
Leon Zoldyck

Follows the life of Leon Zoldyck heir to the Zoldyck clan in the world of HunterXHunter. If you want to support the novel and want to read ahead go check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Zhouzifeng77?fan_landing=true

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82 Chs

Tying up lose Ends

Leon collapsed into his bedroll as he had just withstood the interrogation of Machi and Pakunoda, Feitan had even tried to torture him by threatening to break his finger, ' After what I've been through that would be a picnic. '

Sighing Leon rolled onto his back to stare at the broken windows making sure the warehouse would never stay insulated, luckily it barely rained as Meteor City was surrounded by a desert.

Reaching down Leon was about to pull out his music player when someone plopped down next to him, looking over Leon saw Uvogin looking down at him, " What do you want. " Leon propped himself up on his elbows glaring at Uvogin the entire time, he watched as Uvogins face went through a plethora of emotion before he sighed, " I just wanted to say sorry and thank you, I've been an ass since you joined. And after rescuing me and Nobunaga I gave you trouble instead of thanking you. I guess I'm trying to say you're alright in my books. "

The hostility in Leon's eyes faded but he didn't smile, " Yeah whatever Baka. " Uvogin looked like he swallowed a bug, " You son of a- " at the last second Uvogin saw Leon lip's part in a smile. Stopping himself Uvogin looked confused before he also grinned and the both of them started to laugh uncontrollably with tears streaming from their eyes.

Everyone looked at them like they had just grown a second head, Machi snorted as she turned over in her bedroll ' Muscel heads. ' The rest of the afternoon was uneventful as everyone stayed inside wary of the target on their head, night fell faster than anyone could predict. Leon laid in his bedroll, not at all tired, he had once waited for his target at his house for seven days not sleeping or eating once.

Sitting up suddenly Leon's eyes scanned the walls of the warehouse, sighing Leon threw off his covers jumping to his feet. Making no noise as he left Leon stepped outside the warehouse before looking around again, turning left Leon started to walk. Anyone observing would think nothing more of the kid walking down the street, making a few random turns Leon stopped at a junkyard a commonplace in the city.

Stopping Leon looked over his shoulder, " It's rude to stalk from the dark, and even ruder to make someone wait. " A few seconds after his announcement a figure separated from the shadows, Leon memorized the person's appearance.

The figure was a tall lanky man with a finger missing on each hand, various scars decorated his exposed skin that was mostly concealed by the dark grey tracksuit the man wore, "You're pretty good kid able to find me. " The man stepped forwards now six meters away from Leon, " It's a shame to waste such talent but my client seems to want you to suffer I have to uphold my reputation, now be a good little boy and-."

Closing the gap Leon jumped aiming a kick directly for the man's head, sighing the tall man easily caught Leon's foot. Using Leon's momentum he tossed him aside sending his body sprawling on the ground, sighing the man walked over to Leon who was still recovering from the tumble.

Reach down with his four-fingered hand the assassin easily picked up Leon with one hand before he started to squeeze, Leon eye's bulged as his feet swung and his hands pelted the man's body but to no avail. Eventually, Leon's strikes became weaker and weaker before they stopped altogether, scoffing the man quickly tied Leon's hands behind his back before he threw Leon over his shoulder like a sack of flour, " Damn kid making my job hard, no respect for their elders. " Turning around the man walked away still complaining about the youth of today. Feeling the gate of the man Leon cracked open one eye, ' I gave the guy a chance I guess I'll have to kill him now. '

Closing his eye again Leon waited for an opportunity. Losing track of time Leon counted each turn and how many steps his capture took so he could find his way back. Finally stopping after twenty minutes the man knocked on a door, ' Well that's my cue. ' Pretending he had just woken up Leon started to thrash like a wild animal, " Oh you're finally awake. I have to say I feel sorry for what's about to happen to you, how you even ended up on a Ricardos hit list is a mystery to me. " Leon shrugged, "You're about to find out. "

With the right contraction of muscles along Leon dislocated his wrist and shoulders slipping out of his bonds before putting his bones back in place. Faster than his kidnapper could react Leon snapped his neck pushing off his body to get leverage, rolling his shoulder as the body hit the floor Leon sighed, ' I hate doing that trick. '

Searching the body Leon found a large dagger that was well maintained, ' This will do. ' Walking over to the door Leon stabbed the metal with his hand piercing right through the two-inch steel. Ripping the door apart like paper Leon stepped into the large kill box waiting for him, not bothering with the three men in the room Leon lunged past them not bothering to check if they were dead as each of their heads fell onto the ground quickly followed by the headless bodies.

-Inside the Building-

Ricardo sat in his chair with a slight smile on his face imagining what he would do to that little shit stain, his musing was interrupted as someone opened the door. " What are you doing, I told you I was not to be-. "

" We need to get you out of here, something or someone is killing all of your guard's sir. " Ricardo growled, " Are you using Mitch, there are fifty men each armed to the teeth, along with turrets and traps. There is no one in the world that can get into here. "

His claim was proven false as sounds of gunfire and men screaming echoed down the hallway. Pulling out his gun Mitch closed the metal door before locking it, " There should be backup coming in three minutes, we just need to survive until then. " Ricardo swallowed visibly as he nodded, " That's to bad, I want more time to play. " Mitch swiftly turned to fire his gun at the unknown when his world turned dark, Ricardo's knees started to shake as Leon walked over the body of his head guard, " W-wait...w-we can...t-talk...about...this. "

Leon frowned still advancing, " There is one thing in life I hate the most, unpredictability. Everything in life is just probabilities and trying to make sense of it all, at first it all drove me mad how chaotic the world was. Do you like classical music. " Leon question startled Ricardo when he was about to answer Leon started to talk again, " Each note perfectly constructed, every single piece coming together to form one breathtaking work of art. "

Reaching into his pocket Leon pulled out his music player clicking the only button and music started to play, " Beethoven Sonata No. 8 in C minor, no doubt someone like you can understand the true beauty behind such a masterful form of art but after my demonstration, you can perhaps gain some form of enlightenment. " Smiling softly Leon pounced on Ricardo as high haughty notes resonated through the air.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday I had a test to study for.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts