
Legislating my City to Prosperity (, maybe)

In the wake of the Enlightenment, the Aristocracy of DaJes embraces a wave of reform, passing legislation to establish a lower house for the Commons. Amidst this political upheaval, Henry finds himself thrust into the world of politics by his father, tasked with securing the survival and prestige of their family name. As he navigates the corridors of power, Henry grapples with the allure of authority, torn between his duty to legislate the city to prosperity and the seductive temptation of unchecked power.

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Counting Votes

The grandeur of the banquet had faded, leaving behind a sense of anticipation and determination in Henry's heart. The support garnered from the Great Lords and Ladies was promising, but Henry knew that loyalty in politics could be as fickle as the winds of change, except for those who harbored a deep disdain for the Bessengers.

Henry sought out his father, James, to debrief on the banquet's outcome and gauge the level of support obtained. "Father, it seems Lord Bene will pledge his support, along with a handful of influential merchants," Henry began, his tone tinged with defiance. "Why was Delphina's betrothal not discussed? This should have been a family decision."

James, the Patriarch of the Sharro household, met Henry's defiance with a firm resolve. "Henry, decisions of this nature are mine to make as head of the family. Delphina's marriage is a strategic move for the survival of our lineage. You'll understand in time."

Henry sighed, realizing the futility of arguing further. "Regardless, I've secured support from the Tavern brothers and the Perfumer," he continued. "The brothers seek recognition for their craft, while the Perfumer desires extra protection for his store. I've offered him the seat of Chief Servant of the Watchmen in exchange for his vote. With their animosity towards the Bessengers, that's a solid seven votes secured—nearly a third of CoastWright district."

James nodded in approval. "We must ascertain who attended the Bessengers' banquet and seek to sway others to our cause. But for now, let's retire for the night and strategize further tomorrow."

As the Sharros retired to bed, the anticipation of victory mingled with the weight of responsibility, knowing that the fate of their family's legacy hung in the balance.

Later that night, as Henry lay in bed, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. The weight of familial duty bore down on him, leaving him restless and contemplative. Despite his father's assurance, Henry couldn't help but wonder if sacrificing Delphina's happiness for the sake of political gain was truly justified.

As sleep eluded him, Henry's mind wandered to the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that defined the political landscape of CoastWright district. He knew that securing support from influential figures was only the first step in his journey to the Assemblyman seat. The real challenge lay in navigating the treacherous waters of deceit and betrayal that lurked beneath the surface.

With a heavy heart, Henry resolved to do whatever it took to ensure the success of his campaign. For the sake of his family's honor and the prosperity of CoastWright district, he would not falter in the face of adversity. As dawn broke on the horizon, Henry's determination burned brighter than ever, casting aside doubts and fears in favor of unwavering resolve.

The journey ahead would be fraught with obstacles and challenges, but Henry Sharro was ready to face them head-on. With the support of his loyal allies and the determination of a man driven by purpose, he would forge a path to victory, securing his rightful place in the annals of history.