
Leon Zoldyck

Follows the life of Leon Zoldyck heir to the Zoldyck clan in the world of HunterXHunter. If you want to support the novel and want to read ahead go check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Zhouzifeng77?fan_landing=true

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82 Chs

Pink Ninja

Brushing his hands off Leon looked over his new base, he had gotten rid of most of the materials except the ones he could use to make so basic poisons. The metal tables had all been dumped in a nearby trash heap along with the corpses, Leon had also raided the room where the boss had fled from. It was a decent room with a nice wooden desk and large leather seats, Leon also found the escape tunnel and rigged it to high heaven with traps most lethal.

Sighing Leon had the sudden urge to go for a walk, trained to listen to his instincts Leon hid his money leaving the warehouse. Clearing the entire building had taken all day even with his speed so Leon was walking through the streets in the dark of the night, the citizens of Meteor City didn't seem to get the message that people were supposed to sleep as the streets were still buzzing with activity. Various drug dealers and prostitutes hawked their wares or themselves at passerby's, Leon even had some of them walk up to him trying to persuade him to buy their services. After walking for five minutes Leon felt someone tailing him, it wasn't the first time this had happened he had actually killed his first target by luring them into an alleyway before killing them.

Putting his hands in his pockets Leon acted like he was going to tie his shoe using it as an opportunity to look around to try and find the stalker. Leon was immediately able to find the stalker in question, a flash of pink hair from the building behind him made the figure stand out against the dull background.

Something was off-putting about the girl normally people who targeted him had the intent to kill or had some form of harm, this girl only seemed curious Leon couldn't sense any bad will. Intrigued Leon started to run making sure that the girl could still follow him, the longer his stalker followed him the more strange it became.

Each time he made a turn the girl seemed to hesitate before she following him correctly, while others would call it luck but Leon knew something or someone was helping her. Getting bored with the game of cat and mouse Leon ran into an ally, before concealing his presence. Leon watched as the girl followed him into the alley and he got his first good look at her, her bright pink hair was tied back into a ponytail and she was wearing a tracksuit with black and purple sleeves and a black body. She had a small build but Leon would put her around his age, frowning the girl looked around the ally before frowning.

Sighing the girl turned around, her footsteps echoing on the uneven cobblestone. Curiosity peaked Leon decided to follow the girl, something told him things were about to get interesting. Leon was surprised how careful she was being, but he assumed that growing up where everyone could turn out to be a thief or murder could do that to you. Eventually, Leon traced the girl all the way to a small run-down house where half the walls were collapsing in on themselves. Looking around one last time the pink-haired girl ducked under one of the support beams before going inside.

-POV Change-

Why did my instincts tell me to follow that boy and how did he see me follow him unless I wasn't the only one. No, I was the only one but how was he able to lose me in the alley I checked the roof and there was no other hiding place. It doesn't matter anyway, I need to tell Chrollo about one of the houses getting hit.

Ducking under the slanted beam I carefully made my way through the rubble, avoiding the rusty steel rods that stuck out of broken concrete slabs. Eventually, I made my way to the back of the building where an askew concrete slab concealed a tunnel that led onward. Sighing as this part always snagged some part of my clothing I turned sideways forcing my way through until the tunnel eventually widened. ' How does Uvogin make it through here with his shoulders, I swear that guy can't feel pain. '

-Back to normal POV-

Walking straight now the tunnel led into a rather small underground basement in the four corners of the room several bunkbeds stood their metal legs rusted partially through. In the middle of the room, a large round table stood alone as the only piece of furniture around besides the 7 chairs placed around the table. Six of the chairs were occupied, " Machi what took you so long. " A tall boy with health brown skin and an afro greeted the pink-haired girl, ignoring him Machi started to talk " Chrollo you were right the drug house was hit, and I think I know who it is. "

Staring at Machi, Chrollo had a neutral look on his face. His skin was almost deathly pale and his dark black hair looked oily, " Who did it and how did you find out. " Sighing Machi took the empty seat, " Well when I got to the warehouse I wasn't able to go inside, I felt that someone was still inside While that wouldn't be too odd when I was on my way back there was a boy around our age. I've never seen him before, so I decided to trail him, he spotted me and escaped. " Chrollo eyes narrowed, " You think he's the one responsible for taking down the warehouse. "

Nodding Machi crossed her arms, " I had a hunch about it. " The doubt in everyone's eyes faded as each of them had relied on Machi and her hunches at one point or another, " Machi do you remember what he looked like, we may have encountered one of the Mafias agents. " Closing her eyes Machi nodded, " You could easily spot him out, stark white hair blue eyes, and white skin. If you encounter him on your own I suggest you don't engage. " Uvogin leaned forward, " He sounds strong, I wonder if he'll be up for a fight. "

" Did you not listen, this guy is dangerous we all know, that place was crawling with guards and anyone who's able to make them all disappeared is something none of us can handle. " Uvogin glared at Nobunaga, " While I'm not the smartest person here I'm not stupid. "

" Oh really do I need to remind you about that time when you tried to bite the dog that was attacking and us and you had to get rabies shots. " Uvogin fist slammed against the table but before it could escalate any further Chrollo spoke up, " Stop the both of you, there is no infighting allowed. " Both of them fell silent but still exchanged hostile glances, " Getting back on topic, Chrollo what should we do about him. " Machi words pulled everyone's minds back on the subject.

Chrollo stared into the distance, " I want to speak with him, no one comes to Meteor City for no reason. We need to find out if he's involved with the Mafia. Machi and Uvogin both of you are tasked with finding him, Machi make sure he doesn't lose control. "

" That's too bad I was looking forwards to a fight. " Everyone around the table stood up from their seat, to look at the cause of their recent troubles leaning against the corner of the room half his face cloaked in shadows, " Nice place you have here, but you consider putting up some traps. "

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