
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Komik
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46 Chs

Book 2: Volume 1 Chapter (1-5)

Chapter 1, Failure

It was a time when the reception of the Elves and the Vermilinia Clan into the tower had been completed and was temporarily settled.

Kousuke was groaning in front of the control panel monitor.

It had been quite some time since he had been in that state.

Mitsuki decided it was time to call out to Kousuke.

"What are you so worried about?"

Kousuke was startled by Mitsuki's sudden approach, and then looked uncomfortable.

"I was looking for something I could install. There's something, but I don't know what it's used for."

"Oh. What is it?"

Mitsuki asked, and Kousuke pointed to a certain part of the monitor.

When Mitsuki checked it, she found the name of an item written there.

<Just a Stone>

Mitsuki thought for a moment, tilted his head, then turned to Kousuke and said.


"Yes. Just a stone. It's labeled as such, but if that's here, then there's definitely a purpose to it! I couldn't figure that out."

Kousuke said, and his expression became lost in thought again.

Mitsuki, seeing this, was unable to remark, even though it looked like she was about to.

That "Isn't it just an ordinary stone?", or so she thought.


"So that's what the Lord is doing now?"

Kouhi looked at Mitsuki with a stern look in his eyes when Mitsuki told him what had happened.

"No, because it's hard for me to say."

Mitsuki said, and their gazes turned to Kousuke.

Kousuke was propped up on a desk with a monitor on it.

If it had been a comic book, there would have been a drawing of steam on his head.

By all accounts, it was a picture of overthinking and running out of energy.

Reconfirming this, Kouhi let out one sigh and said to Mitsuki.

"All right. I'll go tell him."

"Please do. I can't do it."

Kouhi let out another sigh as he saw Mitsuki clasp her hands together, and he went straight up to Kousuke.


"…Hmm? Oh, Kouhi. What?"

"Why don't you take a little rest, and don't be too hard on yourself?"

Kouhi said, and Kousuke groaned and shook his head.

"No, I think I'm getting close to figuring something out."

"I see."

"I see!!!!"

"What is it?"

Kouhi looked slightly surprised at Kousuke's sudden outcry.

"Think about it, Kouhi, and see if you can come up with something. It's this…"

Saying this, Kousuke pointed at <Just a Stone> as he did with Mitsuki.

"Ugh…? Ah, eh, um…"

Seeing Kousuke's expression, Kouhi became a little more slack-jawed and coughed deliberately.

"Well, um… I can't think of anything out of the blue, so I'll give it some thought."

"Yes! Please do."

Kouhi returned to Mitsuki with an indescribable expression on his face as Kousuke happily responded.

Kouhi was greeted by Mitsuki with a warm and innocent look.

"What is it?"

"Hmmm. Nothing."

Kouhi stared at Mitsuki teasingly for a while, and then said.

"Anyway, let him think about it as much as he wants for now."

Kouhi suggested, and Mitsuki agreed.

"I guess so. I'm sure she'll figure it out on her own eventually."

"That's right. It's better for Master to realize it on his own."

They both decided to accept the situation together.

After this, they never asked or suggested anything to Kousuke about this matter.


Because of the low unit price, Kousuke tried everything possible.

He placed it just on the ground, or on top of a growing tree. He even tried putting it in the water.

There were some places where it was not possible to place it, but since it was just an object and could be placed almost anywhere, he placed it wherever he could think of.

However, <Just a Stone> was simply a stone, and no significant changes occurred.

Still, Kousuke did not give up.

He was no longer concerned only with it being "Just a Stone", but he continued to set up "Just a Stone" in various places whenever he had a chance.

Up to this point, it had passed the point of willfulness and had become mere habit.

"Hmm? What is this?"

Shrein tilted her head at what looked like a map that Kousuke was drawing manually.

"Oh, I'm writing this down, so I don't forget where I've placed the stones."

Hearing this, Shrein's expression turned to dismay.

"What? You're still doing this? Why don't you just give up?"

"What do you mean! Why should I just give up?"

"There's no point to this."

Shrein tilted her head, but Kousuke continued with a scowl.

"Yes, yes. But you know, it's alright to make mistakes in this kind of thing."

"Is that so? A mere stone is just a stone, right?"

"That may be so, but maybe not! If there's even a chance, it's worth a try!

"Is it possible?"

"It is possible."

Kousuke nodded back at Shrein, who tilted her head once more.

Shrein left the control room with her head tilted back, and noticed Kouhi and Mitsuki looking at her.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing. I just thought maybe Shrein could help."

Kouhi nodded next to Mitsuki as she said this.


"It's okay. It's our business. It's not a big deal."


"Yeah. Don't mind it."

Kouhi and Mitsuki nodded in agreement, and Shrein headed off to check on Vermilion Castle with a question mark on her head.


In the end, the installation of <Just a Stone> continued until Kousuke was satisfied.

At the end, it was partly because he left it as if everyone had already given up and was doing it again.

As for its conclusion.

"<Just a Stone> is just a stone!"

It was.

"What the heck. So, that's what it ended up being."

"Yes, it did. It's kind of frustrating to hear you say it like that."

Kousuke's expression became complicated as Shrein came to look at him with a slightly stunned expression.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, that's what I'm thinking, so kindly let me know if you notice anything else."

"Well, okay… but, isn't it useless at this point?"

"Don't call it useless. There is no such thing as a waste of time. If you do something, and it fails, that's one result."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I am sure about it."

Kousuke reminded Shrein, who tilted her head.

Kousuke was not being stubborn, but he thought it was important to actually try, even if he knew he would fail.

In case something else might happen as a result of doing so.

It was more important than anything else to make sure of that.

Kousuke emphasized that even if you know something is wrong in your mind, there would be a world of difference between actually trying it out and just imagining it.





Chapter 2, Sally's Marriage

It had already been two years since the Kingdom of Razequa Amamiya was established.

Lirica was working hard today cleaning the temple.

"Oh, Lirica, what's wrong? You seem to be in a different mood than before."

An elderly woman, who was also cleaning the temple, came up to her.

Lirica had actually been summoned to a room in the temple.

Who had summoned her? Of course, it was Sylvia.

As usual, Sylvia suddenly appeared and approached Lirica, who was cleaning up, and asked to speak with her.

She had just returned after that talk and was a little confused by what Sylvia had told her.

The woman seemed to notice the subtle change.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm not feeling down, I was just thinking a little bit about something else."

"Oh, is it something about Sylvia-sama calling you?"

The relationship between Sylvia and Lirica was a well-known fact among the regulars at the temple cleanup.

Lirica was settling into the position of being a talking partner, presumably because she was close in age to Sylvia.

At first, Lirica was thought of as a consultant, but that rumor quickly faded away when Lirica denied it with all her might.

Instead, the word spread that she was a conversation partner instead.

Lirica also left it alone, since there was nothing to deny about it.

In fact, it was not wrong to say that the conversations she had with Sylvia when she called on her were merely small talk.

Sylvia felt self-conscious about being depended on, but she hoped that talking to Sylvia would distract her a little.

At least that's what Lirica thought until Sylvia called her earlier.


After hearing from Sylvia, she just couldn't get back to cleaning, so she ended up coming back to the inn as usual.

She returned to her room at the inn and thought about what Sylvia told her earlier.

Still, she was in agony because she couldn't think straight, when she heard a voice calling out her name from outside the room.

It was Sally, the party leader.

"Leader? Please, come in."

Lirica called out, followed by a clattering sound as Sally entered the room.

"I'm sorry to bother you while you're relaxing."

"No, it's fine. I was just about to do something else to distract myself."

She wasn't lying, as she was thinking about wandering outside to calm her agonized mind.

"I see…"


Lirica tilted her head at Sally, who remained silent after saying just that.

It was very rare for Sally, who had a straightforward personality, to behave in this way.

For that reason, Lirica decided to wait until Sally started speaking.

Perhaps understanding Lirica's feelings, Sally finally talked.

"… I know this is sudden, but I wanted to talk to Lirica, or rather, discuss something with you."


"Actually. I'm finally getting married…"

The words were spoken in a somewhat somber tone, and for a moment Lirica did not recognize what was being said.

But as she began to absorb Sally's words, her expression turned into a smile.

"Good for you! …what? Don't tell me you were not happy about it?"

Lirica tilted her head at Sally, who looked pleased but somewhat unhappy.

"No, well. I thought it would be a good time for me to get married, or at least to pay my dues, since I had a particular person in mind…."

Lirica listened with a smirk as Sally continued to talk.

After all, Lirica did meet Sally's partner a few times.

She was in a pretty good mood that time, so she thought it might be a possibility, and it seemed that her prediction was right.

"And anyway, that's not the only thing I wanted to talk about today, but something else!"

Sally, noticing Lirica's expression, cut in.

The relaxed Sally finally brought out the real issue at hand.

In essence, it was about what to do with the party leader after her marriage.

The party with Sally and Lirica was originally formed by Sally.

Hence, Sally had been the leader all this time, but when Sally herself was leaving, the question was who would take over that leadership role.

"So, for my part, I would like Lirica to be the leader?"

"I understand that…"

Lirica nodded in agreement.

In the past two years, Lirica had already become the oldest member of the party.

The members had been replaced many times.

That was why Sally's offer was, in a sense, reasonable.


Lirica thought for a moment and shook her head from side to side.

"I'm sorry, but may I decline?"

Hearing this, Sally looked surprised for a moment, and pondered.

"…May I ask why?"

Lirica nodded to Sally, who asked her that, and started to explain.

"Actually, I spoke with Lady Sylvia today…"

Sally knew that Lirica had already spoken with Sylvia many times.

"Did she say anything to you?"

"Yes. She asked me if I wanted to be Sylvia's assistant."

Hearing this, Sally looked stunned.

"Sylvia-sama apparently has a baby, and she's going to have a hard time doing the physical work, so she wants me to help her instead."

"Isn't that a wonderful story!"

"That's indeed a wonderful story! I was surprised as well."

In fact, when Sylvia told her, she was stunned for a good five seconds.

"It was short notice, so I had to ask for some time, but I figured if the leader was going to leave, I might as well accept the offer."

To begin with, Lirica had no intention of staying in the party without Sally.

The only reason Lirica had continued to be an adventurer until now was because Sally was the leader.

"I see. If that's the case, I guess I can't help it."

Sally nodded her head in agreement with Lirica's thoughts about Sylvia's proposal.

Lirica had no intention of telling Sally about anything else related to the conversation with Sylvia.

It was very embarrassing already.


In the end, the party did not break up, but both Sally and Lirica had to leave the party.

Lirica had to wait a little longer to leave the party because it would be a big problem if both of them left at the same time, similar to what happened to them sometime before.

After speaking to Sylvia about her situation, Sylvia said she wouldn't mind waiting a little bit longer.

It would take a little more time for Sylvia to reach the critical stage of her pregnancy, so Lirica was given a little more time to prepare.

However, Lirica also made her promise to help out Sylvia when she had some spare time.

One of the members who had been with the party for some time was chosen as the new party leader.

Lirica was nervous at first, thinking that things might not go well, however, Lirica believed that the one chosen to lead the party would make a good leader.

Under the new leadership, Lirica continued her adventurous activities, until the day finally came.

"Congratulations, Sally!!!"

Sally, dressed in pure white, was being called out as such by several people.

Surrounding Sally now were friends and acquaintances who had gathered to congratulate her on her marriage.

It was a scene that clearly showed her charisma by the number of people who had gathered.

Of course, those who had been members of Sally's party also gathered.

Lirica was watching Sally with tension in her heart.

The reason why she was in such a state was because Lirica was supposed to be the one in charge of the oath-taking ceremony of Sally's wedding.

Sylvia heard about Sally from somewhere and visited her without asking Lirica.

When Sally heard about Sylvia's plan, she agreed to it without a second thought.

When Lirica received the proposal, she was already in a situation from which she could not escape.

Incidentally, Sylvia, who saw Lirica's distressed expression when she heard the proposal, tried to respond with a cool expression to encourage her.

"It's a good opportunity, so think of it as a good experience. I'll be there to assist you."

Sylvia suggested.

She was currently standing by Lirica's side, playing the role of her assistant.

This situation was another reason for Lirica's nervousness.

Lirica wanted to run away immediately, but she could not do so when she remembered Sylvia's joyful expression.

Lirica almost failed several times, but with Sylvia's help, she managed to complete the oath-taking ceremony.

Sylvia was smiling at Lirica, who was showing signs of exhaustion.

Then, a visitor arrived at Lirica's place.

It turned out to be Sally, the star of the event.

"Oh my, welcome. Are you sure you want to leave your husband alone?"

"Ah, no problem, I told him I was going to thank Lirica, and he asked me to also give his regards."

Sally and Sylvia were having such a conversation at the door, but soon arrived at Lirica's place.

Seeing a limp Lirica, Sally burst out laughing.

"I was the right choice, it was just as I expected."

Sally was apparently struggling not to laugh at Lirica, who was extremely nervous during the oath-taking ceremony.

Lirica was too nervous to notice anything that was going on.

"Jeez, how can you let the leading lady worry about you?"

Sylvia said to Lirica, who had her hands in her head.

"Now, now, don't mention it like that. As for me, I'm glad Lirica did the oath-taking for me.

"I see. I'm happy for you, Lirica."

"Ah. "Oh, yes. Thank you for the opportunity~."

Lirica herself had no time to cope with the two people who seemed to be toying with her.

After this day, as Sylvia's assistant, the name of the priestess Lirica spread rapidly, even though it was only limited to the 5th floor of the Tower.





Chapter 3, Growth

He barely remembered when his ego was formed.

However, somehow, he remembered when he was born into this world.

This was probably the same for his friends around him.

He was born with something like a pattern glowing at his feet.

The only two things he possessed at that time were, simply put, an appetite and a sexual desire.

But when he recognized that <that person> was in front of him, he unconsciously knelt.

Looking back, he was amazed that he was able to recognize <Him> with such simple awareness.

The other members of the group were the first to notice this, so there must have been something in them that attracted <Him>.

It was at that time that <He> gave me the name Gabo.

From that moment on, his name became a treasure for Gabo for the rest of his life.

It would be after the first change that he would truly feel his ego emerging.

When he asked <That Person> about it later, he was told that it was called "Evolution".

In short, a drastic change in one's body and ability to think.

In fact, after the first evolution, it became much easier to defeat the monsters that appeared around the village.

It was also around this time that he began to think about things properly.

Looking back, however, it was very straightforward thinking.

Even so, the change in him seemed to be significant to his friends, and he came to be recognized as a leader.

He had always gone hunting with a group, but there was no clear leader, and the decision was made on a case-by-case basis.

But now they have recognized him as a leader not only in hunting, but also in their daily lives.

As he spent time as the leader of his friends, he gradually came to understand the trick to organizing a group.

As he spent his time doing this, <That Person> would sometimes come to the village.

One day, they found out that <He> also spoke the same language as they did.

Every time he came, they tried to understand what he was saying, but they could not understand him at all.

By that time, there was an individual who had evolved in the same way as Gabo had.

That individual seemed to be doing the same thing, but eventually, he was unable to understand the words of <That Person>.

Then one day.

<That Person> came and started to do something with his friends as he always did.

It was difficult for them to understand what <He> was doing.

However, after <He> came, his companions often evolved.

Finally, it was Gabo's turn.

<He> approached and started to do the same thing as the others.

Gabo did not know what he was doing, but he was willing to accept it all for what it was.

There was no negative feeling that he was going to do something outrageous or anything like that.

And then it happened suddenly.

He knew that <He> had given him some kind of power.

While he understood it, he also understood the words that <He> was speaking.

He was talking about the power that he had just given to his friends, including Gabo.

<He> referred to this power as a blessing.

After that, he spoke with his companions in various ways, and although they could hear the words, they could not understand the meaning of the words.

However, they understood that the power of the blessing would be a great help to them again.

Since it was a power that had been given to them, they made up their minds to make good use of it.


After that, they did a lot of hard work.

After trying to master the "Blessing" he had received, he was finally able to attain his second "Evolution".

With this, he had gained a complete sense of self.

What made him most happy was that he could pronounce words, something that had been difficult for his old body to do.

After that, he practiced hard to be able to pronounce the words.

His friends were surprised that he could speak the same language as <That Person>.

When he told them that he was capable of speaking the language because of his "Evolution," they became very enthusiastic.

The "Evolution" did not only change their ability to control their own language.

Just as with the previous "Evolution," his physical abilities had improved, and so had his thinking skills.

With their greatly improved abilities, hunting monsters had become easier.

Although they were not going to let their guard down, they no longer got beaten up by the monsters that appeared around the village.

In turn, he was able to work on improving the abilities of his companions.

There was still no one who had been given power by <Him> at the same time as himself who had reached the same level of strength, but his power seemed to be steadily improving.

If he had a complaint, it was that the only weapon he could use to hunt monsters was a blunt weapon, but this could not be helped.

If possible, it would be better if they could use the weapons that <He> and his friends have, but there was nothing they could do about that.

It would be a good idea to ask <Him> someday.

Although, he was too afraid to do such a thing, and he didn't think he would be able to do it anytime soon.


After spending time hunting monsters and teaching his friends various things, the day finally came.

One of his friends rushed into the village to inform him that <That Person> had come to the village.

He hurriedly took some of his friends and made his way to the place where he had heard the report.

There, he was sure that <He> was present.

He immediately kneeled and said the words as he had practiced.

"Welcome to our Village."

He was relieved to be able to pronounce the words as he had practiced, but at the same time, the look of surprise on <His> face left a lasting impression on him.

Was it really such a surprise?

After that, he asked me many questions.

There were things he could not answer well, but <That Person> said, "It's astonishing that you have become able to speak properly".

That alone was worth all the effort he had put into practicing his words.

While checking on his friends, he was asked about a number of things, and in the midst of it all, he told <That Person> about weapons.

Although they could produce their own daily necessities, they were unable to obtain good quality weapons.

When he told <Him> this, <He> thought about it for a while and promised to bring us weapons later.

He wondered if the pause was because of concern that they would be rebelled against when they got their own weapons.

It was natural for <Him> to be concerned about that.

It would be a good thing that <He> was willing to bring it.

What surprised him was that a few days later, he brought them ten iron swords.

Gabo was so impressed that he was speechless for a while because he did not expect it to be prepared so soon.

Ten swords would not be enough to go to cover all of his companions, but it would still be more than enough.

He decided to give it to his companions in order, starting with those who had the highest fighting ability among them.

To his surprise, <That Person> went on to ask if there was anything else that they wanted.

Gabo was not comfortable asking for more, so he immediately replied that he had enough.

However, there was one thing he wanted to know after that, so he asked the question.

"Question? What?"

"My Lord, what is your name?"

<He> looked as if he had been struck dumb.

"What? Didn't I tell you that?"

It seems like <He> came here before to say such a thing.

The name may have been mentioned when <That Person> was speaking with his friends, but it would have been impolite to say that they were unable to understand at that time.

So, he wanted to hear it properly and accurately.

"My name is Kousuke. You are free to call me Kousuke."

As the name seeped into him, he felt like he was becoming even more powerful.

He felt even more determined to work for this person, or rather, for Kousuke-sama, at his own peril.

Although he had not been instructed to do anything at the moment, he felt that his primary mission was to maintain this village as best he could.


One day, Kousuke-sama came to the village.

At that time, he had achieved the next level of "Evolution".

For some reason, Kousuke-sama looked very surprised when he tried to speak to him in the language that he had become even more fluent in.

He looked more surprised than ever before.

He was surprised about the "Evolution," but not too surprised.

It was already his third "Evolution".

He seemed to want to ask Gabo something after the greeting, so Gabo inquired about it.

"Um… Is something wrong?"

"Oh, uh… Gabo is a woman."

"? Yes, I think so."

Gabo answered honestly as she was asked, but for some reason Kousuke-sama had a shocked expression on his face.

Seeing his expression, Gabo was unintentionally upset for some reason, but tried not to show it.

Gabo could not be rude to Kousuke-sama.

On that day, Kousuke-sama gave Gabo a new name.

The new name was Sol.

Of course, Gabo was not a name she was dissatisfied with, but it fit her more comfortably than her old name, so she was happy to accept it.





Chapter 4, Agriculture

The 14th Floor was the Floor where the Ogres and Goblins were located.

Some of the goblins Kousuke had given blessings to had evolved, and one of them had changed into an Oni.

Surprisingly, they were even able to speak the language, so they could communicate with Kousuke to a certain extent.

After confirming this, Kousuke was unable to go check on the goblins for a while because of the many things that had happened.

Kousuke decided to visit the 14th Floor with Mitsuki to check on the goblins for the first time in a while.

The first thing that surprised Kousuke when he arrived at the 14th Floor was that the individual who had evolved into Oni when he came before had evolved even further.

No, there was nothing wrong with the evolution itself.

He had hoped that it could happen, and that was alright.

The individual had undergone considerable transformation when it became Oni, but this time it had undergone an even greater transformation.

Without the horns on its head, it was almost indistinguishable from a human.

His race had also changed from <Oni> to <Douji>.

That much was still within the realm of expectation.

No, of course, it was surprising enough, but if they were expected to undergo an evolutionary change, it would not be surprising if they changed to a certain extent.

More than anything else, Kousuke was surprised by a certain fact that he had not expected at all when he saw the individual in front of him.

"Welcome, welcome."

The greeting, which was much more fluent than when he had come before, barely entered his head.

"Um… Is something wrong?"

"Oh, uh… Gabo was a girl?"

"? Yes, my lord?"

The child looked at Kousuke with a curious expression on her face, but her style was completely that of a girl.

Her face was even prettier than when we met before.

If she were to walk down the street normally, there would probably be men who would approach her.

However, she still retained the features she had when we met her before, so she was not different from the other girls.

On the contrary, Kousuke wondered why he had not noticed them before.

Thinking that a girl being named Gabo would not be a good name, he changed her name to Sol.

He was not sure if he could change her name properly, but when Sol accepted her name, her status display name also changed, so it was okay.

On the other hand, he wanted to know if Sol could have changed her name if she did not want to, but since Sol accepted it without hesitation this time, Kousuke could not confirm it.

Something unexpected happened from the beginning, but Sol guided them through the goblins' village.

It was a village, not a stronghold. It was a village, not a base.

When Kousuke came there before, there was only what Kousuke had prepared using the tower function, but clearly there were more structures.

Of course, it was a simple dwelling(?). But it was still a big step forward to have individual living spaces.

Some of the goblins were also using tools to make things.

Since Kousuke did not give them those things, they have started making and using their own tools.

"Did Sol come up with all the tools you use?"

"No, no way. They were thought up by my friends."

Saying this, she pointed to some of the individuals.

All of them were evolved individuals.

Some of the individuals she pointed at even bowed to him.

Kousuke was surprised at how many things had changed, but another part of his mind had an idea.

It was that perhaps if he taught them agriculture, they would start production.


Kousuke had some business to attend to, so he went back to the Administration Floor and immediately went to Schmidt's to get some seed potatoes for his farm.

Of course, it was to get some potatoes for farming.

Schmidt tilted his head and wondered what Kousuke would use it for, but he knew that Kousuke did a lot of work at the tower, so he took care of it without saying a word.

The seeds themselves were readily available.

After all, potatoes were the main product grown at the 5th Floor.

There was no way they would run out of potatoes.

After sending an errand to the production department, Kousuke spent some time chatting with Schmidt.

Since there were no new magical tools, Schmidt told him about the recent situation at Crown.

While they were chatting, Hewrick came in from the production department with some potatoes.

Hewrick was the current head of the production department, where the responsibilities were rotated among the representatives of the department.

It was unlikely that the head of the department would come all the way there just to deliver the potatoes.

He knew that Kousuke was visiting, so Hewrick went out of his way to meet him.

Kousuke at present did not have any authority, but he was still the ruler of the tower.

As the head of a department in the Crown division, with its headquarters in the tower, he would at least show his face when he knew that Kousuke was visiting.

After that, after some conversation with Hewrick, he returned to the Administration Floor with the potatoes.

After getting the potatoes, Kousuke immediately returned to the 14th Floor.

"… What's this?"

"A potato. The simplest way to explain it is that if you plant it in the land and cultivate it, it will produce a potato."

Kousuke explained it simply, but Sol's attention went blank when she heard it.

Of course, Kousuke didn't think that was enough of an explanation, so he started from the beginning.

"… That means we can make our own food?"

"Well, yes. It takes a lot of time and effort to manage and so on, but…"

During the conversation with Hewrick, Kousuke also asked him how to grow the potatoes that Hewrick brought with him.

However, Kousuke could not stay with the goblins for a long time, so after explaining the situation, he would let the goblins decide what they wanted to do.

Kousuke was still not sure if he would be able to properly grasp and work through the hassle of managing this project.

Simply planting potatoes where the land had been tilled and waiting for the potatoes to grow would be no different from what we have done in the past.

It was important to be able to properly manage the production.

After that, Sol apparently decided to assign another person to manage the potatoes.

Kousuke later confirmed that it was someone familiar with plants among her friends.

However, even though that individual was knowledgeable, it did not mean that the individual had any experience in agriculture, so the individual seemed to be confused.

Incidentally, since the individual's race was already a Great Ogre, the individual had a certain degree of wisdom.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the individual to remember what grew where and where, as well as what could be consumed.

At first, Kousuke made a small field by himself and taught them how to plant.

After that, he only came to check on them periodically.

This was partly because Kousuke was not very knowledgeable himself, but also because Kousuke judged that it was necessary for them to gain experience on their own.


In conclusion, the goblins were able to successfully grow potatoes.

However, it was not a first-try success, and at first, they ruined more than half of the potatoes.

But after a few harvests, they seemed to get the hang of it.

By that time, they were able to raise the crops without any intervention from Kousuke.

Even Kousuke did not expect them to really succeed so soon, so he thought that this must have been the result of the goblins' hard work.

Now that they could produce potatoes regularly, the goblins' lives became more stable.

As a result, the goblins obtained a stable lifestyle and their numbers increased rapidly.





Chapter 5, Nativity Festival

While relaxing in the relaxation space, Kouhi mentioned something unexpected.

"…. Christmas?"

"Yes, it's Christmas. Do you celebrate Christmas?"

Kousuke's eyes blinked, wondering what she was suddenly getting at.

"No, Christmas is a ceremony to celebrate the birth of the God of the other world, right?"

Technically, it wasn't, but with Kousuke's rough knowledge, it ended up this way.

"Yes. So, may we celebrate the birth of this God here as well?"

"No, wait, wait. In the first place, Christmas is only valid for monotheistic religions! If we celebrate the birth of a God in a polytheistic religion, it would be Christmas every day!"

If they were to have Christmas in this world where there were numerous Gods, they would have to celebrate almost every day, just as Kousuke said.

"Oh my. But wouldn't the Gods want us to celebrate, as well?"

Mitsuki, who had remained silent up to that point in the conversation with Kouhi, chimed in.

"Well, I guess that's true, but…"

Kousuke could not deny it.

In the first place, the Gods were seeking a connection with this world more than anything else.

If so, they would be overjoyed if a ceremony was held to celebrate the Gods.

"Why don't we just ask them?"

At Mitsuki's suggestion, Kousuke decided to communicate with the Gods, not quite explaining the situation.


[Sounds nice].

[Sounds fun!]

[Looking forward to it]

[Good luck thinking about it.]

When Kousuke contacted Eris, all the 3 Sisters had gathered for some reason.

And even Asura was there.

"What? Is it okay? I mean, wait, think about what?"

Kousuke felt as if I was being asked a reckless demand, so he couldn't help but confirm it.

[I felt like you were asking me something absurd, so I couldn't help but confirm it. You want me to create a new ritual in this world. But rituals to celebrate the Gods happen all the time in the temples.]

[Yes, that's right. But, we would appreciate it if you could come up with something different from the rituals that are done in temples.]

Kousuke held his head in his hands at the words of Asura and Eris.

After all, it was a reckless request, no matter how he thought about it.

"No way, a new ritual…. I can't think of anything if you ask me out of the blue."

[Don't say that. Give me a twist like you did some time ago.]

[That's right.]

Even Jal and Spica irresponsibly provided backup for the two.

"Ritual… Rituals…. Christmas."

Kousuke racked his brains trying to come up with an idea, but he couldn't come up with anything.

But then something caught his attention.

"Christmas…. Holy night. Holy night? … Night? Night? Hmm…? Huh?"

[What? Did you come up with something?]

[Shh. Be quiet. Something might surface.]

The top management of this world was waiting with bated breath to see what Kousuke would come up with.

"… Let me ask you one thing, can you do something like this?"

Kousuke, who had managed to come up with a certain idea, made a proposal to the Gods.

[Kousuke. I knew that we could expect you to come up with something we couldn't come up with. You always come up with something we can't imagine.]


"Really? I'm rather surprised you haven't done it before."

[Within our common sense, the natural approach is to wait for the process for it to occur naturally.]

[It wouldn't normally strike us as a good idea to give it to them on our own.]

Kousuke's proposal was more popular with the Greater Goddesses than he had expected.

"So? Will you be able to get the other deities to cooperate?"

[It's definitely going to be possible.]

[Yes, that's right. Well, I'll check with them just to be certain, but I don't think anyone will object.]

"Will there be any problems?"

To Kousuke's final confirmation, all replied that there was no problem.

Thus, Kouhi's casual remark led to a major uproar that took the world by storm.


On that day, the world was filled with joy.

Those who rejoiced mainly were the parents of ten-year-old children.

That morning.

The children woke up and suddenly started speaking.

God appeared to them in a dream and gave them a gift in the form of skills.

Then, they were told to use them to do something useful for others.

Parents who heard this did not pay any attention to it at first, thinking that it was just a child's nonsense or that they were sleepwalking.

But then, however, it happened.

At noon that day, the temple announced an oracle.

It was said that from now on, on the same night of the same day every year, the gift of skills would be given to children who were turning ten years old.

The parents were astonished at the announcement.

Indeed, it proved that what the children had said in the morning was not nonsense.

Naturally, parents with ten-year-old children rushed to the temple.

But the temple did not have a clear answer.

As of that day, the only temple that could provide accurate information was the temple in Mixen.

Of course, Kousuke had informed the temple of the Mixen through Sylvia.

From now on, a gift of skills would be given every year.

The skills to be given would be based on what the children had done and what they would like to do in the future.

However, the skills given did not determine the future of the child.

There was no need to be discouraged if the skills that fit the family's character were not given.

They were only sent on that particular day and time, so there would be no problem at all if they were to be employed in a job that did not match those skills.

Some of the parents were relieved when such things were communicated to them in the temple.

For example, a child born into a family of blacksmiths received skills other than blacksmithing.

The idea of skills was already common in the Central Continent, as the existence of Crown was already the norm.

Many non-adventurer adults did not know what skills they had, since many of them did not have a crown card.

If the children were to find out what skills they possessed, they would probably panic.

Of course, anticipating this, the temple in Mixen made the announcement.

The parents were relieved about the skills, but the next concern was what to do with the Gods who had given the skills to their children.

There was no clear answer to this question from the Temple.

However, spontaneously, it was suggested that a nighttime celebration to celebrate with the deity and the child would be a good idea.

As a result, families whose children received skills were invited to go out to eat that night, and a somewhat lavish dinner was served.

In this year, the children who were given skills by the gods were to show a variety of accomplishments.

Therefore, the skills sent by the Gods were regarded as a blessing from the Gods, and they would take on a meaning similar to that of a blessing.

However, they were not as rare as blessings, since they would all be presented at the age of ten.

Later, the children who were given the skills at this age would be called <Children of the Beginning>.

And the day of the gift of skills from Gods would be called a <Nativity Festival> with the meaning of celebrating the children's birth and safe growth.




All the members were gathered in the cafeteria of the management layer.

The members had been busy these days, so they rarely get together.

Therefore, it was a rare occasion for them to get together for a meal.

The reason for taking the trouble to gather was to celebrate the <Nativity Festival>.

Generally, the celebration was held at the house where a child received skills, but this was not the point.

It did not have to be only families with children that celebrated.

The idea was to have a small party where everyone could get together to celebrate.

The party went on until late at night, but no one complained because it was held in an isolated place in the Administration Floor.

Incidentally, it became a standard practice for the members to get together and have a party on that day.

And those around them who learned of the party began to do similar things, but none of the members expected it to become a common practice.