
Lemon Series

Several short stories of pure obscenity. If you don't like it, then don't read it. Other tags: Incest, Futanari, Bestiality.

Moon_Lord_ · Komik
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92 Chs

Harry Potter x Luna by OneUniverse87

A beautiful forest area stretched out beyond the horizon. All around were tall pine trees, and in between lay a wide variety of flowers growing on the soft soil and grasses. Everything was peaceful; no animals and not even any wind to make noise that could disturb the peaceful silence that surrounded the forest. Nothing to break the silence apart from the clear sound of running, flowing water. And then the quiet laughter. It was light, joyous giggling, that echoed throughout the forest. The voice belonged to a young woman with long blonde hair flowing down her back. Her eyes were bright silvery gray, her face was clean, she had a very cute smile on her lips and she looked very happy.

Luna Lovegood walked through the forest for hours, singing a song softly as she went along with a faraway look that was plastered on her face. When the song came to an end she let out another giggle before picking up speed again and jumping over some bushes and branches in her way. She was wearing a muggle outfit of her choice. Luna loved this part of the forest because this is where she felt at peace and free. She had been wandering the woods for about an hour now but didn't feel tired. In fact, she felt so energized it seemed like she walk through this forest forever.

Luna finally came across what looked like a riverbed that was filled with crystal clear water and decided to take a short break. A few yards away sat a large boulder that was covered in moss and flowers. She sat on the riverbed with her knees drawn to her chest, removing her flat shoes to place them next to her. Once her bare feet touched the cool river ground she sighed in contentment and closed her eyes. The sun's rays warmed her skin and made everything seem so much better. After sitting there for awhile she leaned back on the edge of the riverbed and lay there looking up at the blue sky. She just stared up at the sky, taking in the scenery, and enjoying the feeling of peace that seemed to radiate off of everything.

Luna wasn't sure how long she stayed like that but eventually, a thought came to mind. She looked down at her bare feet and at the flowing river below.

What would happen if would she jump in? Would she fall into the water? Or would she float down the river, slowly drifting downstream? Or would she fly? No, she wouldn't fly. But maybe, just maybe she could swim. Maybe she could jump in. She smiled to herself thinking about it. Yes! This is exactly what she needs! A distraction. And, yes, she can definitely handle herself!

Luna closed her eyes and started focusing all of her energy on jumping right in. She focused on trying to push off from the side. She stood up quickly and moved forward towards the river. Her heart began pounding in her ears as she stopped just at the very edge of the bank and took one more deep breath. Okay, time to do it! She thought to herself excitedly. Luna closed her eyes and concentrated hard. As she opened her eyes a smile appeared on her face. She raised her foot and dipped her elegant toes into the warm clear water. As soon as her toes touched the water, a spark shot through her body. She couldn't help letting out a small moan that escaped her lips as she lost herself in the moment. She continued to step into the river, her bare soles making squishing noises with each step she took, sinking into the soft mud as she was knees deep in the water, soaking her black leggings.

Luna was enjoying this. She enjoyed the feeling of being able to run around and play in the river without having to worry about getting dirty. Her smile never faded but something inside her grew larger by the second. She could feel the excitement building inside her stomach as her legs and arms trembled slightly, but Luna wasn't scared of falling. Instead, she was completely relaxed, letting her body move of its own accord.

She let out a laugh while walking further into the river until she was waist-deep in the water. Luna closed her eyes again and breathed deeply in and out as she tried to focus more on moving her body and relaxing her muscles instead. As she continued to breathe, the surface was nice, smooth, and warm, like the water in the river itself. Luna couldn't remember the last time she was this physically relaxed. Her clothes were now damp and were clinging to her small frame but it was okay. Having to stand in the middle of the river fully clothed didn't faze the blonde woman, as she was no stranger to getting various outfits wet or even dirty. But then again, swimming with her clothes on made her feel sexy and confident. And if that's what you call sexy, she thinks, you can't beat it.

Luna took a deep breath, dove under the surface, and immediately floated up to the surface. Once she had emerged from the water, she opened her eyes and gasped for air. She laughed in delight at the sensation of water cascading over her body, floating peacefully on the surface, allowing the flow of water to propel her through the river toward wherever she wanted to go. She continued moving along the river, keeping her head high up as the current guided her, laughing happily as she did. She was watching the sky as she did, occasionally turning around to watch the world that surrounded her. She noticed that the trees surrounding her were different from the ones farther upriver in her path. She giggled to herself, running her hands over her breasts and her flat stomach. Her cheeks tinted pink and she smiled. She liked these kinds of things. Being so open to nature was refreshing and exciting to her, especially when she was horny. She felt as though she could stay in this moment forever, never wanting to have to get out of the river again.

Luna opened her eyes once more and saw that her clothes were sticking to her wet body. Her erect nipples pressed tightly against the fabric of her purple and pink top, making her even more excited and aroused. Her black leggings were shiny and wet in places. Her hands roamed from her chest down to her breasts, squeezing tightly, making her squirm, her moans escaping from her lips. Her smile not once had left her face and her eyes glowed brightly.

It felt so good, so refreshing...

So much better than she had ever expected. So powerful, freeing and felt so fucking sexy. She felt like a goddess. She wanted to be free and be able to feel, enjoy, to explore. Her body began to shake as waves of pleasure coursed through her body. She was so high and drunk on the experience. She needed more of it. She needed to be so much closer. So she dove back underwater, holding her breath as the water swirled around her. She surfaced for a moment, only to dive back down. The water became darker as Luna continued to float aimlessly, still holding her breath, the water rushing past her ears, drowning out everything else. Luna kept her eyes closed and focused solely on the sensations flooding through her body.

She was in paradise.

Her head popped above the water again and she took in a breath and closed her eyes, smiling happily and humming to herself.

Luna continued floating above the surface letting the current of the river take her downstream, she happily hummed to herself she didn't even notice how much farther downstream she was going until she heard the sound of rushing water in the distance. Luna paused mid-humming to listen closely. She opened her eyes and listened carefully. Her smile crept wider when she realized what the sound was ahead of her. It sounded like waterfalls, cascading together into one big torrent. Her heart raced with excitement.


Luna swam down to the bottom of the river where she knew a waterfall was located, but this one was different than those she had seen in her life. It was bigger, higher than any waterfall she had ever encountered, deeper than any waterfall she had known of before, and full of power. The water flowed from one cliff to another as it fell over the rocky cliff face. The waterfall was beautiful, breathtaking, and majestic. She was drawn in and her eyes widened as she saw the waterfall in front of her. It was beautiful to her. Magical even. Luna was awestruck. She watched for several minutes mesmerized by the view of such grandeur. She watched for a minute and then, a sudden thought passed through her mind. The falls were a gateway for her and for her alone. She knew it. This waterfall was hers.

Luna began to swim forward toward the waterfall. When she got close enough she could see the waterfall, only to notice that there was some sort of an opening tunnel behind it, a cave she assumed. She went closer to the waterfall, her eyes glued to the opening. Her heart pounded in anticipation and excitement. The more she got near, the more excited she became. Before long she could see the cave entrance fully clearly in front of her. When she finally reached her destination behind the waterfall, she swam into the mouth of the cave.

The waterfall was still flowing steadily behind her and Luna couldn't stop herself from smiling as she soaked in the beauty that surrounded her. She got further into the tunnel and looked around her, and it was cold and a little dark. Water dripped from the ceiling and the rocky walls of the cave created small splashes accompanied by the sounds of dripping echoing lightly in the hummed, damp air.

Luna's smile hadn't left her face as she swam further into the cave until her attention was focused on the ray of sunlight beaming from the other end of the cave. At that very moment, she swam right at the end of the tunnel and her smile broadened at the opening before her. As soon as she entered the cavernous cave she could see that the water was rushing from the opening in the ceiling where the sunlight came from. The light poured directly in from the outside creating an ethereal glow. Luna gazed at the opening for many moments, staring straight up. Then, she turned slowly to look at a flat, rocky platform that was 3 meters in front of her. The platform itself was positioned right in the center of the cave directly at the opening above her. Luna swam over to the ledge of the stone slab and pushed herself up to climb out of the water and rolled onto her back, her pale skin pressing against the cool slab.

Luna was laying on her back panting heavily, her heart racing with adrenaline and excitement. She had never been so thrilled and happy before in her life, not even during her time at Hogwarts. Her body was trembling in joy. She stared up at the ceiling above her, her smile spreading wider than ever. She felt invincible, like everything in the world just stopped around her just for her. She looked down at herself and saw that her damp clothes were molded to her body nicely. Her purple and pink top was darkened and plastered tightly around her with her erect nipples showing through. Her cotton black leggings were shiny and were clinging to her legs. Her bare feet were covered in water droplets from the river, and her nails were painted a deep blue.

Luna stared longly at her own feet in wonder, a certain, familiar wave of emotions coursed through her, and felt a certain dampness that was formed between her legs, and it wasn't from her soaked clothes. Her fantasies were sparked to life and so did her desires. She was horny as hell, and that's exactly what she felt like, and she blamed it on the Nargles, she giggled to herself.

Luna felt her body grow out of control with lust and hotter from her not-so-innocent thoughts, her right leg moved on its own accord and uses her flexibility to bring her foot to her face, feeling the warmth radiating from her sole. She sighed happily. Her breathing became laboured and her heartbeat increased. The tingling sensation returned with full force, her lust overriding everything else as she found herself transfixed by her own foot, nuzzling her cheek against her, inhaling it to make sure she would remember the scent of her own foot for when she consider doing some foreplay next time.

She never thought she would be turned on at the sight of her own feet and she never thought she would feel horny for them. She might as well have a foot fetish, but then again, maybe she did, she really had no idea, all she knew is that she loved her feet and she enjoyed them a great deal.

Luna licked her lips softly, savouring every moment before planting her lips to her sole. She kissed the smooth skin softly, feeling herself getting wetter. Her body shivered with delight, her desires growing stronger with each passing second. She placed kisses up her foot, relishing each time her lips touched her sole and caressed it. She breathed heavily, her breath hot against her sole, sliding her tongue along the sensitive part of her foot, sliding down to her bare heel, wrapping her mouth around it to suck gently, bringing the taste to her lips, her cheeks hallowing in the process.

Luna released her heel from her mouth with a pop, "Mmmmm, I love feet," she said in a soft whisper. "They're so pretty..." she giggled softly.

She nibbled at her foot lightly with soft kisses before sticking her tongue out to slide across her own arch. Her damp clothes were making her horny, but she didn't care. Luna a lot actually, and she definitely didn't want to wait for something good. She wanted to fuck someone now, she wanted her orgasm to come quickly.

"Mmmmm, fuck," Luna moaned, her body growing increasingly wetter as she rubbed her breasts with her other hand. "I love this... so much... and I want more... Oh fuck... I love this so fucking much I could even fuck me..."

Luna wrapped her lips around her big toe, sucking it firmly while she swirls her tongue around it. She placed her other hand on her breast, massaging slightly, her fingers tweaking her nipple through her soaked top, moaning deeply and throwing her head back, her body shuddering in response to the pleasurable touches she had received.

Before she had even thought about wanting to finger fuck her own clit, she felt a pair of familiar lips on her other foot. She opened her eyes and was about to move her leg away when she saw a very familiar face kissing and licking away at the soft skin of her arch.

It was her boyfriend, Harry Potter.

He looked like he was enjoying himself thoroughly and Luna blushed furiously at the way he took advantage of her vulnerable state with his attention on her toes. She clearly wasn't expecting her boyfriend would be right here in the cave with her when she arrived, with his hands and lips working their magic on her foot, but she welcomed it.

Harry was sucking, licking, and rubbing away at her sole. He loved the way her foot tasted and the sound she made as her body arched toward him in pleasure. Luna tilted her head back to let out a breathy groan, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Harry could tell she needed more. Her body was pulsing with pleasure; her hips were moving rhythmically; her hands were placed on the slab to keep herself steady. After a few moments, Harry took the opportunity to wrap his lips around her big toe sucking gently, swirling his tongue around it, causing her to moan loudly and arch her back at the sensations her boyfriend was giving her.

Luna let out an adorable whine when Harry released her toe with an audible pop that sounded erotic to the two of them as his lips curled into a smirk as his emerald eyes looked into her silvery, gray pair.

"Having fun without me?" teased Harry jokingly.

Luna's breath hitched at the sight of her boyfriend, not even listening to his joke. She stared at him and was completely entranced. Her soaking wet blonde hair was slicked back, her clothes were now clinging to her like second skin and her perfect lips were parted begging for some kind of action or touch. His eyes were filled with desire, need, and adoration symmetrical to her as both reflected one another perfectly in the cave. They remain frozen in their spots for a good long minute until Luna leaped herself from the rocky platform to throw herself at Harry to kiss him fiercely. She wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist, pulling herself tightly onto his frame while kissing him hungrily. Their tongues intertwined together, and the heat burning inside them intensified, sending waves of bliss to their system.

It was full of passion, longing, desire, and love, sending shivers all over their bodies. They both kissed intensely, passionately, and greedily, as they tried to devour each other.

Luna broke the kiss and looked up at Harry, panting heavily, "Harry," she whispered breathlessly. "You're so fucking hot..."

"Not as much as you," grinned Harry, looking down at her cleavage and her damp clothes. "Look at you, looking so sexy in your wet clothes... You can hardly resist touching yourself whilst I'm not around, right?"

Luna smiled and bit her bottom lip coyly looking at Harry with lustful eyes, tightening her arms and legs around him. She found herself that she couldn't resist, leaning forward to another passionate kiss. Harry grabbed handfuls of her bum, holding her tight against him, massaging his fingers against the curves of her buttocks. She groaned lowly in response, grinding herself against him desperately. He took her away from the slabby platform as he carried her through the waters to take them both right in the middle of the cave without breaking their kiss for even a single moment, as though Luna hadn't seen enough yet.

Their kiss became even more intense, needier, and more sexual as they kissed harder, trying to satisfy the need they both felt. They could hear themselves moaning in ecstasy as their bodies writhed in anticipation of their first time together as their tongues battled ferociously, tangling with one another as they struggled for dominance over each other. A loud groan escaped both of their throats as their tongues fought to get stronger.

Eventually, they have to pull back for oxygen and break apart just in time for them to catch their breaths. Their breathing was heavy, their hearts pounding violently. The air was moist from the humidity of the water, and their heated breath mixed with the warm humid air. Everything around them didn't matter, as they continued to look at each other lovingly, both smiling and laughing with excitement.

"Wow," gasped Luna. "That was..."

"Yeah," breathed Harry. "So... hot..."

She giggled happily at his words, her body tingling pleasantly from all the feelings that came flooding in after their snogging session. Harry kissed her nose tenderly, his thumb brushing the tip softly before cupping her cheek gently. He smiled down at her, the same bright smile Luna loved the most in the world.

She giggled happily at his words her body tingling pleasantly from all the feelings that came flooding in after their snogging session. Harry kissed her nose tenderly, his thumb brushing the tip softly before cupping her cheek gently. He smiled down at her, the same bright smile Luna loved the most in the world.

"Tell me, Luna," asked Harry, smirking. "Have you ever had an underwater fuck before?"

His blonde girlfriend shook her head, "No," she answered, her tone low and husky, leaning closer to him.

"Care to find out?" asked Harry seductively, placing gentle pecks on her neck, nipping playfully at her skin.

A deep flush covered her pale cheeks as she closed her eyes and smiled at the burning sensations her boyfriend was giving her neck.

"Yes..." she husked out in excitement

"Good girl," cooed Harry, his hand caressing her hip affectionately.

He gave a quick lick over her neck, leaving behind a lingering sensation. A soft moan escaped Luna's lips involuntarily. It brought out a wicked smirk from Harry, who brought her lips to mash with her's once more, deepening the kiss further than before, making her gasp for breath. Without hesitation, Harry began to lower both himself and Luna under the surface of the water until they were fully submerged underneath.

The warmth of the water embraced their bodies immediately causing them to relax and enjoy it basking in the serenity surrounding them. Her head lay comfortably against his shoulder and her arms tightened around his neck possessively, pulling him even closer to her as the loved-up couple was floating under the surface of the water. The water itself underneath was about as clear and clean as glass, with its faint reflections playing all around them. The sun shined brightly overhead casting rays of light upon them both. In fact, it was beautiful. Everything else faded into the background. The only thing they could hear in that place was the sound of water gushing past their ears as they floated along the calm waters.

Harry and Luna then allowed the currents to sink them further until they reached the bottom of the cave where there were no rocks or sharp edges. The floor of the cave wasn't too far from the surface and they could clearly make out the large cavern, the walls stretching up to the clear sunny sky, and the ceiling extending so high above them they could make out the many stalactites hanging there. There wasn't anything else besides water and rocks here and they were happy about that.

Harry ran his hands all over his girlfriend's slim body, feeling up her frame and curves admiringly and teasingly. He felt her whole body tense every time his hand got close to sensitive areas that sent goosebumps over her smooth skin; she was a sex goddess in his eyes. He kept running her hands over until he reached her crotch area, seeing that she was still wearing her black leggings, and thought of an idea. He took the crotch area of her leggings with his fingers and ripped it open with a good tug to reveal her naked pussy.

Luna could only groan at the feeling in surprise, but since both she and Harry were still underwater holding their breaths, she probably would've squealed at his action if she weren't busy having her mind filled with Harry's kisses and touches. She felt her whole being tingle at every single move his fingers made on the sensitive parts of her body.

Harry could only smile wide at the sight of Luna not wearing anything underneath, his eyes gazing down greedily at Luna's exposed pussy, wanting nothing more than to be inside her as soon as possible. He slowly unzipped his damp jeans to expose his thick cock to her. Luna's eyes widen slightly in surprise, her eyes widening more than usual as she gazed at her boyfriend's cock. A small smile graced Harry's lips as he lowered himself back on top of Luna and slid himself inside her warm pussy nice and slowly.

Luna groaned at the feeling of Harry's penis stretching her inner walls, unable to yelp out loud due to being underwater.

But she liked it. So fucking much...

Harry moved his body up and down inside her slowly, and Luna gripped him tightly around his neck, feeling her muscles tense and relax at the sensation of having him inside her. She felt him slide deeper and deeper inside and she could barely contain herself. Oxygen became an issue for the couple, but they wanted to stay under for as long as they want, but they knew that the lungs would soon crave for air so Harry had an idea. He pressed his lips on Luna's prompting her to follow his lead to open their mouths, taking in big greedy gulps of air to replenish their needed oxygen levels. He kept sliding his hard dick inside her slowly, and she let out a little whimper of pleasure as she felt how good his cock felt inside of her. He looped his fingers through the straps of her top to slide them down her shoulders, exposing her breasts to him.

Luna couldn't help herself shuddering as she felt the warm water hit her nipples, sending goosebumps all over her petite body. But as much as she enjoyed the feeling of his fingers tracing over her bare skin and squeezing her firm breasts, it wasn't nearly as pleasurable as what he was doing to her already swollen clit.

This was heaven... No, scratch that. This was more than just heaven, it was utterly euphoric! She didn't care what anyone thought of her, or if anyone would call her Loony or some immature insults that were thrown at her, all she cared about was how good it felt to have Harry inside her.

She was going insane with lust, desire, and love for him... She wanted him, she needed him and she couldn't stop wanting him...

Every muscle in her body tightened as Harry increased his thrusting as Luna gripped him in an iron grip around his neck. Harry grunted as he felt the tightness of his balls and she tightened around him, sliding his palms over her bare back, sending waves of ecstasy washing over both of them.

Soon enough, they both felt they have been under the water long enough as they made their way up, letting the current guide them up the surface with Harry still thrusting Luna into it as her hips bucked up from the friction he was producing. They eventually made it out of the depths of the water, panting heavily at the surface of the water for air, as both of them were still connected at the waist, with Harry leaning forward so that he was pressed flush against Luna. He continued to push himself deep into her, enjoying the feel of her pussy clenching around his length, which made him feel unbelievably aroused, his cock throbbing painfully against her core as he penetrated deeper and deeper, giving him the best experience he'd ever felt in his life.

Luna was panting loudly as Harry leaned forwards to give her neck a few light kisses, loving the feeling of his stubble scraping lightly against her soft skin making her shudder. He then trailed kisses down her chest, capturing one of her erect nipples with his mouth sucking on it gently. She bit her lip to suppress her moan as his cock began pumping deeply inside of her. She arched her back, bucking her hips against his in excitement as her head shot backwards, her wet stringy hair flying around everywhere as she tilted her head back even further, exposing the softness of her neck to her worked-up boyfriend.

"Mmmmm, fuck me, Harry," panted Luna her voice raspy and hoarse from the intense stimulation of Harry's touch and tongue as her eyes were screwed shut tightly, her face contorted with lust and passion.

Harry smirked against her neck, knowing damn well just how turned on his girlfriend was getting by just the way he was making love to her. He released one of her nipples and smiled widely, kissing her hungrily. She kissed him back passionately, as her tongue entered his mouth, stroking his own. They both moaned into each other's mouths as they kissed with such fervor.

They couldn't stop; their bodies moved against each other like two starving animals as they consumed each other whole. It was a long kiss that lasted several minutes as their bodies swayed sensuously together, moving in tandem, making each other crazy with lust and desire.

Harry cupped Luna's ass fiercely while his cock continued slamming itself deeper and deeper inside her, which she grinded in response. Harry could tell that she was close, and it excited him. He wanted her to come for him. She got into the rhythm, bouncing up and down on him, her head thrown back and her eyes closed tightly, her breasts swaying side to side as he continued thrusting into her, harder, faster, and more forcefully. His face contorted, his mouth dropped open, and his eyes filled with love, lust, and passion for Luna.

Her bouncing became fast and more frantic, her breathing ragged and heavy. He watched as she rode him harder and harder, taking more turns. She threw her head back with more force than before which prompted him to slap both her ass cheeks with his hands as he thrust even harder and quicker. She cried out louder this time in pleasure and she began to ride Harry furiously with all of her might. Her body shook wildly and she screamed Harry's name, moaning his name in return, the feeling of being lost in another world, completely immersed in the moment of her orgasm, overwhelming her completely.

Their cries of ecstasy echoed throughout the entire cavern as they could faintly hear the sound of rushing water, the sound filling the chamber to the brim as the two lovers rocked themselves vigorously, their bodies shaking intensely as their climaxes began to overtake them both, causing them to shake uncontrollably. Luna felt her whole body tremble violently, feeling her muscles tighten as her orgasm built up in her and her eyes rolled back in her head as she came unglued, the sounds of her loud cries of pleasure reverberating off of the stone walls surrounding them and echoing in Harry's ears as their minds went blank, knowing they were about to reach their climax very soon.

At last, they both came undone with their bodies shaking, their bodies trembling with ecstasy, their arms wrapped around one another while they floated in the water, panting and trying to catch their breath. Luna was still clinging her arms and legs around Harry, her fingers intertwined in his hair as she tried not to move from where she was because of how sore from being submerged for hours in warm water. Harry, on the other hand, was holding onto her exhausted girlfriend as he painstakingly swam over to the rocky slab that Luna was laying on earlier as he looked to see that she doesn't want to remove herself from him even after their unplanned session.

Harry chuckled softly to himself, planting a soft kiss on Luna's hair as she reluctantly untangled herself from his stronghold. He lifted her up, cradling her in his arms as he lay her on the large flat rocky platform for her to catch her breath and relax after this intense bout of sex. Harry then climbed out of the water to join his girlfriend on the slab as he laid himself down next to her, which she immediately shifted next to him, and snuggled her cheek into his chest like a kitten. Harry pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arm around her tenderly, rubbing soothing circles on her arm and running a soothing hand along her back lovingly.

After some time, they stayed like that for a while longer in the drenched clothes, resting in each other's embrace, looking at nothing, listening to the crashing of the waterfall, admiring the view of the sky above them with the sun shining brightly through the cavern ceiling. No talking, just enjoying each others' company. Luna's mind went completely blank and all she was able to do was focus solely on his scent and the beat of his heart. His touch. It was intoxicating; the fact that he was there, touching her, and he was so strong, protecting her. She sighed in contentment, feeling safe, loved, secure. Her love for this man and him for her was beyond what words can describe. It gave her hope. And now, right after making love to her, he was still here. Still touching her. Holding her. Kissing her. Being intimate with her. It was so wonderful. Perhaps the best moment in her life.

And she would take her happiness wherever it came from as far as she was concerned.

Eventually, they separated from each other to sit up, smiling at each other and leaning over to kiss, resting their foreheads against one another. Luna sighed and looked up at Harry through half-opened eyes, panting.

"Wow, that was a lot better than I thought it would be," she added softly caressing his shoulder with her hand. "I really think this is the first time in my entire life that something as simple as sex has affected me so much."

"Me too," Harry replied, staring at Luna lovingly as he took moved a strand of her wet hair from her face with his hand before placing her fingertips on her pale, creamy back. "I don't know what happened or why it suddenly turned so intense but, if anything, I am happy about it."

Luna shuddered delightfully at the feeling of her back being caressed by his fingers. She doesn't want him to stop, her silvery eyes shining with a mixture of emotions as they gazed directly at him.

"Yeah?" she whispered, unable to hide the grin on her lips as she stared up at him, a soft smile playing upon her pink lips. "It was quite fun, wasn't it? You definitely knew your way around a woman's body like a true gentleman. You make me feel so special you know that?" she purred, reaching forward and brushing her fingertips across his cheekbone, watching as it made him look more handsome and masculine than ever. "You saw something in me I didn't even realize I had hidden within myself through the bullying and the neglect I had to endure when we were at Hogwarts. You didn't see me as some pathetic, broken little girl who lost her mother, didn't have any friends, and didn't even belong anywhere. You actually helped me grow up and become stronger, braver, kinder, and happier... We went through a lot together...and you never once treated me differently than everybody else did. You've always believed in me and accepted me no matter what anyone else said or said. Through both good times and bad, even when we stared death in the face with Voldemort, you never failed to encourage me. And I can honestly say that I'm so grateful. You saw me for what I truly am, you helped me blossom into a beautiful young lady, and I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world. I really don't know where I would be without you, Harry. I love you..."

Her words caused his throat to tighten with emotion as she said them to him for the first time. Harry swallowed thickly before gazing intently into her gorgeous silvery gray eyes and he could tell, they were sincere. This wasn't the eccentric woman who he had grown accustomed to, in her place is the woman who wanted to live life to her fullest with her heart at her core, not thinking only of what will benefit herself but of the happiness of everyone around her. This woman in front of him; she had grown into an amazing and intelligent woman who stood tall, confident, and fearless. She had lost her mother when she was only about nine, leaving her father Xenophilius to rise her on his own. Harry himself knew the pain of losing a parent all too well, in his case, both his mother and father, something that she shared in common with Luna. But despite her trauma, she found the strength inside of her to survive; and even now she was still fighting against everything that threatened to destroy her, the pain still lingering inside of her from losing her mother, but having someone to help her through it helped her fight harder to overcome and push her forward.

Harry felt like his heart would burst; all the pain and suffering he had been dealing with for years finally disappeared. He felt complete.

He leaned forward and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, pulling her closer to him as he deepened the kiss, savoring every second of it. He could feel her body trembling slightly as she responded to his kiss, her hands gripping his damp shirt tightly as she kissed him back with every ounce of passion and love that was coursing through her. They kissed passionately for several minutes before pulling away and resting their foreheads together and smiling warmly at each other.

"I have never seen anything more beautiful," Harry said quietly, gazing into her eyes. "Nothing compared to your beauty and grace Luna, you are so incredible. I don't know how I would cope throughout my 5th year if it hadn't been for you. You were the first person to ever showed me genuine comfort after Sirius died, something not even Ron and Hermione managed. You became my light, my beacon to keep going on when all I wanted to do was give up on myself and allow the darkness to consume me with my life being threatened daily. I'm glad you were there for me when no one else could when all seemed hopeless. You're a wonderful human being, Luna Lovegood, and you deserve to know how much I appreciate you for it. I am blessed to call you my girlfriend because I love you too."

His confession left Luna speechless, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks as she embraced him fiercely; hugging him as though her life depended on it. Harry returned the hug as he tightened his grasp on her small frame and he nuzzled his nose against the crook of her neck as she pressed her cheek against his muscular shoulder, breathing him in deeply. He wrapped his arms protectively around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

She broke the hug and grabbed his face in between her palms, bringing their faces close together for a heartwarming kiss as she smiled widely at him to convey the gratitude and adoration she felt towards him with those beautiful grey eyes.

"Thank you, Harry," she whispered softly as she placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "I've never felt so loved and cherished in my whole life, it makes me feel so incredibly happy to know that you love me for being just me. Thank you for showing me how much you care, and for loving me in return."

"Of course," Harry murmured as he ran his hands down her sides soothingly. "I'll always show you how much I adore and care for you. And besides, from the way I see it, I do think you look very sexy in those wet clothes." he finished with a cheeky smirk he sent her way.

Luna blushed and giggled at his compliment, biting her lower lip as she lowered her gaze shyly to the rocky floor, only realizing she was still in her soaking wet leggings and was topless the whole time with her purple and pink top that was now around her waist Harry noticed as he watched, laughing lightly at the sight. Her cheeks flushed bright red at his reaction and she glanced back at him.

"Must be the Nargles that's affected your mind, huh?" she asked playfully as she grinned.

Harry laughed, rolling his eyes at the comment before taking her by her hand to take them both to stand on their feet on the slabby platform as he placed his arm around her waist to take her to his personal space.

"Nargles, huh?" he replied teasingly, grinning mischievously. "Perhaps I should thank them for bringing out the best of us in this session hmm? Something about this fantasy that we experienced must have brought out our sexual side I think we're getting used to. I know you enjoyed it as I watched from afar before joining you, and I know you did. And honestly, I wouldn't mind doing all that with you again."

Luna matched her boyfriend's grin with a knowing smile as she looked up at him with sparkling grey eyes.

"Noted," winked Luna. "Can't wait to make you lose your mind over little ol' me."

Harry caught on his blonde girlfriend's flirting with a knowing smirk, which he had to admit was both adorable and hot. In the early days of his relationship with Luna, it was uncharacteristic of her at first, judging from her kind, yet eccentric ways, he wasn't used to seeing this side of her at all. As time went on when she got a little older, she was coming out of her shell and began to loosen up more and more. Not long after she discovered sex, along with the full meaning behind the concept, she started flirting shamelessly with him, and it hasn't stopped since.

"Looking forward to it, Lu," answered Harry, leaning down to plant another gentle kiss on her lips. "I think we should get going. I think we've overstayed our welcome here."

Luna nodded and removed herself from her boyfriend. Since she couldn't bother herself to put her top back up so she can be topless, she walked over to the edge of the platform whilst Harry caught a glimpse of her swaying bum before she dove into the water to swim over to the entrance where she came from before Harry followed suit behind her towards the opening. They swam through the tunnel together before they reached behind the waterfall and turned to the side of it to swim through the shallow lake all the way to shore.

Once they reached dry land, Harry climbed out first, helping Luna climb out of the lake, and smiled gratefully at him before wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand and turning around to admire the view before them, staring back at the water that glistened beautifully reflecting the sunlight in the afternoon rays of the sun.

"Wow! What a view!" gasped Luna breathlessly as she gazed up at the sky high above them. "Oh, I never want to leave here Harry!"

"Me neither," agreed Harry. "I just wish I had some more time here."

"Same here," said Luna softly. "This place should be our secret spot. A private haven to be ourselves in, and a place where we love and worship each other, vent our desires with no praying eyes to interrupt our fun, to share our pleasures of intimacy. We should name it our love cave."

"Love cave?" echoed Harry chuckling. "I like the sound of that."

Luna nodded enthusiastically as she gazed fondly at him, placing her hands on his arms.

"Yes, love cave. It's perfect, isn't it?" she said excitedly as she clasped her hands happily. "A place where we can come together whenever and wherever we feel the need, no matter what. It's our safe place where nothing can reach us, not the outside world or any of our problems."

"Sounds perfect to me," confirmed Harry, grinning at her lovingly.

The couple fell silent for a moment, staring deeply into each other's eyes, and eventually, Harry pulled Luna into a deep kiss. The two lovers held each other closely, savouring the moment and sharing their emotions in this one simple act that was so full of love; and Harry could feel the warmth radiating off Luna as they embraced each other while kissing, his fingers stroking her soft hair affectionately as they continued their serendipitous embrace.

"I love you, Mr. Potter," breathed Luna.

"And I love you too, Miss Lovegood," answered Harry, smiling softly at her.

They continued gazing into each other's eyes tenderly for a few moments longer until suddenly Luna snapped back to reality.

"Just how are we gonna get back?" the eccentric blonde pointed out, waving her hand to gesture her soaking wet clothes and Harry's. "I mean, we can't go back looking like this. They'll think we've been randomly swimming fully clothed all day. Which, I mean we did."

"Oh, don't worry about that," smirked Harry, winking as he went over a meter away from her to pick up a plastic bag that contains fresh dry clothes and some towels. "It's a good thing I brought those with me for preparation."

He walked back to where she stood, smiling at her as he handed her the towel, then reached over and snatched up a plastic bag with the rest of the supplies. Luna took a few steps back and looked at him in surprise. She hadn't expected him to actually get clean clothes for her, and the fact that he didn't have any problem changing in front of her without any shame was a nice change of pace for her. She smiled and thanked him before he guided her off the bank to strip down from their soaked garments and drape them over a nearby tree branch while he threw on the fresh clothes.

It took them about 15 minutes to strip out of their damp clothes to dry themselves off before getting changed into their fresh dry ones. They were now dressed in muggle clothing that Harry brought with him, his choice of attire was a fresh white t-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and trainers while Luna finished getting herself dressed in a baby blue t-shirt with an adorable unicorn printed on the front, and pair of light blue jean shorts and a pair of leather flats. Once Harry saw from the corner of his eye when Luna emerged from behind the boulder, placing her damp hair back in strands, he thought she couldn't get more beautiful.

Once ready, Harry double-checked to see he has everything before dumping the wet clothes in the plastic bag. Afterward, he held his hand out to Luna, which she happily took, intertwining their fingers together.

"Now, shall we head back?" asked Harry with a bright smile.

Luna nodded her consent and smiled softly as she gazed up at him affectionately, her heart filling with warmth and contentment as she gazed adoringly at him.

"Thank you," Luna whispered with a grateful expression as she leaned up to give him a loving kiss on the lips. "I really needed that today. It means a lot."

"Of course," replied Harry softly as he gazed at her tenderly.

He smiled down at her lovingly, squeezing her hand. Her sweet words touched him deeply. This girl was truly special. She meant so much to him. He wasn't going to allow anything to ever hurt her or break her confidence. She was his Luna. His everything. His very own angel. The woman who made him believe in happiness for the first time in his life. Without her, Harry would've never become the man he is today and wouldn't even exist. It was thanks to her that he had found himself and had made the decision to stay alive, but more importantly, he owed her everything because of her kindness, her compassion, and her way of seeing so much good in this messed up, crazy world they were living in. If she hadn't been there, he never would have gotten that chance to meet Luna and fall in love. So, no matter what happened to him, she'd always be his angel.

For the first time in his life, his future was looking bright. And he couldn't be any more grateful for Luna.

They headed back up the path hand in hand across the forest, their broadening smiles not leaving their faces, as if their hearts were filled with peace and joy. Their gazes stayed locked to each other throughout the walk till they were out of sight, leaving their waterfall and their love cave behind.