merchant and craftsman divisions.

As for the merchant division, Schmidt is the lead and his members are merchants.

There were a lot of merchants who wanted to register like Schmidt expected.

There's even a whole merchant guild who joined. It can both be said to be surprising or as expected of merchants.

It is not a big guild but they are likely to be part of the core of the merchant division in the future.

As for the craftsman division, one craftsman guild in Ryuusen has become a pioneer.

They were one of the guilds that originally undertook the construction of the buildings in Tower Village.

It is said that building buildings in the village will not stop soon so they thought it would be better to work in the craftsman division of Crown.


For that reason, Crown has become a large organization exceeding Kousuke's expectations. Kousuke's hand has never been so full.

Because of that….

「…. You're saying that you're leaving it to me desu no?」

Sitting on the long sofa on the management floor, Sylvia asked Kousuke.


「….looking at that smile of yours, I can feel malicious intent. Am I wrong?」

Seeing Sylvia's stabbing gaze, Kousuke can't help but laugh awkwardly.

「No, I'm just thinking that Sylvia may want to take a lead since you don't want to be left by us, right? I'm not forcing you….you can think that I'm asking you a favor.」

She stared at Kousuke. Sylvia was indeed abandoned by everyone for a while so she can only sigh.

「Maa…..it can't be helped.」

「Right. You already fell in love so it can't be helped.」


Collete, who has been serving tea, barged into the two's conversation that led to Sylvia's involuntary scream.

By the way, these two friends have had that kind of conversation in front of Kousuke for a number of times already but Sylvia still seems to be not used to it.

Collete seems to have completed her training as the world tree's shrine maiden and can go to the management floor more freely than before.

Perhaps thanks to that, the world tree seems to be growing smoothly and the one who earns the tower most of its divine power has been the 73rd floor where the world tree is located.

By the way, the <world tree sapling> has become a young world tree before he knew it.

「Maa, we'll only open those four gates in a while so I think that it will settle down soon.」

「Agree desu wa.」

Both Kousuke and Sylvia don't think that the current situation will last forever.

First of all, the staff were confused at first but now, they are already accustomed to what they need to do and are accustomed to their jobs.

Before Crown's formation and before the operation of the gates, they increased the number of slave laborers.

Kousuke also told Wahid that once the initial registration rush was done, the current members should be enough.


There is little progress on the 76th floor where the Vamilinear Castle is.

In the first place, they don't even know what should be done for it to generate divine power like the world tree.

In this regard, he can only scold Shrine.

It is said that the Vamilinear Jewel was originally owned by Shrine's family but it was lost at one point. Kousuke thought that it might have been taken by the tower but he doesn't know why that would happen in the first place.

Also, they have never heard of the relationship of the jewel to divine power.

Presently, everything generated on the 76th floor is related to the vampires and the igrids.

The vampires that Shrine summoned are now about 50.

The igrid's population increased to around 200 thanks to the discussion between those in the tower and those in the underground world.

As for where they are living, since they are originally a race that lives underground, they simply dug underground and live there.

Even so, as expected, it is not enough so they are building dwellings on the ground too to accommodate the rapid increase in population.

Of course, some of them live in already made dwellings.

In the future, Kousuke was thinking of making their crafts the specialty of Crown's craftsman division.


「Hey, can we register to Crown too?」

Shrine, who was watching the two's conversation, barges in.

「We as in the vampires?」

「Yeah…no, the igrid too.」

In response to Shrine's question, Kousuke thought for a while.

It is not known to the people of the 5th floor that there are floors where the vampires and igrid, and the elves are living.

In the first place, there's no way for those groups to meet since there are no teleportation gates that will teleport them to those floors and Kousuke also did not inform them.

「No, I'm not sure….it is certainly a waste to not utilize the combat ability of the vampires.」

They will be excellent adventurers.

Especially as escorts.

「Is there a problem?」

「In this case, the problem is on the human's side.」

「….mou. Right.」

When she realized what Kousuke was trying to say, Shrine shut up.

A vampire is said to be the keeper of blood contracts and tends to value contracts.

As for humans, just look at their history.

If he makes a teleportation gate that connects the 5th floor and 76th floor, he can't predict what will happen.

However, if Kouhi and Mitsuki covered some places with a barrier, he might not need to worry about unnecessary things to happen that much.

Even so, he doesn't want to take that risk.

However, when he's thinking about the future, he always thought that it is a good idea to let the vampires register to crown as adventurers.

「Right….if I want the igrid's craft to be traded, there should be a gate.」

「And you plan to make us guard the gate?」

Kousuke only murmured but Shrine followed up his thought.

「….that's right. It might be a good idea to try it out first.」

「Got it. I'll look for personnel for that.」

「Okay. So….what about the elves?」

Collete, who has been listening to Shrine and Kousuke's conversation, was asked by Kousuke. She finds it hard to reply.

「No, you see, the elves in the 73rd floor are originally isolated.」

「You mean, they are not interested in anything other than the floor they are in?」

「That's what I want to say. In the first place, their first target now is to be self sufficient.」

「I see. Well, let's not talk about it for the time being.」

「Yeah. If someone wants to go out, I'll talk to you again.」

「Understood. Well, for the elves, as long as you raise the world tree properly, I have no problem with what they want to do.」

「I know.」

In the first place, the elves have regarded themselves as the guardian of the world tree.

It is unlikely that they would do something that would harm the world tree.

That time, it was decided that the installation of the teleportation gate on the 73rd floor was postponed.





Chapter 5.2 – New Residents

After Kousuke decided the future of the elves and the vampires, Peach speaks with him nervously.

「Ano~. I want to consult you about something, is it okay~?」

「Consult? About what?」

「Can the succubus also live on a floor in this tower?」

Hearing Peach's sudden request, Kousuke was confused.


「Well~. The truth is, our race had contracted to work for a certain kingdom behind the scenes until a certain time.」

Given Peach's exceptional physical ability, it is obvious that her race is something.

With that in mind, Kousuke feels like he grasped what happened.

「Ah…..and perhaps because you failed a certain mission, you've been expelled from that kingdom?」

「....Areh~. How did you know?」

Kousuke can't help but give her a wry smile.

Cause that's the commonest setting, he thought.

「No, uh, maa….I just thought it was a common story so I asked.」

「I guess you're right desu~. Currently, we're living in a well-hidden place but we're not going to be safe there forever so we made sure we can move anytime.」

They have already experienced being found by the kingdom so they made sure that they can immediately escape at a moment's notice.

It is not easy to escape from a country.

She said that they are already in a desperate situation.

「I see. So you thought that it would be for the best of your race if you settle down in the tower?」

「Yes, that's right desu~」

Kousuke crossed his arms and think.

He thought it won't be bad for the tower.

Thinking about the future, it would be very convenient if he has people that can do things behind the scene.

Though he hasn't seen them yet, hearing about them from Peach, he thought that even just the fighting capability of their race is already attractive.

As a disadvantage, there's a possibility that they would be glared at by the kingdom.

However, there's less chance that they'll be noticed if they fled to the tower immediately so that won't be a big disadvantage. Though that is only as long as Peach's people won't say anything to anyone.

「….I'm okay with that however, that isn't something you can decide on yourself, right?」

「Right desu~. But I think they'll agree once I discuss it with them.」

「Maa, I guess so.」

「Now desu~. Can I take someone to go to our village?」

Since Peach can't use teleportation magic, they can't instantly move to her village.

「Ah, then I'll go with you.」

Mitsuki, who's been listening to them, volunteered.

「Is it possible to use teleportation?」

「As long as someone who knows the teleportation destination, there won't be a problem. Peach will take care of that part.」

When they first met Kousuke, none of them knew where a city is so they weren't able to teleport.

This time, there's no problem since Peach knows where the village is.

After that, they must have something that is related to the teleportation destination. And of course, since Peach is a resident of that village, that won't be a problem.

Well, just a small thing that was made from the village would suffice.

After that, he sent Mitsuki and Peach out and wait for them to come back.

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It has been three days since Mitsuki and Peach left for the succubus village.

Even if Peach is with Mitsuki, it would still take some time because they couldn't just suddenly appear in a secluded place.

It is too early for them to do that given the other party's current relationship with the tower.

In addition, Mitsuki has no way to read Peach's memory so she can barely teleport to the place in Peach's mind.

That is the main reason why it took them some time to reach their destination. Teleportation was repeated a number of times even with the use of the catalyst.

It was only three days later that they arrived at the secret location.

After that, Mitsuke came back to the tower and once using teleportation and brought Kousuke and Kouhi to the village.


When Kousuke arrived in the village, Peach brought her to Giselle, the village chief.

By the way, though the succubus is long-lived, they are not comparable to elves but they have a much longer life span compared to humans.

The village chief that met Kousuke was a handsome young man in his late twenties.

Giselle greeted them with a smile.

Peach went next to Giselle.

「Greeting. I heard about it from peach. I heard that you are willing to accept our people to your tower.」

「Yeah. Well, I would be glad to, but are you…」

「I have no problem with that. Please accept us by all means.」

「….are you sure? It hasn't been long since Peach arrived in your village.」

Given the time, they shouldn't be able to talk to the villagers about it.

「Maa, to be honest, this village is already at its limit. Hostile forces would probably discover this place soon.」

In response, Kousuke looked at Giselle without expression.

「…..I would like us to speak with each other honestly.」

Giselle was surprised by his response.

「Oya, you didn't hear it from Peach?」


「To be honest, we managed to escape before but that's it. You can say that we're on the verge of being caught.」

「….are you saying that being accepted in the tower is like a ship that would make your cross this ordeal?」

「That's exactly what it is.」

Kousuke felt that the story has progressed conveniently too much. He can never be too sure.

Because of that, Kousuke decided to ask for help.

「Mitsuki, what do you think?」

「Right….even if they go to the tower, I think they would still continue to work behind the scenes. What do you think of that?」

「We have no problem with that. Rather, our race has nothing else aside from that.」

「Can you think of a way to prove that once we take you in, you won't sell us to anyone?」

They met Peach because of their fortune-telling ability.

It is also possible that they are using that ability to dig into the tower.

「Maa, I know what you want to say but it is hard for us to prove that to you.」

That's something similar to making him prove that devils exist.

「You're right.」

「Ano….aren't I enough?」

Peach has a blood contract with Kousuke so she will never betray Kousuke.

That contract is the reason why Kousuke approved Peach's proposal in the first place.

「That's because Peach can't respond to things you don't know. There are surely things you don't know so asking you in place of him won't prove anything.」

Hearing Mitsuki's response, Peach can only shrug her shoulders.

However, Giselle was intrigued by their conversation.

「What do you mean?」

To Giselle's question, Mitsuki talked about the blood contract. Giselle nodded and suggested:

「Is it possible to put us all under that contract?」

「If you're only asking if it's possible, it is. However, blood contract is not that convenient so it is something that cannot be often used.」

「….is that so?」

Hearing Mitsuki's reply, Giselle can only shrug his shoulder.

However, on the contrary, Kousuke, who's only listening to their conversation, made a decision.

「No, since you are even willing to do that, I'll accept you to the tower.」

The sudden decision of Kousuke made Giselle surprised.

「….are you sure? To tell you the truth, I understand why you're suspicious of us.」

「I don't mind. However, there's one thing I want you to do.」

「What is it?」

「If one of you will go out of your designated floor, that person should be under a contract.」

The contract Kousuke is referring to is just an ordinary contract and not a blood contract.

However, even if it is a normal contract, it can limit the contractee's action depending on the content.

For example, if the person who goes out of the tower commits an act of betrayal to the tower, it will be his whole race that will be confined on the floor.

Even if it is not so radical, it is at least a good idea to tie someone with a contract.

Giselle nodded after hearing Kousuke's condition.

「I understand. Our people values contract. If that's Kousuke-dono's condition, we will obey.」

They have to discuss the details after but the main point was already that.

Given the severity of the matter, one might feel that it has been decided easily but their discussion has reached the final stage.

As the final result, Peach's clan (Defreyer Clan) became the newest residents of the tower.





Chapter 5.3 – Working Behind the Scenes

The Defreyer Clan settled on the 77th floor.

The monsters on the floor are quite strong and they don't have a base like the Vamilinear Castle like the vampires so their lives will be hard there. Kousuke tried to send them to a lower level but they said that they prefer that environment.

To raise their people's power, they need strong monsters that they can train with, and being near the village is the best.

In addition, the Defreyer clan had a certain treasure.

It is this.

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Name: Familia's Treasure

Installation Cost: Installed(External)

Description: The Defreyer Clan's treasure. It can produce a barrier that can prevent monsters. The size and strength of the barrier can be set.


At the place where the Defreyer Clan decided to build their village on the 77th floor, someone from their clan set it up. As soon as it was set up, the display became available.

The Defreyer Clan brought this treasure but there's no indication that it can be installed using the tower but it seems like it has now been registered.

Given what happened, it seems like it was possible to install things from outside.

Kousuke wanted to check what would happen step by step while that thing was being installed but he decided to do it some other time.


In the center of the 77th floor is an external teleportation gate and it is connected to the village where the clan was staying.

Soon after, the combat members of the clan came in and built several dwellings nearby immediately.

Originally, they planned to all enter at once and build everything on their own but Kousuke proposed to build it using the tower.

Currently, there is still surplus divine power so that much can be done without problem.

Thinking about the future, it is expected that he can recover them soon.

As for the blueprint of that place, it was built according to Peach's opinion.

Those who came in from the teleportation gate are grateful and have no problem with it.

They still have clanmates who are in various places due to work so the teleportation gate is yet to be demolished and will only be removed once every one of them is there.

They said that everyone can get back in a month so there shouldn't be any problem with the pursuers.

In case of emergency, the external teleportation gate will be destroyed and the other can go to the tower via the 5th floor.


On the 77th floor, the monsters around the teleportation gate and the houses of the clan have been expelled by the villagers.

As expected of the clan that brought up Peach, their battle power is more than enough for the monsters on the 77th floor.

And of course, it is inevitable for them to struggle when a high-level strong monster comes out.

After subjugating the surrounding monsters and setting up the barrier of the treasure, most of the people from their village moved to the 77th floor leaving only a few people at their village.

Because of how their clan has lived, the life of being chased, they don't have much luggage so it went smoothly.

The population of their whole clan is around 300 people but there are currently around 100 who are outside doing missions so not all are at the village.

Leaving some of them, all others moved to the 77th floor at once. Those who stayed at the village will guard the village and wait for those who have yet to return.

Those who have moved to the 77th floor are also accustomed as expected and build a camp in no time.

In the future, the camp will be reduced little by little while permanent houses will increase.

Until now, they've only made simple dwellings since they are living the life of escapees but this time, they are all excited to build their permanent homes.


—Scene Change—


After the relocation of the village was completed, Kousuke visited the 77th floor with Peach and Kouhi.

Perhaps because he had visited the village several times when they were relocating, Kousuke has already been recognized by the villagers as the tower owner.

They are very grateful for being able to build their village there so every time he comes, they welcome him.

There is always someone who's watching over the gate so that Kousuke can immediately speak with someone as soon as he comes in.

When he said he wanted to meet the chief, he was immediately guided to the village chief's house.

By the way, the chief's house is a large building that was built with the use of the function of the tower.

「You have come, welcome. So, what do you need?」

Since they are used to talking with each other, they have already omitted superfluous greetings and ask business immediately.

He understood that Kousuke doesn't like that kind of thing and so does he.

「According to Peach, those who went out are gradually coming back so I came here as soon as I have free time.」

「I see…..is it time for that?」

The "that" he's referring to is the plan to connect the 77th floor and the 5th floor.

It has already been planned that the Defreyer clan will work behind the scenes since their first meeting.

Their job is mainly information gathering in the cities connected to the four gates on the 5th floor of the tower.

They plan to gradually spread to the whole continent to gather information for the tower and for Crown.

Kousuke plans to leave everything on that aspect to the chief since he's the expert.

「Yeah, that's right. I heard that it would be good to connect as soon as possible. As for me, I'm not in a hurry but Peach recommended me to start soon.」

「Fumu. Well, she's right. I am sure Peach's intuition is correct. I have already received a report that those who have yet to return have all been gathered. Should we get started?」

「Yeah. I'll install the gate right here. But before that, here—」

Kousuke said so and Looked at Kouhi.

Kouhi took out the divine engraving machine from her item box.

Of course, it is not the one on the 5th floor.

「….what's that?」

Since he had not told him about it till now, the chief, who had never seen it, became confused.

As for the people of the village, they are going to be part of the management so he decided to teach them how to use it.


The chief, who saw the crown card, was impressed.

「….I see. So something like this exists.」

However, those in this village are those who work behind the scenes.

Kousuke told them that it would be troublesome if others know of their status like those adventurers and they can hide it from others.

And as expected of experts.

They immediately understood what Kousuke was trying to say.

「Certainly. If others know the skills of people like us, we will definitely be in trouble.」

「Yeah. You can choose to hide them individually so think of how you'll use it.」

「I know.」

The chief agreed so Kousuke handed over fifty unused cards to him for the time being.

He can't prepare more than that since the unused cards produced by the igrids are constantly being used on the 5th floor.

「My apologies if I can only prepare this much. Please think of who are going to use them until the next batch is available.」

「I understand. Since we are still in the process of clearing the monsters around, this much is enough.」

「Good. I'll bring the next batch as soon as they are ready.」

A person with a crown card is someone who can go out.

Those who'll receive their own cards will be decided by the chief.


「The rest is about the management of this floor.」

「Is there a problem?」

「No no. In the future, I won't be managing this floor but Peach.」

Peach and not Kousuke. They are all surprised to hear that.

Kousuke has never said anything to Peach until now.

「I'll manage it?」

「Yeah. Since they have settled down, I think it is okay to leave the management to you. What do you think? 」

「Are you sure~?」

「Maa, I think you're qualified to do it since there's no special skill needed, and if not you, I don't know who else I can trust this floor to.」

「I see~」

Hearing those words, Peach was convinced.

「Is that alright?」

「Well, there shouldn't be. To be honest, she'll more work like a liaison officer between me and this village.」

Peach is indeed more likely to work as a liaison officer since she's one of the Defreyers.

Kousuke won't be able to show his face on the 77th floor frequently so he gave that job to Peach.

「I see. That's right. She's indeed qualified.」

Kousuke trusts Peach more than any other member of the clan.

Peach is also happy(?) that she's now officially a manager.

In addition, since the Defreyer Clan has joined crown, they can not only work behind the scenes but even work as adventurers.





Chapter 5.4 – Further Evolution

Upon accepting the Defreyer Clan to the tower, the tower became LV6.

The main reason is the Defreyer Clan's Familia Treasure that was registered upon installation.

It seems like accepting things that are not originally in the tower was the condition to level up.

From now on, they will actively put things that are not included in the tower function in the tower.

Fortunately, the Defreyer Clan has become members of the tower so Kousuke thought that it would be good to ask them to look for samples they can install.

Or, he'll just make a Crown Quest and make it a permanent collection request for the members.

The season setting has become functional since the tower leveled up to 5 so he thought it would be a good idea to bring plants that can only grow in a specific place.

There are many things he wants to do but for the time being, he put it behind and checked what has been added now that the tower is LV6.


Name: Moon Jewel

Installation Cost: 100000pt (Divine Power)

Description: A jewel with the power of the moon. Generates moon power to the surrounding. Stores power during the night and releases power during the day. Only one can be installed in the whole tower. It is possible to take and reinstall it to another floor.


Seeing that, Kousuke thought that the combination of moon and wolf was good. Though it is not only because of what Kousuke thinks, he also considered Nana's blessing which is the Great God's Shard(New Moon) so it is worth a try.

Fortunately, it can be placed in another place so there shouldn't be a problem if it didn't affect Nana's skill.

Since the last time, the number of wolves on the 7th floor has increased and there are around 80 of them now.

Of course, Kousuke has listened to Nana's opinion.

Thirty of them were transferred to the 9th floor.

On the 9th floor, everything that the base has was also installed there so he decided to install the moon jewel and see how it looks.

—Scene Change—

Kousuke took Collete to the 7th floor.

As soon as they found that Kousuke came in from the teleportation gate, the wolves gathered.

Nana is also one of those wolves.

By the way, here is the current status of Nana.


Personal Name: Nana

Race: White Wolf

Inherent Skills: Howl LV5, Tackle LV6, Bite LV6, Intimidate LV5, Group Action LV6, Language Comprehension(Familiar) LV5, Divine Power Control LV4, Fairy Language(No LV)

Blessing Skills: Command LV5, Great God's Shard(New Moon)

Title: Kousuke's Familiar, Great God's Messenger


Perhaps because it is constantly defeating intermediate monsters that have appeared from the summoning circle, its skills broke through the walls of LV5.

Some of the other wolves also have LV6 skills.

In addition, some, including Hih who was one of his first summons, had grown in a different way compared to Nana.


Personal Name: Hih

Race: Black Wolf

Inherent Skills: Howl LV5, Tackle LV6, Bite LV6, Intimidate LV4, Group Action LV6, Long Distance Movement LV4, Hide LV3, Perception LV3, Take Down LV3

Blessing Skills: Command LV6

Title: Kousuke's Familiar


There are several black wolves in addition to Hih.

Among them, there were those who could use fairy language so even if Nana's not here, it is possible for them to speak with Kousuke with the help of Collete.

However, perhaps because of the low level of Language Comprehension(Familiar), it is difficult for them to convey their words to Kousuke directly so they are still far compared to Nana.

For now, Kousuke told Nana his future plan and told Hih and the others, who will stay on the 7th floor, to work hard in learning fairy language.

They are still fine since Nana is there but from now on, the wolves of the 7th floor will need to say what they need on their own.

Or is it better to leave the wolves how they want to communicate?

While thinking of such a thing, Kousuke headed to the 9th floor with Nana and 30 other wolves.


The things installed on the 9th floor were the same as the 7th floor with the exception of the "Moon Jewel".

When Kousuke asked Nana through Collete if there's anything else missing, she said she wanted to increase the number of wolves.

Kousuke returned to the management floor and installed <Gray Wolf Summoning Circle (10)> on the 7th and 9th floor respectively to increase the number of wolves.

Since there are a lot of them, he found it difficult to name them all.

By the way, Kousuke tried to change their names before and he managed to do so.

He thought that those that he changed names would be confused but nothing weird happened which means he didn't need to worry about it.

If you call them by their new names, they will come close.

This might be the effect of the familiar title.

The wolves summoned by the circles on both floors will be 60 each.

Kousuke made sure to tell the wolves of the 9th floor to not damage the moon jewel with the fangs or claws through Nana just in case.

At the same time, it is also protected from monsters since the base is protected by a barrier. The only thing that can damage the jewel is the wolves.


By the way, Kousuke has previously set up summoning circles of monsters Rank C and D other than the "Nero Rabbits" but the wolves managed to subjugate them without any particular problem.

Kousuke divided the power of the two floors and summoned weak gray wolves so it will be better for them to hold it down a little but he's not worried that much.

Not all wolves are doing subjugation work to begin with.

The wolves also thought it hard themselves whether it was their turn to subjugate.

Kousuke also prefers if they subjugate intermediate monsters because the amount of divine power acquired from them is the biggest yet. He plans to increase the number of floors with wolves.

However, he has foxes too so he's not in a hurry to increase them.

Another reason is that there are terrains in the tower that are not suitable for wolves and foxes after all.

—Scene Change—

After leaving another wolf floor, Kousuke decided to see the foxes on the 8th floor.

「…..areh? Aren't there new fox species?」

Collete, who was watching the foxes, asked with a confused expression.

「So, you noticed. The new species are sky fox and earth fox.」

「...sky fox and earth fox, could it be….!?」

「Eh? Why are you so surprised?」

Kousuke himself was surprised with the new species but Collete seems to be surprised in a different way.

「Sky fox and earth fox are rare and they can use holy and magic power and are considered as legendary creatures. At least, that's what I heard from a tamer.」

Collete, who has traveled all over before coming to the Central Continent has met such a tamer.

「….ah, it's true. They can use magic….」

Checking the status of the sky fox and earth fox, he found out that they have at least one magic.

The best example is <Fire Magic LV1>.

It seems like unlike the wolves, foxes don't attack in groups and they are the type that hunts alone.

As far as Kousuke has seen, he has never seen more than three of them attack a monster.

On top of that, when Kousuke spoke with Wanli (via Collete), she said there's no need to divide them yet so he decided to leave them be.

Though different from wolves, he decided to increase the number of intermediate monsters since the foxes' strength has risen.

He also installed <Demon Fox Summoning Circle 10>.

With that, the number of foxes increased to fifty.


After seeing the wolves and foxes, Kousuke went back to the management floor and decided to add other things.

He decided that on each floor, there should be another base aside from the main one.

He installed a pair of new bases with two buildings and a small pond.

Using those bases, he thought that the fox and wolves would be able to dominate their respective floors more.

Time can only tell the effect of those newly installed buildings.


7th floor – gray wolf pack, (small pond(divine water) and barn) X3, God stone, black wolf(all wolves 40)

8th floor – fox pack, (small pond(divine water), barn, shrine(small)) X3, God stone, Multi tailed fox, several sky fox, several earth fox(all foxes 50)

9th floor – gray wolf pack, (small pond(divine water) and barn) X3, God stone, Moon Jewel, white wolf(all wolves 40)

Note: Each floor is regularly set up with slime summoning circles for food.

Intermediate summoning circle is set up once a week.





Chapter 5.5 – Shrine's Troubles

Shrine was alone in the throne of Vamilinear Castle while looking troubled.

Her trouble comes from the precious Vamilenear jewel.

The Vamilinear jewel was originally a jewel that belonged to Shrine's family.

Rather than it belonged to them, it is better to say that it coexists with the Vamilinear family, which is a vampire family.

To be exact, it coexists with the head of the family.

The current head of the family is Shrine so if Shrine's no longer exists in this world, the jewel will disappear too.

However, even if the jewel is destroyed, as long as Shrine exists, it can be reformed immediately.

In other words, the vamilinear jewel is like a mass of power that the head of the family will take over.

By the way, the castle is attached to the jewel.

As long as the jewel exists, you can create the castle in any place.

However, to create the castle from scratch, it will require a huge amount of magical power.


The Vamilinear family has been destroyed once.

To be precise, they existed as a nation and have lost in a war.

The family, whose number was drastically reduced in the war, chose to scatter away from each other to survive.

Their plan was to increase their population first then found a nation again but that didn't work.

When the castle(jewel) was lost in the war, the king of the family at that time also ceased to exist.

Originally, the jewel should have chosen the next king that will inherit it but none of those who survived was chosen by the jewel.

No one could answer why it became a tower object. Not Shrine, not the people she gathered there.

Shrine doesn't even know why she, who was wandering around the world, was called by Mitsuki's summoning in the first place.

Or why was she fascinated by Kousuke's blood.

Those who were called by Shrine's summoning were able to call other people of the family which are about 50.

In the first place, summoning is not so convenient so if you try to summon someone, you won't even know if that person will answer your summon since you don't know where they are or if they are still alive.

Then, the question of how Mitsuki was able to summon Shrine will enter the fray. When she summoned Shrine, she was able to answer even if she's in a different dimension.

Both Kouhi and Mitsuki have the power and technique of cheat existence.

Therefore, even if it is not easy. She was able to summon Shrine, a vampire.

Thus, if you want to call out the scattered vampires, you can't rely on summoning.

Of course, you can increase the number of vampires by sucking blood but that method is nothing but another form of suicide since you'll surely earn antipathy.

In addition, increasing the number of family members by sucking blood will make the status of a vampire fall.

After all, the best way to increase vampires is through natural(?) means , which is snusnu.


However, after consulting with Kousuke, she's now troubled on how to summon the scattered members of the family from all over the world to the tower.

Since she has to manage the castle, the only thing she can do now is to send people outside and make them spread rumors.

The rumor is that the Vamilinear castle has been revived in the tower.

Of course, the rumor won't directly say that the castle was revived in the tower.

However, she decided to prepare a rumor that vampires will understand upon hearing.

Even so, it is still possible that it will invite superfluous people in the tower but when she asked Kousuke, he said that it's okay.

After all, for the tower, the more people are active in it, the more holy power, magic power, and divine power it can generate.

The things that happened during the war aside, there are few people who hate vampires now so those who'll attack vampires just because they are vampires are a minority.

Thus, she chose about six people and registered them to crown and have them act as adventurers.

If they spread rumors well, it will take time but the rumor will spread to other continents.

Since it is a hot topic now, rumors about the Amamiya Tower are very easy to spread.

She decided to take that opportunity.

That said, it will take time but that's the only thing she can do now.

At least it is better than doing nothing.


—Scene Change—


There is another thing that worries Shrine the most and that's what she's thinking presently.

Seeing Shrine's condition, Zenet, who is one of her close aides, approached her.

「You looked very troubled.」


When she glanced at him while immediately trying to be composed, Zenet laughed for some reason.

「…..what's wrong?」

「No. I never thought that Shrine-sama, who I have known since we were children, would be lovesick.」

That's right. What's been troubling Shrine since a while ago is none other than Kousuke.

Shrine, who wanted to reflexively deny it, immediately changed her mind and shut up.

No matter how she thinks, Zenet's words are the truth.

「…..stop that….I know what I'm feeling.」

If you ask her when it started, she'll immediately answer from the time she drank his blood.

She was so fascinated by Kousuke's blood.

But now, it's not just that. Even if you count Kousuke's blood aside, she still likes everything about him.

However, no matter how much she tried to make him notice her feelings, nothing's happening.

「After all, the way I acted when I drank his blood for the first time was terrible….」

For Kousuke, he knows that Shrine favors her but he thinks she only thinks of his blood.

「Is it that good…..」

Zenet never said anything about Kousuke's blood.

However, he knows how much Shrine was affected by that blood.

「To be honest, I can no longer take anyone else other than Kousuke-dono as my companion. It's that good.」

Vampires, especially a vampire princess like Shrine, sometimes distinguish their lifetime companion from their blood.

However, that doesn't mean a thing for Kousuke, a human(?).

It's similar to the debate whether the egg or the chicken is first.

「Well, for our race, we're not really bothered if it takes time.」

Shrine can see what Zenet wants to say but she looks like she has bitten a bitter worm.

「….we can't do that. Kousuke-dono is hoping that the jewel's rating will rise.」

To be precise, he was expecting the divine power generated by the Vamilinear Jewel to rise but that's probably the same thing.

Shrine did not even know that the Vamilinear Jewel can generate divine power(Or is that the reason why it was incorporated into the tower?) however, she knew that the jewel has a <rating>.

She knew it from the legend passed down to their family and by experience.

However, there is a condition to raise the rating of the jewel.

「….why is the condition to raise the <rating> is to share a bed….」

Shrine murmured as she shrugged her shoulders.

For Shrine herself, it is something to be happy about but the other party might reject it.

If she tells him that it will increase the <rating>, he will not refuse but she won't do something like that.

Shrine is a maiden.

Or rather, she was forced to realize that she's a maiden.

「How about talking to someone close to him?」

「Is there someone like that….」

Shrine immediately denied Zenet's proposal but soon, a certain someone came to her mind.



Shrine knows that it is only a matter of time before she fails if she continues what she's doing so she decided to consult Mitsuki.