

Stepping over the rubble Leon walked into the dilapidated building to find a naked man strapped to a chair his head covered by a bag. Walking over Leon ripped off the bag revealing an older man with a salt and pepper beard and head of black hair, " You kid get me out of here, and I won't kill you. "

Not answering Leon stepped aside letting Pakunoda stand in front of him, " What are you two doing, do you know who I am. " Sighing Pakuonda raised her hands to touch their hostage when the man tried to bite her fingers, pulling back Pakunoda narrowed her eyes.

" Don't pull away the faster we can get this done, the less I'll make you suffer. " Leon said as he cleaned his nails of dirt.

" Don't make me laugh, what are you guys some sort of little mafia pretending to be some dangerous criminals. " Laughing at the absurdity of what he just said the man didn't notice as Leon's finger move towards his shoulder. Once he reached skin Leons finger continued to pierce through the man's flesh like an awl through leather, gasping in pain the man screamed as Leon's finger pierced through bone his fingertip appearing on the other side.

"You're close, but I would call us a mafia just a troupe like the boy scouts. But the boy scouts can't make a grown man beg for mercy, can they? " Twisting his finger agitating the man's wounds, " Now all you need to do is let my friend here ask some question and touch you, and don't try to lie we'll know. "

Looking back at Pakunoda Leon nodded, stepping aside for a final time. After their talk, their hostage answered all their questions.

" I have everything we need, he lied on all the questions by the way. We can spare about ten minutes but that's it. " Before the man could reject his jaw was broken as Leon slapped him in the face knocking a few teeth loose, " I told you we would know. "

Ten minutes later Leon left the building his shirt discarded, " That guy has bled so much, I only cut him twice. It was a good shirt too. " Pakunoda rolled her eyes as she pushed off the building she was leaning against, " Well you had your fun let's go, they're going to be waiting for us. And you do know Feitan is going to complain about you torturing someone without him. "

" Just by being in a tank-top and missing my shirt, I don't think so. " Leon said chuckling.

-Ten Minutes Later-

Leon sighed as Feitan sent him dirty looks from across the room, ' Well there goes twenty dollars.'

Walking over to the map of Meteor City Leon marked down the seven bases the mafia had around the city. It wouldn't be long before they would all be erased from the face of the earth.

- One Hour Later-

" So everything arranged, and your sure that these are the right locations. "

" Yeah, I even went to each of these places myself so everything good to go. Just send your people in and everything should go as planned. " Leon confirmed looking up at the Elder, " Are your fellow councilmen going to be okay with you doing this without them. "

The elder shrugged " who knows, I might be kicked out of the city for a while at worse, but as long as this place remains I'm fine with it. "

Nodding Leon was silent before he spoke again, " You guys know after this the Mafia is going to place a bounty on our heads. Someone has seen our faces so we're going to have to go our separate ways for a couple of years. "

No one made a sound and the silence was growing before Chrollo spoke up," In ten years we will hold a reunion when we are all strong enough to live without worry. " Emboldened by his words every one smiled knowing that this would be the last time they would see each other for the next ten years.

" Well come on we have some shit to blow up. " Uvogin said punching his palm his face split with a blood-thirsty grin.

-Two Hours Later-

Ten men sat around a round table each of them wearing high-quality clothes and jewelry, at the head of the table one of the men cleared his throat, " As you know gentlemen three years ago, we started to invade Meteor City with the goal of creating a perfect cover for our operations, and I am proud to say that-"

The head don was interrupted as a man with medium length hair in a ponytail dressed in a black tuxedo with a forest green tie whispered something into the dons ear. As he did all the dons phones started to ring their emergency contacts lighting up, " What do you mean all our bases exploded, we dealt with all the troublesome parties and half of the council was assassinated. "

" I want to know who did this or I'll have your head on a pike by tomorrow. " Scurring away the man closed the door behind him not wanting to piss off some of the most powerful people in the world.

Picking up his phone the head don dial a number and it was only a few seconds before the call was answered, " Silva what the hell is going on, I hired you to protect my interests. so why am I getting notified that all my strongholds have been blown to smithereens? "

" I don't have to answer that, the Zoldyck family has repaid its favor " Silva said hanging up immediately.

Growing purple in the face the head don crushed his phone his anger knowing no bounds, " Someone needs to die. "

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A special thanks too: AlucardDCLXVI, Hades, Ben, Vampwalker, Matt Campbell, Ryfo, Jhon Roy, kool_aid75, Judd.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts