
Furry Companion

[No Chap Tommorow]

Leon cleared the way through the forest using En to make sure no one was following them, breaking through the tree line Leon signaled to Knuckle and Machi the everything was clear.

" We should make camp here, with freshwater most of our problems have been solved. " Leon said as he looked at the clear lake in the center of the valley, the source was probably from the mountain capped with snow.

Knuckles pointed up towards a cliff, " I see a ledge up there that large enough for the three of us, I don't want sand getting into the tent. It's impossible to get out once it's in there. "

" It would also give us an opportunity to spot any threats before they spot us. I'll go check it out. " Leon said as she moved to climb the cliff face, disappearing over the ledge Leon's head popped back over a second later. " We lucked out, there's even leg space up here. "

Climbing up themselves Machi and Knuckles agreed with Leon, " So what would we do next, food, or shelter. " Knuckles asked as Leon and Machi watched the tree line, " Personally I'm going hunting I haven't had anything to eat since the boat ride over here. "

Jumping into the forest Leon didn't wait around, using finding prey wouldn't be hard for him but Leon wanted to fight something. The monsters in his home all knew to run away from him after he learned how tender monster steak was. Finding nothing after twenty minutes Leon began to suspect that there were any animals when something stung him in the neck. Spinning around Leon found his aggressor, the air shimmered as a car-sized Chameleon uncloaked itself its large eyes darting around looking for any threats.

Rubbing the spot where it stung him Leon could feel the familiar burn of poison working through his veins, " I'm going to enjoy gutting you. " As he approached the lizard Leon could see the confusion in its eyes, " Oh never had anyone survive your poison have you, this is not going to be fun. " The Chameleon tried to turn invisible but Leon wasn't having any of it, he was already mad that the beast was able to sneak past him but using poison on him was crossing the line.

-5 Minutes Later-

Leon sighed in disappointment, he had lost control and ruptured the lizard's poison gland so the meat was unusable. Leon was about to leave when the bushes behind him moved, going to draw his sword Leon was stumped when a small thing tumbled out of the forest. Walking on short stubby legs with a long body Leon watched the White Leopard fail to stand on two legs. Leon noticed its eyes weren't even open yet, " I wonder where your mother is. " Walking over Leon bent down to scratch behind the cat's ears.

Mewling the white leopard bit Leon's hand trying to eat his fingers, " So your hungry as well huh, I guess I can take you with me. " Picking up his new companion Leon started to run and he felt the leopard's claws dig into him, " Ouch, calm down will you, I won't drop you. " After a while, Leon found a giant blue elephant with bright red tusks that spread out like branches. Killing the creature with a quick swipe of his sword, smelling the blood the leopard squirmed until Leon dropped him.

Running over to the elephant the cat started to bite and claw not able to tear through the monster's thick hide. Sighing Leon started to butcher the corpse throwing aside a few cuts for his companion, " I should give you a name, how about Frank you seem like a Frank. "

The Leopard was not impressed, " Okay since your too good for Frank, how do feel about Ymir." Leon could hear the satisfaction in the leopards purr, " Ymir it is, we should get going a kill this big is going to attract baddies. "

Understanding him Ymir jumped into Leon's arms his fur soaked in blood, " You are a messy eater. " Ymir crawled onto Leon's shoulder nipping him in the ear, with food in hand Leon started to backtrack his way to camp.

While Leon went out hunting Machi and Knuckle worked on setting up camp, most of their time was spent creating twine out of long strips of plant fibers. Knuckles would use a sharp rock to create thin strands and then Machi would twist them together, after they got into the movement the process went much faster.

Machi tied off the last knot as set aside the last length of twine, " That should be enough, for now. "

" Where do you think Leon is, I'm a little worried he's been gone for two hours now. " Knuckles asked his hands red from the rock digging into his palm.

" Don't worry about him, he can handle himself. "

Knuckle was silent before he started to talk again, " You two seem close, how do you know each other. " Machi glared at Knuckle, " I don't want to talk about it, he lived with us for a few years and that's it. "

Machi stormed off hopping of their ledge, " I'm going to get firewood, be useful and start working on the hut. "

Knuckle wondered what he did wrong to piss Machi off, but like most men, he had no idea. Sighing Knuckle started to make a lean-to tying branches together with the twine they made.

" Was the question that bad? "

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A special thanks too: AlucardDCLXVI, Hades, Ben, Vampwalker, Matt Campbell, Ryfo, Jhon Roy, kool_aid75, Judd.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts