
#10 Confession

With the graduation, the school ended and spring vacation arrived. Yuichi started playing more frequently with his father Shogi and other video games to pass the time. Sometimes, he went out with Mei however it was nothing that could be called a date, just a small walk around the town, talking about every-day things.

During that time, Mei started feeling Yuichi's changes however she couldn't put her finger on it. She couldn't see any major changes in his behavior, it was just how she felt around him. She couldn't call it negative change nor could she call it a positive one. For her, it was a bizarre experience, however, Yuichi's behavior how he acts towards her never changed so she didn't really mind it and quickly forgot about it and got used to it instead.

Yuichi also spent a lot of time lying on the grass in front of his house at night, looking at the stars and thinking about all possibilities and reasons for Ren's disappearance, if it was just because of those bullies or maybe Yuichi's popularity and the light started overshadowing Ren's existence itself. Maybe it was just that little yet final push for Ren to convince his parents to move away.

'*sigh* No need to think about it now...Ren left which greatly weakened the soccer club, well, it's not as if I care for most people there...Most of them knew about Ren's problems yet they just watched from the sidelines. I guess I will need to change the way how we play, in both soccer and basketball club. Hopefully it shouldn't take too much effort to convince coaches.' Yuichi thought while lying on the grass with his hands behind his head and crossed legs. He closed his eyes before releasing a sigh with an amused smile.

Inside the house, his mother was watching him with a worried look just lying on the grass, looking at the stars.

"Dear, do you think Yu-chan will be alright?" His mother asked Yuichi's father.

"...He is old enough so he should be able to overcome this. He is no longer a child, we can't keep looking out for him, there will be times where other depressing things might happen to him. He needs to fight this battle alone." His father replied with a helpless smile, however, he still had a worried look in his eyes.




The vacation quickly ended and it was time for Yuichi and Mei to return to the school where they were already 3rd years, meaning it was their last year and they had to slowly start looking where to go next however there was still a lot of time in front of them.

---At the soccer field---

"Alright, guys! Currently, it can't be exactly said that we are at our weakest but still, a lot of previous 3rd years left so it leaves us with a bit weakened team, therefore, I want to suggest a new strategy. Instead of playing around the entire team and creating chemistry between everyone, I want the entire team to focus around me." Yuichi said in front of the club while placing his hand on his chest.

"Huh? But Senpai, won't that be a suicide during the tournaments?" A 1st-year student asked with a confused expression.

"Not to worry...My intention is to draw the enemy team's attention to me and then I can easily recreate the chemistry between us if needed. If I will be guarded by more people, it will create more opportunities for other people therefore keep the passes coming to me ('and I will use you to your full potential') and I will take care of everything else." Yuichi looked at the newcomer and replied with a faint smile.

Although some people looked still unconvinced, they still went along with it.




Days were passing by quickly but one day when Yuichi arrived in the classroom, he found some kind of letter in his desk.

'Hm? Is this what I think it is? Well, after this class is already lunch break so I guess this letter was here for some time already before I noticed it. It would have been troublesome if I missed it.' Yuichi thought and got ready for the next class.

After the class ended, Mei approached his desk.

"Yuichi-kun, do you want to go and have lunch together?" Mei asked with a faint smile and a very small blush.

"Hm? I am sorry but I can't today, it appears I have to be somewhere right now..." Yuichi looked at her as he was stuffing his things into his bag before waving the letter in front of her with an indifferent look on his face.

"?! Is that-?" Mei's eyes widened as she saw the letter in his hand and she even had a problem to properly ask.

"Well, from what I have read, it probably is a confession letter, or is it called a love letter?" Yuichi replied with a thoughtful expression while holding his chin and looking up.

"..." Mei's shocked expression immediately changed to a blank expression as she stared at Yuichi with a face saying "He can't be real".

"...Where are you going? That is if you don't mind me asking..." Mei asked while glancing sideways.

"Behind the school building, there shouldn't be anyone at this time so whoever wrote this was sensible enough to make it in private." Yuichi said before getting up from his seat with his bag over his shoulder.

"do you know-" Mei asked in low voice however Yuichi was only able to catch her muttering something for herself, prompting him to look at her with a confused expression.

"Um, it's nothing! Good luck, see you later!" Mei suddenly raised her voice as she quickly ran out of the classroom.

Yuichi just shook his head with a faint smile before focusing on his current task and that was getting behind the school building.




"Senpai, please go out with me!" A girl with long raven hair and fair skin said aloud while clenching her both fists. She was most likely 2nd-year student and Yuichi saw her already a few times during the practice matches on the benches.

Her completely unreasonable "request" put Yuichi in a delicate situation as he started scratching the back of his head.

"Um, look...You are very beautiful Kouhai however I am at my last year and I have too many things to worry about. There will be a lot of important tests for me and then I will also have to prepare for the entrance examination to the Senior High School. I also have to prepare a soccer and basketball club for the preliminaries and most likely nationals. I appreciate your feelings however I wouldn't have time to return them." Yuichi replied with closed eyes and an apologetic smile while scratching the back of his head.

The girl obviously was saddened by his answer but she still smiled hearing him say that she is beautiful, although it was a slightly sad smile, at least she didn't look all that destroyed by his reply.

"I-I see, I apologize for bothering and disturbing your lunch break, Senpai...If you will excuse me." The girl replied with a bow before turning around to leave in a hurry before Yuichi could say anything more.

Yuichi just kept looking at her back while scratching his head until she disappeared inside the building.

'That was relatively easy...I thought I would feel guiltier about it but I actually feel quite alright...' Yuichi thought before following after the girl to the school.

Yuichi went straight to the school cafeteria where he met Mei who looked a bit out of breath.

"*huff* H-Hi! How did it go?!" Mei asked with a bit awkward smile.

'She was probably there judging from how she behaves and her being short on breath.' Yuichi thought while looking at that awkward smile however he chose to play along.

"Well, I obviously rejected her but I think she took it well." Yuichi replied while taking seat opposite to Mei and putting his tray down.

"Huh? Obviously? Why? Was there something specific that you didn't like on her?" Mei asked with a surprised expression.

"Well, first of all, we are already 3rd-years and this is our last year, we should focus on studying, especially me who has little to none time to spare and second of all, I only saw her a few times and didn't even know her name. How can I even consider going out with someone I don't know?" Yuichi replied with closed eyes while taking the chopsticks into his hand.

"I-I see." Mei nodded her head while keeping her eyes down at her tray.

"...You are indeed right that you have to focus on your studies, hihi" Mei added with a little giggle at the end.

"As always, thanks for the reliable support, Mii-chan" Yuichi said with a smirk.

"*Wha-? D-Don't call me like that in public!*" Mei said urgently in a low voice with flushed cheeks while looking around if anyone has heard Yuichi just to find out that the coast is clear.