
Leoni Jones and the Faraway Castle

Her world was turned to ruins. Everything she knew, everything she was, disappeared over night. And it was all her fault. Now the only thing she can do to save her home and her people, is to sacrifice herself. Will she be able to do it or will she and her people be no more. Follow her on this journey.

Donaima_Achie · Fantasi
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Today was the day. The day that the fairies celebrate 100 years free. Free from living in fear, free from fighting for our lives. Today was the day that we, the fairies, celebrate The Fest of Free.

A boring name for a boring day. I love the Fest of Free, but after almost eighteen years of doing the same thing over and over, I've grown tired of it.

The only reason I love today is because I can go as close to the borders without anyone questioning me.

Over one hundred years ago us fairies we hunted by creatures that were terrifying that no one speaks their names. We were about to go extinct if it wasn't for Fairy King Kil'an, who sacrificed himself for our kind.

To celebrate today there are games and competitions, thousands of gifts to be won. And as great as that sounds it is also very boring.

For the seventeen years, almost eighteen, years that I've been alive, every Fest of Free has been the same. I've always been more interested in what's beyond.

Beyond our village. To see what is past the walks that keep us hidden. It's forbidden to do so and anyone who's ever tried cams before my time.

"Leoni! Leoni! I need to to head over to Gran! She baked some fruit cakes and I need you to pick them up!" My mother, Himi'a shouted you me from the garden.

I ran outside excited. This was my chance, to see what's beyond. I shouted a quick good-bye to her as I ran down the hill to my Gran's house.

Before Fairy King Kil'an gave his life, he set a cloaking spell to hide us from the outside world and the outside world from us. Gran's house is located at the edge of the barrier, if I could distract her from just one minute I can sneak past outside.

Or so I thought.

Everything went wrong because of what I did. People died, my Gran died. And it was all my fault.

"Leoni! You have to go. Now!", I could hear my mother shouting at me, but at the same time I couldn't. Before me was the wreck that I created, all because I couldn't follow the rules that were set to protect us.

"Leoni! Take this and follow your father. Please go now". I snapped out of my dazed state to get a clear look of my mother. She was holding a bag, a small bag that anyone could tell was rushed packed.

"Aren't you coming? You have to come with us. I'm not leaving without you. I can't."

She shook her head. Tears streaming down her face. I could tell that it wouldn't matter what I say. She wouldn't change her mind.

I pulled her in for a hug. Feeing her heart beat against mine, feeling how safe I was in her arms while the screaming goes on in the background, knowing that it was the last time I would feel so.

" I love you so much. This is all my fault and I'm so sorry." I said as I take the bag she was holding and ran towards my father who was waiting for me.

"Let's go Leoni. Fairy Queen Tal'ia is waiting for you." My father began to run to a place I've never seen before. A secret passage.

Fairy Queen Tal'ia was there, waiting for me,"You alone must go. Everything that you need is here for you. When you get past the barrier you will notice some changes happening to your body, like getting larger, but do not stop. Keep running. There's a letter in this bag, when you get to a safe place open it and read it, that letter should explain what is done and to be done."

"Why me? I can't do this alone. Please." , tears running down my eyes. All I could hear in the background are the sounds of my people dying, because of me.

"You are the only one who could save us, that's why. I love you so much." My father says, parting my head, his eyes now full of tears. " So please go."

I looked back at the chaos I caused. Strange evil-looking creatures attacking my village because of me. I look at my father and Fairy Queen Tal'ia, this would be the last time I see them, my home, my world.

Turning my back towards them, tears running down my face, I ran through the tunnel. I just ran, as I did I could feel my body growing. Slowly my clothes were being to shrink until they were no more.

But I didn't stop running.